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Hey guys! This chapter is going to be the only chapter that includes a POV of characters, other than Hardin and Tessa. I thought it would be a fun way to include the reactions of the family, of the news of the Twins being born. Hope you enjoy🥰


Exhausted, isn't the word to explain how I'm feeling right now. It's been a couple of hours now since we welcomed our precious twins into the world and Hardin hasn't stopped crying. Bless him. Hardin has been a real life angel these last couple of hours. Yes, he told me to push Miller back in when I told him his head was out and he fainted while I was pushing out saffron, but he has been so so supportive, even when I was biting his head off.

He somehow got us to the hospital in less than thirty minutes, when the hospital is at least a forty five minute drive. Everything happened so quickly and I don't know how that poor hand of his isn't broken, because I squeezed the hell out of it. Even in his state of panic, he knew to inform the hospital to be ready for our arrival. He was everything I could have wished for.

I was a mess when our babies were rushed off to the NICU but Hardin held my hand through it all and reassured me that everything would be okay, even though he's terrified too. He still hasn't left my side and we are relieved, when a doctor from the NICU who introduces himself as Doctor Murphy, enters the room.

We have been sick with worry, completely unaware of what is happening, so it's a huge relief to finally have someone come and explain. "Hi, Tessa is it?" He shakes my hand and I nod. "And you're the babies father?" He repeats with Hardin. "Yeah, Hardin" he greets the middle aged man.

"I've just come to say congratulations on your arrival and to introduce myself. I will be one of the paediatricians looking after your twins. I've just met them and I can tell you that they're in with a fighting chance. The reason they're having to spend some time in the neonatal intensive care unit, is because they were under some respiratory distress when they were born, meaning that they were having a little trouble breathing. We can stabilise this in no time, so there's nothing to worry about there, but with that, and their birth weight being less than five pounds, we'd like them to spend a couple of weeks up on the NICU" he wears a sympathetic smile.

"The babies have had their routine, new born physical examination and everything is completely fine. They're healthy and I have no concerns, other than their weight and prematurity" he adds, while crossing his fingers.

Hardin and I let out a synchronised sigh of relief. Our minds have been put at ease, knowing that there are no further underlying issues and that our tiny tots are going to be okay. The doctor assures us that Hardin is free to visit the babies as soon as he likes, as am I once I'm fit enough. He tells us that if there's anything at all that we need to ask, to not hesitate and congratulates us once again, before leaving, presumably returning to the NICU. "What a lovely man" I mutter, while burying my head into Hardin'a chest.

"So.. we should probably alert everybody that the babies have arrived" he says softly, while stroking my hair. Shit, I didn't think of that. Everyone is going to freak when they find out. Giving birth to twins at thirty two weeks and one of the babies being born in the car, is always a good story to tell. Not that we've had this happen to us before.

" I want Emery and Auden to be the first to know" I warn him. They are at Landon's and Nora's house, anticipating the news of the arrival. Hardin obliges and puts the call on loud speaker. He knows how desperate I am to hear my babies' voices. It was only this morning before they went to school, that I last saw them, but I'm already missing them so much.


Holy crap, my dad is calling. "Charlie, I'm going to have to call you back, my dad is calling" I hang up the phone on my boyfriend. Please be okay, please be okay, my subconscious repeats as I press the answer button. "Dad, dad? Can you hear me? Is mom okay? It's not time yet! how is she having the babies?" I know that I'm rambling but I can't control my frantic state. I've been holding in these questions in since Uncle Landon told me that my mom had gone into labor, earlier this afternoon. "Calm down, big sis" my dad remarks, in a teasing tone. I don't have the words to express my happiness, so I let out an excitable squeal.

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