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"Emery! What have I told you about having your phone in class?" A teacher that was probably around when the dinosaurs were scolds me when my phone vibrates aloud. I shrug. I then turn it to silent, hiding it under the desk as I check who texted. I swallow the lump in my throat when I see the multiple notifications from Charlie. "You know that I can see you, right? It's a table, not a cloak of invisibility." the old man drones on. Seconds later, he appears at my side, holding out his hand for me to pass it over. I roll my eyes whilst doing so and I try to ignore the stampede of butterflies invading my stomach.

Knowing that Charlie is all the way over in Michigan isn't helping. This class doesn't end for another forty five minutes, something could be wrong and he can't get ahold of me. That's a hell of a long time to have to wait just to read his messages. Saying that, Charlie would have called if something was wrong. I try to focus on that, but my anxiety only grows, when the class begins to snigger amongst themselves, making snide comments about our relationship once again.

"Cut her some slack Mr Lewis, she's missing Travers." One of Charlie's best friend's yells. With that, the whole class begins to conspire. I silently curse him, my eyes talking for me. This is only a taste of the shit I'll get when Charlie makes the transfer over there. He's only gone for a few days to take a look around the campus and decide which offer he will take.. and they're already passing judgement.

I spoke to him last night and it looks like he'll go with the Michigan option. He likes the dorms, he's met the head coach already and he just seemed happier than he did when he visited Ohio State, only a couple of days ago. All that's left now is for Charlie to accept the offer.. then it's only a matter of weeks until my better half flies away and starts a new life.

Not being by his side is going to kill me, but I know that we can make it work and he's constantly reassuring me. In fact, he made the sweetest gesture for me not so long ago, reminding me that everything he does, he does for us and our future. I just have to remember that and I'll be fine.

I breathe a sigh of relief when Mr Lewis scolds the immature bunch for their remarks. "That's enough from you, Mr Lee." He scowls at Josh. "And for the rest of you, Charlie Travers' absence is none of your concern, so if you'd go ahead and focus on your own lives, that would be fantastic." the grey heard man sports a sarcastic smile and I realise that maybe Mr Lewis isn't as bad as I thought.

With that, the class quietens down and Lewis returns to his long speech about.. actually, I have no idea, but I'm startled when the principle enters. "May I speak with Miss Scott?" She asks Mr Lewis before looking me in the eye and clearing her throat. Im on my feet before she can even finish my name. "Come with me, sweetheart." She gestures for me to follow her and I instantly swallow the frog in my throat. Somethings happened. I know it has. I follow her out of the room and into her office. The commute is long and silent as I torture myself with the 'what ifs'.

I close the door behind me as we reach the office and my heart skips a beat when I set eyes on my twin siblings. They're in their double stroller, with a mischievous grin on each of their faces and I'm wondering what the hell they're doing here, until my father emerges from the ensuite seconds later.

"Dad?" My eyes widen. "Hi Ems." He greets me, his tone moody. Seriously. What is going on? He places Millers pacifier into his mouth when he begins to fuss. Why is dad here alone with the twins?! Did something happen to mom? I begin to panic.

"I'm sorry to have to take you out of school, darling." He mumbles, losing eye contact during. What is he talking about? I wish he'd just come out and say it. If something has happened to Charlie over in Michigan, I don't know what I'll do, but I need to know, now.

"It's your Aunt. We have to go visit her as ..she's taken ill. Very suddenly." He scratches behind his ear, one of his nervous habits. My mouth falls open and a feeling of dread invades my senses. I only have two Aunts, Abby, who I don't really consider an Aunt like figure and my Aunt Nora and to my knowledge, they're both absolutely fine.

"My Aunt Who?" I gawp and I realise that my father is up to something when he scans the room. "Your Aunt .." his eyes fixate on the principles desk. "Twinkie" he blurts out and i almost lose it. Since when did I have an Aunt fucking Twinkie? "My Aunt Twinkie?" I gasp. Did he just make up a family member and name her after principal Shelley's mid-morning snack?

"Yeah." My father clears his throat. What happened to Aunt Twinkie? Did she slip into a diabetic coma? I have too many questions. "Your mother's collecting your brother from school, then we're heading off to Michigan to visit her right away. It's not looking good, so we have to go now." He winks and my eyes widen at the mention of Michigan. I remain silent, not quite knowing what to say.

"I hope you understand, Principle Sally." I cringe when he completely mispronounces her name. "It's Shelley, actually. But of course I understand Mr Scott." She smiles sweetly and with that, my dad stands to his feet and takes off with the twins. "I hope your Aunt's feeling better soon. And Emery, you have all of our support here at the school." She pats me on the shoulder as I leave. I mime a 'Thank-you' as she closes the door behind me.

I pick up the pace to catch up with my father, who is pushing the stroller through the corridors without a care in the world. "Do you care to tell me what the hell that was?" I yell, becoming more frustrated by the second. He says nothing, but begins to laugh uncontrollably. This is it, I decide. My dad has finally lost it.

"We aren't really visiting your Aunt Twinkie." He smirks and I throw my hands in the air. "You don't say! I think that's pretty obvious, seeing as she doesn't freaking exist!" I cross my arms in a fuss and he raises his hand in defence. "Calm down, will you? We aren't visiting no dying relative. But we are going to Michigan." He reveals and I grow confused.

"Your mother and I were enjoying our morning coffee, when i came up with the idea to surprise that doofus of a boyfriend of yours." He comes to a stop. "I thought it would be nice to all get away together, and I know how much you're missing Charles Dickens. So, It took some persuading. Your mother wasn't sold on the idea of you and your brother missing school. But I soon won her over." he chuckles to himself. Ew. I hope that 'morning coffee' wasn't a euphemism but I honestly couldn't care less right now. All I can think about is being reunited with my Charlie.

"Your bags are all packed and your mom really is collecting Auden from school. So-" I restrain him from finishing his sentence when I wholeheartedly hug him. "Thank you!" I squeal, whilst squeezing my eyes shut in excitement. With that, we make our way out of this Damned place.

"You couldn't have just called and said I had a dentist appointment like a normal person?" I roll my eyes in a lighthearted manner. "No. That would be way less fun. I can't always be a cool dad. I have to embarrass you from time to time too." He lightly punches me in the arm.

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