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"Shh baby, Daddy will be home soon" I soothe my baby boy. The twins were as good as gold all day for their grandparents, in fact they only started fussing when Auden and I arrived home. I have just managed to get Saff to sleep but her brother is screaming the whole house down for no apparent reason. I feel like doing so myself, after hearing the tragic news.

I was frantic with worry due to the unknown. I mean Emery and Hardin just disappeared and I knew then, that whatever had happened, wasn't good. when I called Hardin, all as he said was that Charlie and Emery needed him, and for me to take Auden home. I waited and waited, until he finally called me and broke the terrible news. I haven't stopped crying since and I feel guilty for making this about myself, but shit, the news has hit me hard. My heart bleeds for that poor boy, he's just so young and his life has changed so drastically in the space of a few hours.

Ken and Karen have gone over to Landon's house for dinner, before they fly home tomorrow and Auden is fast asleep in his room, worn out from the beach. So it's just me and the twins, waiting in anticipation for their daddy to get home and of course, Emery and Charlie. As awful as it sounds, I'm dreading having to have to see the young man. It's just, I know that nothing that I say or do could mend his broken heart and I fear that I'll say the wrong thing. Though, I can't wait to see my poor Emery and give her the warmest cuddle possible. I hate the idea of her having to be involved in such a cruel situation.

"Miller, please baby. I know you're tired" I rock from side to side, supporting my little man's head. "Come on sweetheart" I whisper. I'm trying to disguise the fact that I'm in distress but it doesn't appear to be working as I tug at my hair and pace back and forth.

A huge sigh of relief escapes my mouth, when my unsettled looking husband walks through the door. "Hardin!" I cry. He practically runs towards me, wrapping his arms around me and his baby boy and placing a kiss onto both of our foreheads. "Where are they?" I mutter, wondering where Emery and Charlie could have gotten to. Hardin's eyes shift to the door, as do mine as the pair of them enter the house. Emery is practically carrying Charlie, as she holds him up with her arm. The poor boy is too devastated to even walk. I need to say something, but it's like someone has zip locked my mouth shut.

"Why don't you guys go and relax. I'll make us some dinner" Hardin suggests, his voice is uneven and I can tell that he is afraid of saying the wrong thing. "Thanks for the offer, Mr Scott but I really need some time alone right now" Charlie buries his head, his voice is tearful. Holy shit, he's breaking my heart. "Is it okay if I go on up to my room?" he asks timidly. "Of course" my husband shakes his head and the young man is quick to flea to the spare room in which he's staying. I can't believe I didn't even speak to him. "I'm so sorry for your loss" would have been fine, but I didn't even say that. Pull yourself together Tessa, my subconscious chimes.

"Honey, are you okay?" I place a hand over Emery's. I can see the sadness in her eyes and it's breaking my heart. What a stupid question, of course she's not okay. "I need to go and be with him" she dismisses my question. "Honey, I think he wants to be alone right now" I try to reason with her, but she shrugs off my attempt and races up the stairs. "I hope they're not going to be in the same room" Hardin huffs and I shake my head in disapproval of his train of thought. "Hardin, they're not going to do anything. Neither of them are in the frame of mind to even consider it" I scold him and he nods in agreement.

Miller is still screaming and I can't hear myself think at this point. I frantically pass him to Hardin in the hopes that he can get him to stop and surprisingly, he does. How Typical. He's been screaming bloody murder for the past hour, but the moment his father takes him from me, he stops. "Are you okay?" Hardin asks me as he holds our boy. "No" I admit as my bottom lip wobbles. "Come here" he mutters as he comforts me by pulling me in for a cuddle. I should be the one comforting him, I mean, he's the one who just took Charlie to the hospital to see his deceased parents, he's the one who had to see a boy so young, fall apart.

"It's just so sad, Tess" my husband voice cracks as he pulls away from our embrace. The two of us take a seat on the sofa and talk softly, as Miller slowly falls asleep over Hardin's shoulder. "So... what's going to happen with Charlie? I mean he's only fifteen. Are social services going to get involved?" I know I'm asking too many questions in such a small space of
Time, but I'm so curious and worried of the answer.

"I mean, Charlie's mum has a sister, you know the Aunt who's house he was staying at? It seems that she is his only family. His parents probably have a will, so if they have her appointed as his legal guardian, then he'll have no choice but to go and live with her I guess. Social services are going to visit here in a few days to speak with Charlie about the whole thing " Hardin explains. I hope there is another way and that he doesn't have to move to the opposite side of town where his Aunt lives, for his own sake. The kid wasn't happy about having to spend two weeks there, let alone the rest of his childhood. It would mean that he would have to change schools, leave his friends and his football team and he would be apart from Emery.

"Fuck, I just feel so bad for the kid, babe. He was so angry at first, he thought that they would have literally preferred to die than spend time with him" Hardin tugs at his hair and I can tell that this has hit him hard. "Going living with that Aunt of his, would be the worst thing for him. I mean we're more like that kid's family, than she is" He huffs and I can tell that he is deep in thought. "What are you trying to say, Hardin?" my voice is soft. He hesitates, but I plead for him to explain what it is that he means. "I don't know what I'm saying. But maybe he should stay with us for a while" he suggests and I feel like shaking him. Who is this imposter and what have they done with Hardin?

"Hardin, that won't be allowed, seriously. The likelihood is, that his Aunt is his appointed guardian and he will have to move there pretty soon" I shrug, but Hardin is having a hard time accepting my suggestion. "But it's not fair Tess, he doesn't like it there" he scoffs and I know that he's right, it isn't fair, none of this is. I have to say, I'm kind of shook that Hardin is actually suggesting that Charlie stays here with us, he must be mellowing. "God forbid, if anything ever happened to us, we have plenty of good people who we would trust with our children's lives. Charlie doesn't have that, Tess" Hardin buries his head in his hands. Wow, he has really thought about this.

"So ..what are you saying" I whisper. He looks down at our sleeping baby on his shoulder and places a gentle kiss on his forehead. "I'm saying... we could be those people for Charlie" he reveals. I'm in disbelief that Hardin would even suggest this. "What people, Hardin!" I raise my voice, I know the answer but I need him to confirm what he is actually thinking. "We could be his guardian's" he whisper's, trying to get me to lower my voice. "What?!" I do the complete opposite. "Tessa shh, it's just a suggestion" he places a finger over my lips.

Is he crazy? How could he make such a huge decision so fast, when all of this has only happened within the last few hours. What? Is he suggesting that we foster Charlie? I seriously don't know what is running through my husbands head right now. "I spoke with the social worker at the hospital, Tess. She said that by the state of New York, a child aged fourteen or over, has a say in who is appointed as their guardian. The court gives priority to the child's preference, as long as the child's choice is deemed suitable" He sounds like he is reading from a damn book, he has really thought about this whole thing.

"I'll give you some time to think about it Tess, but his Social Worker is visiting in a couple of days, and .. I think we should do this" Hardin stands from the sofa and places Miller into his bassinet. "Hardin this is just so fast, have you even considered the responsibility? Charlie is technically still a child. We would be taking another child into our home, we would be responsible for him!" I know that I'm repeating myself but I can barely think straight right now. So much has happened in such a short space of time. "I know that Tessa, but I do feel responsible! Responsible to ensure that such a good, bright kid, doesn't turn out the way I did" he scoffs, spit flying from his mouth. So, that's what this is all about. He is dwelling on his past again and fears that Charlie will take the same route that he did, in his teenage years.

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