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"Stay awake, Emery" I mentally scold myself as I drift off to sleep at the sound of Mr Delaney's, slow, painful voice. There's only so much Pythagorus' theorem that a person can endure in one day. I jump out of my seat when I'm awaken by the bell ringing. "Hey! Eleventh grade! The bell doesn't dismiss you, I do!" Delaney announces, but the entire class of eager pupils completely disregard him as they rush out of the door.

The halls are so busy, that I have to barge my way through to reach my locker. I retrieve my phone and place my folder at the back of it. I close the door and I'm startled by Alana just standing there, staring at me with the creepiest smile on her face. "Oh, em gee! Let me see that rock on your finger!" She squeals, causing the rest of the class to gather around me. I almost forgot that Charlie and I would be the talk of the school following Christmas break. The word gets around fast around here.

"So, how did he propose?" A girl named Leah flutters her eyelashes. Too many people are talking at once to even consider answering their questions. "Are you pregnant, is that why Travers proposed? Oh my god, you're pregnant aren't you?!" One of Charlie's friends who I can't recall the name of chimes. "No! I am not pregnant!" I clarify, causing the whole group to laugh. I kind of wish Charlie was here to get me out of this lions den, but he's at football practice and for some strange reason..he isn't even talking to me. It's like because my parents are away, he's acting different.. and not in a good way.

I eventually escape the madness and make my way to the field. When I get there, Charlie is finishing up and him and the rest of the team are making their way back front. I squint my eyes at the boy that he's talking to and instantly wonder why Blake Priestley is present at a football game and most importantly, why he's talking to Charlie. He shouldn't even be on school grounds for starters, I mean.. he graduated last year. Plus, the two have never got along.. so why are they shaking each other's hand? I shake off my thoughts when Charlie approaches me, knowing that we're already on thin ice.

"Hey, you" I greet my beau. "Hey" he wears the fakest smile whilst briefly kissing me on the cheek. I have to say, he looks pretty damn good in those shoulder pads. Those few unruly strands of his hair that hang in his face, drive me crazy in the best way. "You ready to walk home?" I ask him and he nods without speaking. He walks ahead of me, so I can hardly catch up. I try to keep my cool but it's proving difficult. "What is With you?!" I finally snap. "Nothing!" He raises his voice, spit almost flying from his mouth as he turns to face me.

"It's clearly something!" I roar back, growing more agitated by the minute. He rolls his eyes, before continuing to walk away from me.  "Charlie, I just wish that you'd talk to me. Did people give you a hard time about our engagement?" I pester him for an answer. "No! This isn't about you. Not Everything is about you, Emery!" He waves an arm in the air. When did I even suggest that everything is 'about me?'. Why is he being like this?!

"Charlie!" I call his name but he continues to stalk off. I eventually grow tired and stroll behind. I finally reach the house, minutes later and I'm greeted by Nana Trish on entry. She is wearing one of my moms aprons and I have to say, she looks pretty adorable. She's cooking something up and it smells very.. British. "Hello! My little Ems. How was your day?" She chimes. Gosh, I wish I had time to get into that. "It was really good! .. have you seen Charlie?" I raise a brow.

"I have. The moment he came through the door, I was taken back to twenty five years ago when your father was a moody teenaged boy! He even throws the bag down and heads straight up the stairs like he did!" She giggles and I laugh along, though it's not funny. If i knew why he was being like this, I would try to understand. "I'll be right down, I'm just going to check he's okay" I tell her and she smiles sweetly at me.

I reach the top of the stairs and before I can get to his room, he is fleeing out of it. He has changed his clothes and styled his hair already. "Charlie! Where are you going?!" I block him in the doorway. "Out" he bluntly rolls his shoulders. Out? He never goes 'out'. "Out where?!" I Badger him, but he completely ignores me, again. "You're going to see Blake Priestley, aren't you?" I scoff, stomping my foot on the ground In fury. He knows better to do that. Just because Austin is all reformed and a Dad now, it doesn't mean that Blake is. I wouldn't trust that kid as far as I could throw him!

"Just let me past, Emery" he says through gritted teeth before running a hand through his hair. "No! Just tell me what your problem is! I know that you're been affected by this whole Molly thing and that the football season isn't going how you want it to.. but that gives you no right to ignore me and make me feel this small!" I Place a hand on my hip.

"It's not.. just that!" He breathes rapidly and I grow concerned. What has happened? I don't like the expression on his face and the way he is focussing on a spot on the wall. This is not my Charlie! This is not him, there isn't an angry bone in his body. "Today would have been my fathers birthday! Okay?!" He reveals, screaming at the top of his lungs. "Now let me fucking go!" He yells, barging past me like I'm one of his football opponents. I wince aloud and clutch my shoulder before attempting to follow him. He turns around, sorrow in his eyes for what he just did. "I need to be alone, Emery, please" his voice breaks, before he rushes down the steps.

I break into a heap of sobs, my feet taking me into my beau's bedroom. Everything is perfectly tidy for once, his bed made and the floor clear. There are no Cheeto's wrappers or bottles of water scattering the place and that's how I know that he isn't himself. I place myself onto the edge his bed and focus on the neatly folded, pair of sweats beside me. The ones that he loves so dearly. I just wish that he'd let me be there for him, my subconscious chimes as warm tears continue to pierce my cheeks. I find myself bringing the item of clothing to my chest, and holding it there. If they can comfort him, maybe they can comfort me too. I'm startled when something falls from the pocket, making a light sound when it hits the hard wooden floor. It's a piece of paper.. but it's scrunched up into a tiny ball. I frown in confusion as I retrieve it from the ground and begin to unkink the sheet of old looking paper.

A/N - Ohhhh no. Pls comment your thoughts, lovely people❤️

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