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"I swear to god, if you don't let me home there will be hell to pay. I'll discharge myself either way. I have newborn, premature bloody twins at home and my wife is exhausted" I almost spit at the scrawny junior doctor. "Sir, we'd just like you to wait until we get your test results back, we're just a little concerned at the fact that you vomited after a head injury. When your results are back, you'll be good to go" he attempts to grovel. Does this boy want to live?

"No, email them to me. Call me. I'm going" I stand up from the rackety hospital bed, dismissing the professionals' plea. "Sir, we'd really prefer it if-"
"Save it" I interrupt. "I'm thankful for your help but I'm fine" I explain, before heading over to discharge myself. "Sir, you can't leave until you get your IV taken out of your hand" the young mans voice is small and I can sense his intimidation.

"Well I suggest you take it out, because if you don't I'll pull the damn thing out myself" I scoff, getting a kick out of the concern growing on his face. "Trust me, You don't want to do that sir, it would make matters a lot worse for you" he loses eye contact with me. "Then I suggest you remove the fucker now because I'm not going to wait much longer" I hurl at him and he frantically rushes around the room to find the tools needed.

"Please sit down for me Mr Scott, while I remove the IV" his voice is shaky. "I'm not fucking around pal, just take it out" I scoff, gesturing for him to hurry the fuck up. It's quick and painless as he removes the damn thing from my boney hand. "See, wasn't that hard was it?" I sarcastically smile while leaving the room. Maybe I shouldn't be such a prick to the hospital staff. None of this is their fault but I'm in a foul mood that I can't snap out of.

My mother and Mike are deep in conversation in the waiting room and are startled to see me. "You weren't in there long! You haven't discharged yourself have you?" My mother fusses. Bloody women huh? "No, I haven't discharged myself. Everything's fine and I'm good to go. Now let's get out of here" I demand, hoping that the junior doctor isn't going to chase us up. My mother looks suspicious of whether I'm telling the authentic truth. Mike winks at me, knowing that I'm telling fibs but choosing to keep it to himself. I frown at him, gesturing for him to never wink at me ever again.

I text Tessa, telling her that everything is fine and that I'll be home soon. Although I'm not sure that it is, I just couldn't bare to be in that hospital any longer. Two hours is long enough for me. I check my phone and notice several missed calls from Ken. Poor bastard is probably out of his mind.

I demand for Mike to put his foot down as he's driving at twenty in a thirty zone. "Lewis Hamilton's got nothing on you, has he Mike" I squirm as he slowly builds up speed. The uncomfort in his face is amusing and I get a kick out of it. In all seriousness, I hope that that bastard, Vance, hasn't caused a scene at my damn house, where my children and siblings are. I grow anxious as we get closer to Brooklyn.


It's been almost two hours and Vance and Kimberly are still talking in the kitchen. Funnily enough, there hasn't been a raised voice yet. I wonder if they've killed each other. The grown ups seem to have congregated around one table. My mother and Karen are full of conversation, almost oblivious to what is occuring, while Ken is constantly calling Hardin, although I already told him that Hardin texted me to say that everything is fine. David is trying to engage in some kind of football talk with Ken, but I know he isn't listening in the slightest and instead is trying to ear wig into Vance and Kimberley's conversation from the kitchen.

Landon and Nora appear to be in their own world, also obvious to the drama. I notice how besotted they are with Saffron and Miller And the way they can't take their eyes of them and it makes my heart sing. I turn up the music to lighten the atmosphere and decide to go and check on the teens who are seated at the other side of the room. Little Auden is attempting to blend in with his big sister and the rest of the clan and it makes my heart melt. Emery is sat on Charlie's lap and as cute as I find it, I know that Hardin would flip. She jumps away from him, much to my amusement, as I approach. "What's up, gang" I say rather loudly and cringe at myself as the group burst into a fit of laughter. "Aunt Tessa, no offence but please don't say that ever again" Addy chokes on her drink. Raya, Smith and Abby are also at the table. "Okay okay" I raise my hands in defence while stifling a giggle.

"How's dad, is he going to be okay?" Emery practically whispers, not wanting Auden to hear. "He's fine, he's on the way home now" I smile while placing a hand over hers, she lets out a sigh of relief. "See, I told you that everything would be okay, boo" her sweet boyfriend reassures her. This kid really is the sweetest. "Speak of the devil" I chime as Hardin enters the room, Trish and Mike follow him.

Ken makes a fuss and rushes over to his son before he can even get his jacket off. "Yeah, yeah. I'm fine" Hardin shrugs while placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "I'm going to give that son of a bitch a piece of my mind" Ken attempts to be intimidating but isn't succeeding. "Dad, just leave it, will you? I didn't fight back because I was the bigger person, not because I can't" he scoffs. Ken nods his head in agreement to file this whole mess away.

My heart is full when my husband walks over to me and places a kiss into my hair. "Dad!" Emery rises from her chair and joins us in a cuddle. "You really scared me dad" she mutters, her bottom lip trembling. "Don't be silly baby, I'm not going nowhere, I've got you and your little siblings to think about" Hardin tells her while removing the stray hair from her face.

Trish and Mike head over to a quiet corner to avoid confrontation, not that I blame them. "Hardin" Smith calls from the table. Hardin ventures over to him and his eyes are desperate. "I'm sorry" he buries his head. The confusion on Hardin's face is growing. "Sorry, what are you sorry for?" He places a hand on his brothers shoulder. "My dad and his dickhead behaviour" he mutters. "Hey, don't you apologise for him, he's a big boy and is responsible for his own actions. It isn't your fault" my husband reassures his younger brother. Smith wears a reassuring smile.

"Bet you're glad you didn't bring Kelly to this damn gathering now aren't you" Hardin teases, referring to Smith's new girlfriend. "It's actually Kelsey.. but Boy, am I" smith's eyes widen at the thought. Of course Hardin knew her name was really Kelsey, but he's not played that little name game in a while.

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