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"Do you have a condom?" my girl asks, frantic to undress me further. I continue to claim her mouth, until she shakes me and repeats her question. "Ah shit, I left them in my room. I'll go get one" I tell her, whilst pulling up my sweats and scurrying towards the door. Ever since Mrs Scott gave us this huge lecture on using protection, we figured that she has a point. "Charlie, be careful that my father doesn't see or hear you. I'm pretty sure that he's still up!" Emery chimes. Great! That's all I freaking need. Getting caught hunting for rubbers by Mr Scott, right before I rail his daughter. No matter how many times he catches us in each others rooms, he grows angrier each time. I can't say I blame him.. I mean, a father has to do what a father has to do. As I have said many times before, I don't want children, but if I was to have a daughter, I'd be the exact same, especially if they were doing what Emery and I do on the daily.

"I will" I promise, before rushing out of the room and across the hall. I cringe deeply, when I hear a muffled moaning sound coming from Mr and Mrs Scott's bedroom. Ew, just ... Ew. It Sounds like we're even, after Christmas morning when Mrs Scott caught Emery and I in the act. I want to swallow myself whole even rethinking that whole situation, wow.

I try to shake what I just witnessed from my mind as I make my way across the hall. I rub my eyes, letting out an almighty, but silent yawn, when I'm startled by something touching my foot. I look down and retrieve the scrunched up ball of paper before me. "What is this?" I say aloud, while unkinking it. I open up the sheet, but can hardly read what it says. I squint my eyes in order to have an idea of what it could be, but I'm disturbed by another loud, sickening moan. I'm quick to enter my room to escape the torture to my ears. I again, begin to squint at the writing before me. I know right away that it belongs to Mr Scott, by the memoirs that he leaves around the house on the daily. Only, this is different. It's not his usual work. My eyes scan the paper, he talks about how even when he was younger, he loved to write. I perch on the end of my bed as I get further into the piece, but grow concerned when I come across a particular paragraph. It reads

"But there I was, sixteen years old, sitting at that very desk, in the early hours of the morning, and my story had finally come to an end. I wish it was a happy one, but that wasn't the case. Just like my story, my life had come to an end, because just like those screwed up, battered, ruined pieces of paper, I knew I'd never be the same again."

My heart skips a beat as I read through the heartfelt letter. When Mr Scott gives me advice, I tend to think that he doesn't understand how I feel and that he has no place telling me what to do. But he does understand, for he was experiencing similar feelings when he was just my age. He was just sixteen. He has to be insanely proud of himself for overcoming what he has and I have a new found level of respect for him, but to think that Emery could have found this breaks my heart. The relationship that she has with her father is second to none and to think of a life without him is probably excruciatingly painful for her. I have to ensure that she never see's this. I Scrunch the paper back into a ball and place it into the pocket of my sweats. I make a mental note to place it back into Mr Scott's office in the morning. For him to keep this after all of these years, he must have been using it for something, so to dispose of it completely would be unethical.

I rustle through my drawer, finding the one thing that I came here for, a condom.. though I no longer think that I'm in the mood to get lucky. I make my way back to Emery's room, thankful that the halls are now silent. I close the door behind me and smirk at the way Emery is pouting in disgust. "Where did you go? The condom manufacturers themselves?" she crosses her arms in a strop. I place myself next to her on the bed. "I couldn't find any for a while, but I have one now" I tell her while waving the foil wrapper in her face.

"Well it's no use now! I'm too tired" she announces and I roll my eyes at her ways. "Come on, boo. I'm here now" I tell her whilst placing a kiss onto the back of her neck. "Charlie, I'm serious. Goodnight" she strops, whilst climbing under the covers. "Fine, goodnight!" I add, whilst turning on my heel and preparing to leave the room. "Where do you think you're going?" she huffs and I wave my hand in the air in confusion. "I said goodnight, not go away" she giggles, while folding the covers over and gesturing for me to climb into bed. I do just that, pulling her closer to me the second I join her. "You're crazy!" I whisper to her. "You make me crazy" she mumbles. The two of us begin to drift off, when we are startled by my phone pinging multiple times. "Who is that?" Emery is quick to jump up, retrieving my phone from the bedside table. "Your guess is as good as mine, babe" I tell her. She looks at me suspiciously, before checking it for me. Her jaw drops open as she read's the text before her. "You're scaring me now. Who is it?" I shake her.

"It's Molly" she reveals. Oh lord, what the hell does she want? Why is she up at this time? "What is it? Is she okay?" I say repeatedly. I hardly know her, but I would hate for anything bad to happen to her or Logan.. my Dad. I only just began getting to know them and they're the only trace of biological family that I have. "She's okay... " she drags her words out. Why do I feel like there's a 'but'?

"You're going to be a big brother" Emery drops a bombshell and my heart begins to beat out of my chest. "I'm what?!" I scoff. "Look" Emery points my mobile towards me and shows me the image of a tiny little baby grow. It reads 'Promoted to Big Bother". The caption underneath it reads "He'll be here in April". I have no idea how to react. In fact, I'm in fucking shock. What is it with adults in their near forties and fucking?! I rush to the window to open it and catch some air to prevent myself from going completely bonkers. "If 'He' will be here in April.. then that means that.. she has to be around, what? Five months along in the pregnancy?" Emery breaks her silence, I don't know if that was supposed to help, but it didn't. "I mean.. she would have been pregnant when she turned up here after the homecoming party.. right? What if she came here to tell you about the baby.. but then chickened out? " she adds. She's probably right but this is not what I want to hear right now! "Emery!" I scold her, I'm not sure what for.. but I'm not sure that I want to hear any more.

A/N - Ooo Charlie Chapter

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