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Disclaimer - Hi lovelies, you may have to read the last couple of chapters for a mini recap as it has been a hot minute since I updated (sorry) x


"Who are you talking to?" I smile, cupping my chin in my hand as I watch Charlie's thumbs type away. "Ah, no one. Just the football guys" he shrugs, still not removing his eyes from that Darn device of his. I've never known him to spend this much time on his phone, though I probably shouldn't say anything. I mean, it will only result in me falsely accusing him of something and feeling like the perfect fool. Like the time I accused him of texting a girl who turned out to be his elderly neighbour who took in his parcel. I let out a sigh in response to his reply, before picking up my own phone out of spite and quite frankly, to wind him up.

I open up Instagram and feel my smile growing as I take in the post before me. My father hates social media, yet here he is posting the most Instagram- able aesthetic pictures of my mother, in the beautiful Amsterdam snow. I guess he always makes an exception for her. I milk my reaction as I lay here on the bed with my phone in the air, and almost pretend to be texting someone, with the biggest smirk on my face.

"What are you smiling at?" The boy finally looks up from his phone, curiosity filling his eyes. My evil plan worked. "Ah, nothing. Just something" I smugly cross my arms. "Hey, don't be like that" he places his his phone down on the bedside table and instantly attempts to beam up at mine. I'm quick to lock it and I place mine down next to his. "Now. Pay me some attention" I pout and he instantly chuckles at my neediness. His adorable, boyish laugh awakens the butterflies in my tummy.

"I'll pay you some attention, alright" his voice grows deeper, his expression sending waves of electricity through my veins. I suck in a breath as his rough hands caress my most sensitive areas. I'm hesitant, until I realise that Auden's at Uncle Landon's and aunt Nora's, Nana Trish and Mike are with the twins and my parents aren't home for a few hours yet. We finally have some alone time. Not that that would have mattered, because our tongues are already thrashing within each-others mouths, frantic to find each other. He places himself between my legs and I almost lose it when he rubs his solidity against me. "Charlie, please" I whisper almost vulnerably as his teasing manner becomes too much. "Hey. Be patient" he demands and his dominant tone almost sends me over the edge. I try not to get too distracted at the fact that I hear Miller's high pitched, almost deafening cry in the hall. The doors locked, it's not like Nana Trish can just walk in.

"Emery" Charlie moans, and I try to hear that, and only that, Not my grandmothers footsteps getting closer to my door. The doors locked, it's fine, I repeatedly tell myself. But I thrash in the sheets, frantic to act casual when I hear her voice yelling my name. "Emery, I think I've gone deaf, you're going to have to take them for a bit. They just won't stop crying!" She stresses. Charlie sprints to the other side of the room, sitting himself down on my dressing table stool. Jeez, the boys the captain of the football team and I have never seen him move as fast. I'm thankful for it, as I soon realise that the door wasn't locked and my ever so dramatic, British Nana, almost caught us in the act. Oh what fun that would have been.

"Take them, please!" My Nana enters with a twin on each hip. She hands Saffron to me and gestures for Charlie to take Miller. He does just that and within seconds, they twins are settled and I can hear myself think again. "They hate me, don't they" Nana Trish tugs at her hair in distress. My heart sinks at her emotional state. She probably underestimated how tiring looking after twins under one is. "No, they do not hate you. They just miss Mommy and Daddy. You have been amazing. Now go and run yourself a bath and relax. We'll have them for a little while" I tell her, mainly to get her out of my room, but also meaning my words. She leaves a subtle smile, before venturing off to do as I say.

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