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"I'm not going to change my mind about this, I'm sorry" my beau chimes as he puts down the phone on his biological parents. I glare at him in the hopes that he'll share, but he stays silent. He's such a closed book all of a sudden, I can't say I like it. "What aren't you going to change your mind about?" I quiz him and he takes a deep breath. "They want me to go to Washington for spring break so they can spend some time with me before the baby arrives. I'm not going" he shrugs. Why is he so quick to decide? "And why's that?" I ask almost silently. "I'm just not. Okay? I am yet to have one pleasant experience with them, why would I go stay with them for a whole damn week?" He scoffs. I sense the tone and quit asking questions.

"Look. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to take it out on you. It's just a lot" Charlie breaks the silence and I'm thankful for it. "I know it is" I place my hand over his as he joins me on the bed. We snuggle for a moment, until a thought pops into my head. "How would you feel if I went with you..." I suggest. He looks at me blankly. "I mean... we could stay at my grandparents house and you could just visit them a couple of times while we're over there. That way, everyone's happy" I add. Unsure of how he'll react, I lose eye contact with him.

"I .. I guess that would be nice" he admits and I let out a small sigh of relief. "It would, We would get to spend some time with Addy, Austin and baby Ava and it would be our first little spring break together" I continue to use my powers of persuasion. "Yeah.. you're right. Plus, we will get to see Abby" he adds, a cunning smile on his face. Ugh, why does he get on so well with that 'Aunt' of mine. It high key gets on my nerves, but I can't tell him that .. I'll look crazy, but it's like she purposely flirts with him to grind my gears. "Yeah... Abby" sarcasm is evident in my voice, though he ignores it.

"So, I'll ask my dad to book our flight?" I suggest and he nods in agreement, but says nothing. With spring break being only a week away, we had better book it sooner, rather than later. "It will be okay" I reassure Charlie, before leaving his room and closing the door behind me. "Dad?" I yell down the hall, hoping that he'll reveal his whereabouts, but he doesn't answer. "He's in his office, sweetie" I hear my mom chime as I pass their bedroom. That explains it.

What is he doing in his office so late? It's literally ten at night. With that, I do my favourite thing to do.. barge into my fathers office without knocking. "Daddy, I-" I begin, but am silenced when I spot Paul, his manager who is also my godfather, sat at the desk with him. They appear to be working on something and have their serious faces on. "Oh.. Hi Uncle Paul" I greet him. He spares a few seconds to look away from his computer and return the gesture. "Hi darling" he smiles.

"Yes... Emery" my father huffs. I smirk at the way he's wearing those fake ass reading glasses of his and chewing on the end of his pen. He's such a dad.
I prepare myself, putting on my best pouty, 'puppy dog eyes' face. "Can Charlie and I go to Washington for spring break to visit Nana and grandpa?" I drag out my words, almost like a child would. "We will see, Emery. I'm busy right now" he scoffs, without taking his eyes from the papers before him. "Please, daddy!" I add. "Okay, okay" he uses his hands to shoe me out of his office. Is he even listening?

"So.. can you book the plane tickets?" I ask a final question. I can't help but laugh when my father stands from his chair and physically forces me to leave. "Yes!" He says with the cheesiest grin on his face as he closes the door in mine. It's clear that he was trying not to laugh. As if he just did that! What is the big secret anyway? It's clear that he's writing another book, it doesn't take a genius to know that.

"You look like Grandpa Ken with those glasses on" I continue to grind his gears from outside of his office. I smirk as I hear him muttering to himself. "Emery, seriously.. if you don't fuck off back to your room, you won't be going anywhere for spring break" he raises his voice and with that, I roll my eyes and turn on my heel. "Bye uncle Paul" I yell from the hallway as I walk away, still giggling away to myself. "Bye, Ems. I'll make sure he books the tickets!" he tells me and I can't help but laugh a little louder as I picture my father scolding him.

"Good news, baby" I tell my beau as I enter his bedroom, though I realise that he's sleeping seconds later. I consider getting into bed with him, but decide against it as I don't think he'd appreciate being awaken. He's kind of snappy lately. I take a deep sigh and grab one of Charlie's shirts to sleep in, before heading to my own room. I'm quick to change into it and climb into bed, though I'm wide awake and probably will be for the foreseeable. I just can't seem to switch my mind off lately. Charlie is acting all distant and - my thoughts are interrupted when a knock sounds at my door. Seconds later, my mom enters.

"Hey sweetie, What are you doing in your own room?" Her voice is soft as she closes the door behind her and places herself on the foot of my bed. "What do you mean? You and dad hate it when I sleep in Charlie's room?" I smirk. It's true. "I know we do, but that doesn't stop you. Is everything okay?" Her eyes are mellow. Is everything okay?

".. Everything's fine" I lie, but I can't tell her that I'm stressed to the high heavens because I skipped a period and I think Charlie might have lost feelings for me. "Are you sure?" She shifts closer to me, cupping my chin in her hands. "I'm okay, mom" I force a smile. In an attempt to change the subject, I tell her about our trip to Washington. I express my excitement to see Addy and baby Ava and we get to talking. When she leaves, I feel as though a weight has been lifted from my shoulders. Though we didn't discuss my problems, sometimes, all you need is a good chat with your mama.

A/N - Damn, what do we think?🙈
Thankyou again for reading guys! don't forget to vote and comment your thoughts my loves💗

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