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"Oh my gosh, I can't wait for our spa weekend with Abby! it's going to be the cutest!" My big cousin squeals. I can't wait either, a weekend doing what I love with my favourite girls, what could go wrong? " I know! But it's weird to think that when we go to Washington, you won't be coming back with me" I begin to get emotional but fan my eyes to prevent tears from falling. I'm in love with my makeup today and I'm determined not to ruin it. "Oh my god, don't. You're going to make me cry. I'll miss you so much" she sticks out her bottom lip while wrapping her arms around me. "I'll miss you too girl" I continue to hold back any unnecessary tears. Maybe we're being a tad dramatic as I visit Washington regularly and we'll be going there for Christmas.

"Anyway! Enough about me. I saw your car on the drive way, you lucky biatch" she gasps for added affect. "I know! I was seriously not expecting it! I can't believe it" I can't control the grin that is creeping upon my face as I boast. "Imagine pulling up to school in that bad boy" she blurts and I burst into a fit of giggles.

"Let's go back in" I suggest and we head over to the sitting room where everyone is seated. I'm overwhelmed by the small gathering that my parents have organised. I'm so happy that my grandparents are here and of course Uncle Landon and Aunt Nora, but I wasn't expecting them to invite my three ..ex .. best friends from school. I have known these girls from being in kindergarten, we've been through everything together and deep down, I love them to pieces. But since the whole Blake Priestley and Mia Dalton situation, they've avoided me at all costs at school, and even on social's. I guess my parents didn't know that. We didn't even argue, it's just that they're 're just so innocent and would never in a million years associate with kids like that, so when they first found out that I'd started to hang with them, they wanted no part in it. It's understandable.

"Hi!" I head over to the sofa where they're seated. They're hesitant, before eventually greeting me. "Happy birthday Emery" Alana sheepishly stands up and hugs me. Nancy and Olivia do the same as Addy and I take a seat with them. The three of them are avoiding eye contact with me and no one talks for a whole minute. This isn't awkward at all...

I'm not used to seeing them wear makeup and dresses, they're always in their casuals at school, but they look beautiful nonetheless. I glance around the room to find Charlie, hoping he isn't alone but I'm relieved to find him talking to my mom and grandpa.

"So, is Mia coming?" Olivia breaks the silence in a whisper, while glancing around the room. "No. Not Mia, not Blake, none of them. They're ancient history" I reveal and their scepticism is clear as they glance at each other. "I mean it. They hurt Charlie and that drew the line for me. They can rot in hell for all I care" I scoff and I genuinely mean it. "Good, because we missed you. You're not one of them Emery, you're one of us" Alana emotes and nod in agreement. She's right. I can sense the awkwardness that Addy must feel right now, as I'm pretty sure that she still associates with Austin, not that she'll admit it.

"Wow girl, you and Charlie Travers are really something, huh?" Olivia pipes up as she notices him, sitting so comfortably with my family. "We are" I blush, though it's true. We have been together for four months now and I already couldn't imagine my life without him. "Girl, I'm so happy for you" Nancy squeals and the four of us form a hug. Gosh, I've missed these girls. I love the that that they're genuinely happy for me and now that we're back on good terms, I won't have the anxiety of returning back to school and having to make new friends, etcetera. "I love you!" I squeal and the three of them repeat.


Seeing the look on Emery's face this morning, when she set eyes on her dream car, was priceless but nothing beats spending quality time with quality people. I can't help but smile as I watch her reunite with her best friends. Karen and Nora are holding the twins, cooing about how fast they're growing, and Auden is in the yard, playing with our dog Louie. Hardin is in the kitchen, cooking up some nibbles for our guests. I can't help but giggle to myself as he wears my apron, with mini paws printed all over it. Only he could look so good, in something like that. Landon claims to be helping, but really he's just sitting there and looking pretty

I smirk to myself as Ken and Charlie are deep in conversation. Poor Charlie is probably having to listen to Ken boast about his golf club, or his many, many cars. I decide to step in and save the kid. "Hey boys" I interrupt while taking the seat facing them.

"Charlie was just telling me how he's originally from Washington!" Ken shares and I'm surprised at the revelation. This is something I never knew about the kid. "You are?" I gasp. "Yeah, I literally lived there for like two weeks when I was born and then my parents moved to New York" he shrugs and my eyes widen. "Where In Washington were you born, Charlie?" Ken grows inquisitive, though I'm wondering this too. "I was born In Pullman, sir" Charlie reveals and Ken and I laugh in unison. "What a small world" I add. We talk some more, until I head upstairs to place our sleeping twins into their bassinets. "Goodnight darlings" I place a kiss onto their foreheads, before clipping the baby monitor to my jeans.

I return to the kitchen and the kids are congregating around the kitchen and scavenging Hardin's infamous salt and pepper chicken wings, along with some other nibbles. The rest of the evening is spent singing, dancing and having the best time. Emery and the girls recreate a photo of the four of them, from Emery's sixth birthday party and my heart bursts at the sight. Look at them now, ten years later, so grown up, with the world at their feet.

I scour the room for Hardin, eager to show him the Polaroid snap, but he is nowhere to be found. I hope he's okay, I mean I'm kind of worried for him after his nightmare this morning;

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