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"Blimey, you had better tell me if there's anything else that I need to know before I say anything else!" My mother panics. I begin to laugh, knowing how she'll react to the news of Charlie proposing to Emery on Christmas Eve. Her reaction will be better than mine, but it will be funny to say the least

"Well.. there's going to be a family wedding" I tell her. She thanks Tessa as she places a cup of coffee into her hands. "Oh my gosh! Are you and Tessa renewing your vows?! I am so happy for you both!" She squeals and both Tessa and I burst into a fit of laughter. "No, Mum! Try again" I tell her, still fairly amused. "Oh dear lord, your father isn't getting married again is he? What about Karen? Oh god.. I hope she's okay, I hope you've been looking after her. Did you take her some ice cream?" She speaks so quickly that I can barely grasp what she is saying. Why the fuck would I take Karen some ice cream? She does realise that they live in fucking Washington, right?

"What, no.. why?!" I wave a hand in the air. "Because that's what women do after a break up, Hardin. They sit on the sofa, watching sad movies with only Ben and Jerry to keep them company" she blabs. What. The. Fuck. Can somebody please come and give my mother a sedative?!

"Mother!! My Dad and Karen are fine!" I look at Tessa briefly, preparing myself for what is to come when I spill the news. "Charlie proposed to Emery on Christmas Eve and she said yes!" I blurt. Fuck, I sound just like her. "What?!" She spits out her coffee, the majority of it landing on Mike's bald head. "For the love of god woman!" Mike huffs, whilst wiping it from himself. Tessa tries her best not to laugh but is clearly struggling.

I cover my ears to protect them from exploding at my mother's loud reaction. "You heard me" I add. She's silent for minutes, this is probably the longest she hasn't spoke, ever.

"Oh my giddy ant! This is amazing! We need to get planning right away!" My mum chimes, breaking her silence. I don't know what I was expecting her to say, but it definitely wasn't that. "Are you kidding? If I got engaged at sixteen, you would have given me a clip around the Earhole!" I fuss. It's true. Why are parents always much easier on their grandkids than they was on you?

"Hardin, no offence darling but at sixteen, the only thing you would have proposed to is marijuana!" She rolls her eyes. Fuck, she's on top form today.. though I do have to agree with her.

"Eeeek I'm so excited! I have to buy a hat! I haven't attended a wedding since you guys got married almost eleven years ago! This is fantastic!" She makes a fuss and I force a smile, even though the idea of my sixteen year old daughter growing up, still doesn't appeal to me. "I can't believe it!" She adds. I roll my eyes, disregarding her high pitched fussing.

"Anyway. What's this 'Big surprise' that you were talking about?" I huff, whilst glaring down at my fingernails. She has been hounding me with texts all weekend, informing me that she has the greatest idea. "Well... the surprise is.. I'm going to be your babysitter!" She blurts. She better be going somewhere with this. The fuck does she mean, she's going to be our babysitter?

"Because you two.. are going to Amsterdam" she claps her hands together in a frenzy. Again, the fuck is she talking about? "Mother, we are not going to Amsterdam" I let out a huge sigh and she just nods vigorously. "I've extended our return flight so we can stay here for longer whilst you two get away!" She beams, looking as proud of herself as she'll ever be. "Mum, Tessa and I can't leave the children. Especially the twins! We have never left them with anyone before. They'll scream, they'll cry for the whole time we are away" I list the multiple reasons we are absolutely not doing this. "It's nothing I can't handle, Hardin. Plus, I already booked your accommodation, a five star hotel in Dam Square. So you're going, whether you like it or not" she huffs, putting her foot down.

"Five star hotel, you say?" Tessa chimes and I automatically raise an eyebrow. I thought she'd be the one point blank refusing to leave the children, not me. My mother nods. "No offence, Mum, but how on earth can you afford a five star hotel anyway? Have you won the lottery?" I mock, my eyes rolling as always. "No actually, I haven't" she admits. Tessa and I glare at her, enforcing her to reveal how she afforded this. "Mikes brother owns the hotel. Okay?!" She huffs. Tessa and I give each other the same, 'typical' look. "But that's not the point! The two of you have worked so hard for years. You deserve a break. The kids will be just fine with their Nana and Mike" she argues. 'Fine' can mean many different things, Trish, my subconscious chimes.

"When was the last time you got away, alone. And I mean, alone?" My mother uses her persuasive powers. "I don't know.. probably before Emery was born" I shrug. It's true, we have had plenty of vacations as a family, and I wouldn't have it any other way, but the last time Tessa and I went away, alone.. was over sixteen years ago. "Exactly. You need this!" My mum stresses. "Your accommodation is booked. All you need to do now is book your flights.. and Bobs your uncle" she squeals and I decide to take the piss. "About that, how is uncle Bob?" I mock. "Oh Hardin, shut up" my mother snaps back.

"You only leave in three days, that's plenty of time for the twins to get to know me, so when you're gone.. we'll be as right as rain!" My mum tries to sway me, again. A few days in Amsterdam does sound appealing and Tessa has always wanted to go there.. but leaving the kids just doesn't sit right with me. I shift uncomfortably in my seat, not sure on what to say. "At least tell me that you'll discuss it" my mum badgers the pair of us. "Fine" I huff. I hear my mother mumbling under her breath. "Ungrateful little swine, anyone would think I was sending them to the Bermuda Triangle!" she mutters. I roll my eyes at her ways.

Tessa and I scurry into a corner, eager to 'discuss' this whole fucking thing. "We can't go" I whisper harshly. "We can't" Tessa is In agreement with me. Damn, part of me was hoping she'd disagree and I would cave in.. so we could go. "Miller would scream and Saffron would keep them up all night and.. your mother isn't prepared for the whirlwind that is Auden. Oh.. and god knows what Emery and Charlie would get up to while we were away" she chimes. "You're right. We can't go" I nod vigorously, glaring down at my feet. There is an awkward minute of silence that tells me that the decision isn't final.

"Unless..." she begins. Yes. Unless. I like 'unless'. "Well.. we could go. I mean.. the kids will be with their grandmother. Charlie and Emery would help with Auden and the twins and I'm sure Landon and Nora would help if your mom needed any help.." she reasons and I want to pick her up and twirl her around the place, but I remain casual. "I suppose you're right..." I bite my lip. Of course she is fucking right, we need a break now more than ever, after the crazy year that we have had.

"So.. are we going to Amsterdam?" I mutter. "We're going to Amsterdam baby!" Tessa chimes, before wrapping her arms around be in anticipation. "I fucking love you!" I huff, as my tongue is frantic to locate hers. We get lost in the moment and realise that we aren't alone in the room. "Get a room, you two" my mum chimes from across the room. "Actually. We will get a room. We'll take one in that five star hotel In Amsterdam you keep banging on about!" I tell her and her face lights up with relief.

A/N - Thoughts, ppl?❤️❤️

Thank you for your continuing support cuties

It's been one hell of a busy, but productive week for me. I can't wait to let off some steam tomorrow and go out for cocktails with my besties 💗 how was your week?x

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