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From the day I decided that I wanted
children, I was mindful that one day I'd have a son who'd grow up to be just like me. One who's Stubborn, short tempered and wont stand by and allow the people that he loves to be bad-mouthed. Little did I know, that it would be my daughter who takes after me. Looking at her, Is like looking at Tessa when I first met her, she looks the spitting image of her mother, but the minute she pouts her lips, and crosses her arm in a stroppy manner, it's like looking in the mirror. She's me in a wig.

I knew there had to be some kind of explanation for her lashing out at that trashy cheerleader like that. I just wasn't pleased to have witnessed it. The last thing I expected to see when I arrived at the school was Emery, bitch slapping some spoilt brat. She's far better than that. I demanded an explanation there and then, but her squeaky little friends were talking so pitched that only dogs could hear them. I couldn't understand half of what they were saying. I waited until I had dropped the three chipmunks back to their treehouse's to hear the full story from Emery and when I did, I understood why she reacted the way she did.

It turns out that she's been having a hard time at school since returning from spring break. The word got out that Charlie is graduating a year early and everybody seems to be spouting their unwanted opinions about the matter. Only, that one girl took it a step too far and Emery had reached breaking point.

If i didn't have places to be, there'd be hell In Brooklyn as I'm in the headspace to give that girls father a piece of my mind. Who does that little shit think she is? Conspiring that Charlie is only with my daughter because he didn't want to be taken into care or to move away to his Aunt's. Convincing her that Charlie is going to dump her the minute he leaves for college. I may tease Charlie from time to time, well, all the time, but I know that that kid loves my daughter to pieces. I have to give him that.

Tessa and I have spent the past hour consoling Emery, assuring her that that stupid bitch of a girl is just jealous.. and It's true. Only someone who is insanely jealous would say such a thing. Emery Is already anxious enough about the whole scholarship thing, without poisonous people like 'Jalissa' or whatever the hell her silly name is, getting into her head.

After a while of listening to Emery's teenaged outbursts, I retrieve my keys from the coffee table. I wish I didn't have to meet with my manager, but it's been weeks now since I last updated Paul about the progress of the new novel and he won't quit pestering me. "Hey" I tap my eldest on the shoulder and she frowns in response.

"I have to go see your uncle Paul and pick up Auden from band practice. Do you want to come with? We could grab some ice cream on the way back" I suggest. I'd do anything to lift her spirits right now. There's nothing worse than seeing your children, hurting. I prepare for myself for her whole 'Dad, I'm not six' speech, but I'm pleasantly surprised when her frown, turns to the sweetest smile and she puts on her shoes. Maybe she's not too 'hip' to spend time with her old man after all.

Tessa passes a sarcastic comment about how I always reward our children with Ice cream when they're bad, which so isn't true. I recall taking Auden to get ice cream when he got into a fight, but that snotty little kid deserved it, He was talking shit about Tessa and I'll be damned if I'm going to raise a son who would allow that. "Don't be jealous, I'll get you a mint choc-chip to take away" I smile smugly at my wife, before Emery and I head to leave the house.


"Ohh, Miller. You're so kind to your sissy" I coo as I watch my blue eyed boy hand a pink bear to his sister. The twins are only nine months old and already so intelligent. The fact that they already understand the concept of sharing, makes my heart beam with pride. I chuckle to myself when Saffron takes the soft toy from him and kisses the bear on the forehead. What did Hardin and I do to deserve such loving, kindhearted children? Even our eldest, who got into a fight today.

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