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"You didn't think to give me any notice? I have plans!" My manger scoffs down the phone. I need a ride home from the airport and I can hardly ask Tessa, not with how mad she already is at me. "Plans doing what? Tea and crumpets with your mom?" I scoff back. God, I'm a dick. How could he possibly be busy? His job is to be my manager and I haven't done a spot of work in a while now, there's nothing to manage. "No, actually, I'm on a date with Davina!" He huffs. Damn, he's still with her? I'm glad for him but I honestly didn't think it would last. "So? Bring her! I can meet her" I suggest. In reality, I couldn't give a shit less about meeting her, but I need a ride home, Damn it.

"You've met Davina several times Hardin. Don't give me any of that bullshit" Paul begins to laugh at my persuasive powers. "No I haven't. I've seen her several times but I've never actually spoke to her" It's true. She's always at book promoting events with her client Dean, also known as douchebag Dean, but being the antisocial person I am, I have never cared to talk to the woman.

"Come on" I beg. "No, Hardin" he puts his foot down. I hear Davinci or whatever the hell her name is, fussing in the background. "Come on Pauly, we have to go get him. He's your friend" she pleads. I make a mental note to make fun of her nickname for him.

"Fine. You're lucky I haven't had a drink!" He scoffs and I get a huge kick out of how whipped he is by his Missus. I tease him by making whipping noises and fall into a fit of laughs. "I'll be there in twenty minutes" he lets out a huge sigh. "Oh..and call at target on the way here and pick up some red roses for Tessa? Im kind of in the dog house" I rub salt in the wound. "You have to be kidding me" Paul raises his voice and I smirk at the way he's getting all riled up. "Im really not" I add, but he hangs up the phone. I know I'm taking the piss, but I find myself too funny.

"You Alright, boo?" I tease Charlie, putting emphasis on the sickening pet name he calls my daughter. He blushes and initially ignores me. "What's the matter?" I add. "Nothing, today has just been a lot" he shrugs. He's telling me?!

So much has happened in only a few hours. I woke up today and Emery wouldn't talk to me because Of the way I accused her. Then, Charlie insisted on meeting his birth parents. The kid had the highest expectations..only for him to find out that his mother is Molly fucking Samuels. I had to face Molly and Logan After twenty whole years of not having to see their dreadful faces. To make matters worse, Tessa found out that I was with Molly and freaked the hell out, even though she denied it. I had some soppy ass heart to heart with the pink haired witch and I forced her to talk to her son like some kind of Oprah Winfrey shit. Charlie is yet to talk about the whole thing as he is still sulking like a bitch. Then all of the drama with Addy and having to tell Landon and Nora happened. Like fuck, I'm just happy to be back in New York and away from that whole situation.

I'm also glad to be off that damn plane. The flight was only just over an hour long but it felt more like ten. I like peace and quiet but not deafly silence, it drives me insane.

"It will be okay" I place a reassuring hand on Charlie's shoulder. "I guess. Anyways, why's Mrs Scott mad at you and why do you have to get her flowers?"  He asks. "I don't have to do anything. I'm getting her flowers, well.. Paul is getting her flowers because I just upped and left her. All alone, with Auden and the babies who aren't easy to handle alone. Maybe the flowers will prevent her from.. I don't know, flipping out" I shrug and silently hope that I'm right. I attempt to get Charlie to talk about what happened today, but it's like trying to get blood out of a stone. I let out a sigh of relief as the bright lights of Paul's car blind me on approach.

"Alright Pauly boy? Bloody hell, you must be whipped for her to get you to wear a suit!" I burst into a fit of laughter, mocking my manager as he winds down his window. He flips me off. "You didn't say you had the kid with you.. where's Emery?" Paul's eyes widen. The last Paul knew, he was taking me to the airport because I was heading to Washington to kick Charlie's ass.

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