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"I swear to god, if you don't let me go right now, I won't hesitate to sue you for everything you have" I roar. "You have me here under false pretences god damn it, I'm innocent. I'm fucking innocent" my voice breaks as I throw a fit. Being confined into this small, dark interviewing room, is not helping my rage.

"Oh, he talks" the scrawny ass detective who introduced himself as DI Dickinson, echoes through the room. "No comment, no comment, no comment. Then boom, he talks" the ugly fucker chimes. "Yes. That's because A, I have no lawyer present and I'm not as Stupid as I look.. and B, I say what I want. When I want" I scoff. "Are you going to write this down? It will give you a comment to write on your page full of 'No comments'" I tease the Lardy assistant in the corner of the room, who appears to be typing every damn word that comes out of my mouth. "Silence, book boy" the detective who has to be at least in his sixties, huffs.

Book boy, really? I haven't been named that since I was in secondary school. "Was that supposed to be intimidating?" I mock, before breaking into a fit of laughter. I know that I'm probably not helping myself by being a cocky fucker, but I can't help it. "Plus, I prefer New York Best Selling Author" I snidely remark, causing the chap to roll his eyes in despair.

"Listen, Scott. Let's face it, you're spending the night here and possibly many more to come. So I'll give you one last chance to answer this question and answer it wisely. Where were you, at twelve thirty five this morning?" Dickinson bashes his fist on the table before him. "No. Comment" I drag my words out.

"You turned up at Austin Priestley's parents house, demanding for his mother to tell you where he was and less than an hour later, he was beaten to an inch of his life. He is currently in the hospital, fighting for his life with a bleed on the damn brain. Coincidence? I think not" the old fart shrugs. "No comment" I repeat. The more pissed he gets, the more I continue to ridicule him.

"I think he provoked you didn't he? He drove you to it. He nailed your niece and got her knocked up, then he gave her an ultimatum. He told her that she had to have a termination. Didn't he. Didn't he?! And you didn't like that. So you got in your car and you drove to where he hangs out at night. And you tried to kill him. Didn't you?" He yells and before I know it, I'm on my feet, grabbing this fucker by his suspenders. "Who told you that?!" I roar. "I'm not at Liberty to divulge that information, Scott. Now sit the fuck down before I add another crime to your damn sentence, assaulting a police officer!" He spits. I let go of him, sending him flying back into his chair as I catch my breath. What a bastard.

Deep down, I never wanted the kid dead. He is the father of my nieces baby, god damn it. He's just a kid. He's a few years older than my eldest child and the image of him lay there, in a pool of his own blood, will forever haunt me. Hell, I'm not religious but I'm praying silently, that he pulls through. Not for my own selfish reasons, but because everyone deserves another chance at life.

"You know what, this is like trying to get blood out of a stone. We aren't going to get anywhere with this so we will try again tomorrow, when you're a little less out of your mind. Boys, take him away" Detective Dickwad demands, and two large officers do as he pleads by restraining me. "Get the fuck off of me!" I screech like a little girl as they place a pair of handcuffs onto my bony wrists and drag me into oblivion. That shit is cutting my wrists to pieces, damn it. "You can't do this! My lawyer isn't here!" I roar.

"I'm innocent, you prick" I continue to assault them with my wicked tongue. Fuck, my wrists hurt, maybe they'd hurt much less if I wasn't throwing a huge bitch fit, but I can't seem to stop as I flail my legs around. "Goodnight, Mr Scott" the youngest of the two chimes, as they unlock my handcuffs and launch me into this tiny, rotting cell. Everything is white, yet dirty. There is nothing but a slab of wood on the floor, their idea of a bed.

"Let me out!! Let me the fuck out" I curse them out with all of my being, as I slam my wrists against the heavy, metal door, but they have gone. And I'm left to my own devices. My breathing is Out of control as I tug at my hair and slide down the grubby, brick wall. "What have I done" I repeatedly whisper to myself.

I didn't try to kill Austin, but I have basically set myself up to look like I did. I arrived at his parents house, demanding they told me where he was. I was probably seen heading over there at the speed that I was going. Unless these fuckers find actual footage or evidence of the scumbags who did this to that Priestley boy, I'm going down. I'm going down for a very long time.

I'll have to go years without seeing the woman that I can't live without, years without seeing my greatest achievement, my children. Saffron and Miller will probably be grown ups by the time I get to see them again, for fucks sake. All of the relationships that I've mended over the years, will go back into the shitter. Every doubt that anyone ever had about me, will come true. I'm a New York Best Selling Author, the press will be all over this god damn it.

Let me tell you, I'll be damned if I let this happen because of something I didn't do. Not to toot my own horn, but I've been the best father since I first lay eyes on my first born and I will continue to be the best father I can be until the day I die. I have a lot of making up to do for my pathetic actions and I vow to do that for the rest of my life. I didn't think of my children in that moment and I will spend my life regretting it.

Fuck, even the thought of being without my children is unbearable. I sob my pathetic, self loathing, self to sleep and I slowly drift off, until I am dazzled by a deafening bang at the cell door. "Are you stupid or something? It's not like i can open the damn door and invite you in for tea and crumpets!" I yell, whilst rubbing my eyes. These lights are far too bright.

"That's enough, smart ass. Get up" the same officer from before unlocks the door. I'm no more intimidated by the weasel now, than I was then. I glare at him, without saying a word. "I said, get up" he yells, while grabbing me by the collar. I swear to god, if these motherfuckers carry on manhandling me, there's going to be hell to pay.

"Where are we going now?!" I scoff, as he pushes me, forcing me through the narrow halls. "You'll see" he huffs. I fuss, trying to escape his hold and I trip over as he eventually lets go. I glance around the room, taking in my surroundings, and I'm at the exit of the station. "What's going on!?" I hurl. The man in uniform swivels around, pointing ahead of me. I turn to see what the heck he is referring to.

"Long time no see, Son " a dark haired, older gentleman huffs. Vance. Christian fucking Vance. I have never, ever been as relieved to see that biological father of mine in my whole life. The last time I saw this man was when he gave me a heck of a beating... and a concussion. I swore that I was done with him, but Here I am. Sighing the biggest sigh of relief as I set eyes on him. He's here to bail me out. Halle fucking lujah.

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