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Maybe the gesture would have been more romantic if I showered first.. my subconscious mocks me as I take in the scene. Here I am, covered from head to toe in dirt from practice, whilst her bed is sprinkled with genuine rose petals. I may have stolen them from the bouquet in Mrs Scott's office, but it's the thought that counts, right? I'm hoping the fairy lights contribute to the aesthetic touch, otherwise.. All I'm left with is a mess on her bed. Though.. it wouldn't be the first time.

I smile, as I place the hardback of a book that is close to my heart in the centre of the petals and with that, I wait. I ruin the sentiment, when I sniff my armpit and dwell on the fact that I definitely should have showered. I guess I was just eager. I had to show her that my intentions are pure and I want her, and only her. The physical sting to my chest alone was too much to bare, after hearing about the way she's been feeling as of late.

I returned home from practice, to find out that she was out with her father, but Mrs Scott enlightened me on Emery's day from hell and the way she had been taunted by that bitter bitch, Alyssa Shaw. Why she thinks that me moving is any of her business, I'll never know, but she wouldn't have dared to even speak to Emery If I was there, let alone in the way that she did.

I don't have much time to reflect, before I hear Mr Scott's Range Rover pulling up in the driveway. With that, I spray what I think is her perfume, profusely around the room. Only, it isn't her perfume, it's some kind of disinfectant, bleach if you will. "Ew!" I squeal, sounding more like Emery than herself. I should have known. That girl is always cleaning. So.. not only am I covered in mud, but the place smells like a Clorox factory, great.

I'm quick to waft the air, as the sound of her footsteps grows closer and with that, I press play on the most cringeworthy playlist that I could have created. The first song being Twenty One Pilot's version of 'Can't Help Falling In Love'. I listen carefully to ensure that it is her venturing up the stairs and not Auden or even worse.. Mr Scott. I breathe a sigh of relief as I realise that it is in fact Emery.

My smile grows as she enters the room and I watch her face light up. "What is this?" Her voice is soft and her eyes glossy as she takes a look around. She looks me up and down, taking in my sluggish appearance and acknowledging the fact that I'm covered in dirt. "Just come with me." I take her hand and lead her to the foot of the bed, where lies the book that I mentioned earlier.

"Civil rights in the USA?" She reads the title aloud, with the most confused look on her features. I goofily nod my head, feeling rather impressed with myself. "Think back to the day we first met. Where did we very first meet?" I raise a brow and there's a brief silence. I know that she's dying to ask me why I'm quizzing her all of a sudden. "School?" there's an anxiousness within her answer and the way she glares down at the carpet. "Yes, school, but where?" I keep ahold of her hand as she looks back. "The library?" she smiles, finally getting somewhere and I nod my head to confirm.

"The History section to be precise." I cup her face in my hand, bringing her gaze to meet mine. "Do you remember how we both reached for the same book at the same time and the title read-" "Civil rights in the USA?" She finishes my sentence for me, the most admirable smile growing on her face. "Yes!" I beam as I wrap my arms around her waist, bringing her closer to my embrace. "I can't believe you remembered" a single tear rolls down her cheek and I take it upon myself to wipe it. "Of course I remembered, silly. Do you know why?" I mutter, the frog in my throat becoming more prominent. She shakes her head.

"I don't even take History!" I release a small smirk and her tears of emotion, soon turn to tears of laughter. "Oh my gosh! You don't!" She yells, covering her mouth with both hands for extra effect. There's a silence following her outburst, in which I use to bring her closer to me, allowing us to dance to the song that already means so much more to me. I place a kiss into her hair, before revealing the whole point of this charade.

"You were breathtaking and I had wanted to talk to you for so long, but I didn't have the balls to do so. You were way out of my league." I tell her, my voice partially breaking. "I was only in the library because I had literature next period and I hadn't done the homework." I add, a small laugh escaping her lips. "Then I saw you and I took it as a sign." I reveal, unsure of how I'm going to explain the next part without sounding like a total creep.

"So ..I tried to play it cool and hung around in the history section for a while, before I finally shot my shot" I point to the exact book in the midst of the petals. She glares at me with an empty expression, almost lost for words it appears. I mean.. I did drone on for longer than needed.

"I know what those dumb, jealous bitches have been saying about us and I need you to promise to not let them get to you, baby. It's always been you and it always will be.. okay?" I stroke her cheek, watching her eyes melt at my heartfelt words. I don't care how wet I sound. I need her to believe me when I say this.

"They assume that we won't last because they think they know us. But they don't see us when we're alone, snuggled up to watch our favourite movies at night. They don't see the way our faces light up when we see each other after only a couple of hours apart. They don't know how insanely in love with you I am, to the point where words aren't enough!" My voice breaks and I'm so caught up in my dramatic speech that I fail to realise I'm pacing the room. I stop in my tracks, metres away from the girl I just poured my heart out to.

Speaking of my heart, I feel it attack me as I watch Emery slowly stride towards me. "If words aren't enough.. you can always show me" she purrs, cupping my face in her hands and almost immediately chewing my face off. Fuck. Our tongues are desperate to locate each other and our lungs, desperate for air. Not quite the reaction I was expecting, but definitely the reaction I had longed for. My eyes widen as she pulls away from the embrace.

"You kept that book.. all this time?" I take notice of the way her bottom lip trembles. I nod, confirming the truth. I stutter, not quite knowing what to say next, as a playful grin creeps upon her face. Why is she asking this now? Is she crazy?! She certainly makes me crazy.

"You're not supposed to steal from the library, you know. There are probably people looking for that.." she teases in more than one way, as the palm of her hand trails slowly from my chest to my torso. This girl will be the death of me. "Trust you to focus on that out of all of this" I smirk, becoming utterly distracted by her raunchy manner. She's good. Too good. "It was pretty.. naughty.. of you" she attempts to wink, though it's displayed as more of a nervous twitch. The two of us release a sigh of laughter, acknowledging the fact that we're complete dorks.

"I like it when you're naughty." She whispers, continuing with her attempt to seduce me. I gasp when she cups my piece without warning and I almost lose it when she starts to nibble on my ear. She's plays a dangerous game and it's costing every ounce of my self control. I suddenly need her, here and now.. but I find myself biting my lip to stifle an honest reaction, as I become conscious of the fact that it's broad daylight and her family are literally eating dinner.

"I.. I need to take a shower" I place a single finger over her plump lip in the hopes to distract her, but the way she flutters her eyelashes at me alone is enough to send me over the edge. "Me too" her tongue is acquainted with my finger, and with that, all is forgotten. I couldn't care less about being caught. In fact, the thrill of it only turns me on more. I purr as she takes my hand and leads me to her en-suite, taking a second to admire her dominance.

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