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I fell asleep holding him in my arms, yet I woke up in his. I soothed him after his breakdown, reassuring him that everything would be okay as I held him, yet he was the one to make me feel safe. That's the type of person my Charlie is. It's the reason I fell in love with him.

It took me what felt like hours to drift off. The remaining guilt of my selfish outburst is what kept me awake. I was foolish and assumed the worst, when I know deep down that Charlie would never betray me in such a way. We're not the strongest we've ever been, but he treats me like royalty and has never had eyes for anyone but me since the day we met.

I guess I had struggled so much with the thought of Charlie moving away, I was too blind to see how hard it has been on him. But I see it now. Witnessing his anxiety take control was enough to make me see sense. It broke my heart in the worst way.

I reflect and dwell on the day as I wait for my blonde haired beau to get dressed. I can't help but think that the boy has always been terrified of change and the unknown. He's been through so much change this past year alone, but he found a home and a family with us.. and now it's all going to change again.

That's not to say he's not grateful. It's not everyday you get offered not one but two football scholarships with all expenses paid for. But that doesn't change how huge this all is. A few months ago, he was just trying to get through his junior year of high school, then all of a sudden he was given this amazing opportunity to graduate a year early and do what he's always wanted to do.

Constantly worrying about how he and I will deal with the long distance, along with the stress of finishing school and getting to know his birth parents, has been a lot for him to handle.. and I should have realised that sooner, instead of making everything about myself.

I know that me beating myself up about it isn't helping anyone, but I can't help but feel awful. Charlie never asks for anything, but would do anything for anyone, yet I still manage to find microscopic faults and turn them into something huge. He doesn't deserve that.

"Are you okay, baby?" My boy brings me out of my trance as he returns from the en-suite. He's wearing a football jersey, one I've never seen him wear before. It's navy and yellow and I soon clock on that it's a Michigan shirt. I smile, knowing that he's already in his element and is going to thrive up here. I just know that he'll do what he does best and smash every single game.

Before I turned up here, he was headed to meet Molly, Logan and baby Maddox in a park near by. They fly home tonight and it was his last chance to say goodbye before they headed back to Washington. But after an emotionally draining morning, we ended up taking a nap. We woke up not knowing what day it was and to several missed calls from Molly, but much to Charlie's relief, they still had a couple of hours to spare before they had to leave for the airport.

"I'm fine." I mutter. It's only a white lie. I mean I am okay, it's just.. the past couple of days have been a lot. "What are you thinking about?" He parks himself next to me on the foot of the bed, before leaning over to tie his shoes. Here he is again, checking up on me when he has his own stuff going on.

"I'm thinking.. that this is going to be your big break, Mr Travers." I flirt in a pathetic attempt to avoid yet another deep conversation. "You do?" His voice is soft and his eyes glossy. "I really do." I tell him, but before I can even finish my sentence, his mouth is claiming mine. We get lost for a second, in a moment of pure passion, where nothing else exists. He holds my face tightly with both hands and In his kiss, I am home. "What was that for?" I giggle as we pull away from each others embrace. "Because you saying that was all I ever needed." he mumbles, wearing an awkwardly sweet smile.

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