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"Rise and shine" I yell repeatedly whilst banging pots and pans together. I patrol the hallway, hovering outside of both Emery and Auden's room. "It's the first day of school and I am ready!" I announce, having far too much fun. "Dad!! It's seven thirty!!" Emery rushes to her bedroom door, she has one eye open and her hair looks like she's been sticking her fingers in electricity sockets.

"Good morning, Daddy" Auden chimes as he practically skips past me. "See, you need to be more like your brother. Bright eyed and bushy tailed for the first day back at school!" I tease Emery even more so. "Ugh!" She slams the door behind her and I get a kick out of the way she crosses her arms in a strop. "I'll go wake up Charlie boy" I mock, though I already know that he's in her room and I just want to see her panic. Those little shits. She instantly opens the door and is quick to say "No, don't!".
"Why ever not, Emery. We wouldn't like him to oversleep, now. Would we?" I tease as I push her bedroom door open further.

There the little blonde bastard is, lay in my daughter's the bed, snoring his teeny, tiny head off. "Rise and shine!" I continue to bang the pots and pans to give the little shit the fright of his life. I get a huge kick of the way he thrashes In the sheets. "Good morning Charlie Boy" I smirk. "Good morning, Mr Scott" he replies. That fucker did not just say good morning to me whilst In my daughters bed. "Get the fuck up!" I yell, adding a hand at each side of my mouth for effect. It isn't the first time I have caught the pair do this, if it was, I would have given that little turd the biggest wedgie.

I head down the stairs and find Tessa looking as gorgeous as ever, she's wearing her pink, silk robe and is holding our baby boy. "Good morning, Scott family" I chime, whilst placing a kiss onto Tessa's cheek. I run a hand through Auden's wild hair as I pass him. "You're in a good mood for seven thirty on a Monday morning!" Tessa giggles, whilst handing me our little man.

"Well, today's a fresh start! Summer vacation was.. well.. let's not talk about it. But today our big burritos go back to school, which gives me and you some quality time with our little burritos!" I tell her. Fuck, why am I referring to our children as different sized burritos. Is it because I'm sleep deprived? I sure hope so.

"Hi gorgeous boy!" I coo at Miller as he glares up at me. "Where's your sister?" I whisper. "She's sleeping, and I plan to keep it that way after her performance during the night!" Tessa begins to laugh at our baby girls antics. It's safe to say that saffron kept us awake, all night with her adorable little .. scream.

"Daddy? Since you're in a good mood, can I have lucky charms for breakfast?" Auden tries his luck, knowing how Tessa is about the kids having sugar for breakfast. "You can have whatever the hell you want for breakfast, buddy. As long as you hurry the fuck up and get out of our hair" I chuckle and Tessa scolds me. "Hardin!" She yells and Auden begins to laugh as he pours himself a bowl of the colourful cereal. He gobbles it down, before rushing up the stairs to get himself ready.

Minutes later, Emery ventures down the stairs. I give a confused look as I see that she has some weird thing on her arm.  Oh wait, that's just Charlie. "Ah, young love" I sarcastically chime. "If only you could get a room. Oh wait, you do, in fact you both have your own rooms but you only know how to use one!" I scoff.

"Oh daddy, give it a rest" Emery giggles as she grabs a piece of toast from the counter. "You look cute, sweetie" Tessa tells her. "And good luck at your first football practice of the semester, Charlie" she adds. The boy wears football jerseys so often, that it's hard to tell when he's actually playing. "Good luck, Charlie" I mock, finding myself far too amusing. Emery gives Miller a kiss on the head as she passes me and Charlie shakes his tiny hand.

"Have a good day!" I yell as the two leave the house. "That's two down and one to go" I chime as Auden comes running down the stairs. I smirk to myself as I realise that his backpack is bigger than him. "My bus is here!" He yells In anticipation as he watches the little yellow bus pull up, through the window. "Have a good day, baby" Tessa follows him to the door. I join her and we watch him run up the garden path and board his school bus.

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