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"Try not to hit any mailboxes this time!" Mr Scott warns Emery prior to her drivers Lesson. Though I can only see the back of her head, I just know that she's mentally flipping him off. "For the last time, I didn't hit a mailbox! Mrs Lovell is just old and senile and overreacts to everything" my girl sasses, a frown on her face and her hand on her hip. Seconds later, a knock sounds at the door and she heads to answer it. It's her driving instructor, Mrs Lovell.

"Hi Emery, I'm here to pick you up for your drivers lesson" the older lady chimes, the tone of her voice and the look on her face tells me that she may have heard what Emery just said. Emery's eyes widen as she glances at us, before sheepishly following the woman to her car. This could be one hell of an awkward two hours for Her.

"That girl is forever putting her foot in it" Mr Scott smirks as he heads on into the kitchen. "Anyways, how are your drivers lessons going? You never said" he adds. I find myself following him into the kitchen and taking a seat across from him at the counter. My classes are actually going really well.. but I didn't want to say that in front of Emery.. I mean, she already failed her drivers test twice and I didn't want to rub it in. "Good. Thanks again for getting them for me" I tell him whilst awkwardly shifting in my seat.

"That's good. You'll be able to drive from campus to campus in Michigan.. or Ohio" he bluntly mutters whilst looking me dead in the eye. Oh crap. He knows. "Mr Scott.. I-" I begin but am interrupted. "Save it, Charlie. When was you going to tell us? The week before you leave?! What about Emery! Doesn't she have a right to know?" He waves his arms in the air and I'm suddenly sweating profusely.

"The reason I didn't tell you guys, is because I'm not going, Mr Scott" I exhale a deep sigh. When I was selected for the scholarship, there was a tiny part of me that considered going for it. It's the most amazing opportunity that I'll never get a chance of again, but I have put a lot of thought into it. I can't possibly leave Emery behind. Graduating a year early would be awesome, there's no denying that.. but I want to graduate with my girl by my side. I want to take her to prom. I want to experience our final year of high school together. I don't want to imagine waking up and not seeing her beautiful face every morning. Even when I spend the whole day with Emery, the moment I'm not with her, I miss her. I crave her presence. So yeah, I'm not going.

"You're not going?" Mr Scott repeats and I nod to confirm. "W- why?" He lowers his brow. "I'm just not" I shrug my shoulders. I'm not prepared to go into this right now, especially with him. He rolls his eyes before standing from his seat. "I didn't mean for you to ..not go. I just wish you would have told Tessa and I sooner so we could get our heads around the idea. As your legal guardian, I think that you'd be one dumb bastard to let such an opportunity go" he tucks his stool under the counter. I give a confused glare as a true reflection of how I'm feeling. One minute he's yelling at me for being given the opportunity and the next he's getting at me for not taking it. The fuck?

"Don't look at me like that. This could be the making of you and You're fucking going, whether you like it or not, Travers" he storms past me. "What?!" I raise a hand in frustration as I follow him into the sitting room. "Tessa, tell him" Hardin huffs as he plonks himself next to her on the sofa. It's clear that she has been listening in on the conversation. Mrs Scott sighs deeply before sharing her thoughts. "I know the only reason that you don't want to go is Emery. Yes, it will crush her.. but I'm certain that she'll encourage you to go too. She'll miss you an insane amount, but if you love each other.. then you can make long distance work, Charlie" she says without taking her eyes from the Tv. I guess she's right, the both of them are. I just can't face breaking my girls heart when I have to tell her that I'm moving across the county for three years. I can't do it.

"I'll think about it" I shrug. "You're going!" Mr Scott wittily responds. I roll my eyes instantly. "I'll think about it" I argue back, whilst heading towards the stairs. "You're going!" both Mr and Mrs Scott snap in synchronisation. I find myself stomping my feet like a child as I make my way to my bedroom. I know that college is almost six months away, but that changes nothing for me. Time waits for No one.

I storm into my bedroom and express my frustration by blasting my 'Pissed Off Playlist' on my speaker. Yes, I have one of those... yes, I'm a douche. I practically launch myself onto the bed and before I can stop them, tears are rolling down my cheeks. Fuck, I need to quit being such a god damn baby. All of the guys on the football team are insanely jealous of my scholarship and here I am, acting like it's the worst thing to ever happen to me.


"The fuck is he doing?" Hardin smirks at the sudden loud, depressing music that seems to be emerging from Charlie's room. "He's being a teenager" is all I can say. There's an awkward silence. "Well, if that's what being a teenager is these days..I'm just glad that he isn't like me when I was his age" Hardin eventually chimes, his eyes widening for effect. "Honey, everybody's glad that he isn't like you when you were his age" I giggle lightly. It's true, I don't think we could handle it. "Don't kid yourself, Tess. Don't act like it wasn't my bad boy persona that lured you in" he teases and I find myself playfully batting his chest. "It certainly wasn't" I roll my eyes, he raises an eyebrow in response to call me out on my bullshit.

"Oh.. so you only like it when I'm bad in the bedroom?" He winks, the raspy tone of his voice sending multiple shivers down my spine. I'm cautious when he takes my hand and holds it against his chest. I find myself glancing around the room when he leads my hand lower and lower. "Hardin" I whisper, aware of the fact that someone could walk in. "What? Emery's not going to be back for another hour, Auden and the twins are with Landon.. Charlie is in his feels up there.. come on" he teases, his lips claiming mine. Only seconds later, I find myself lost in the moment, desperate to feel him and take him right here on the couch. "You just can't resist me, can you Tess?" He bites his lip to stifle a groan as I caress him. No ....I can't.

Our Time Will Come - An After StoryWhere stories live. Discover now