Uncle Deckard Shaw Pt 1

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Chapter Thirty

Nicole shakes her head, stepping back. "I am not going anywhere with your brother. I don't know him."

"To be fair." Deckward steps up. "I don't know you either, yet here I am. As a favor for him..." his eyes narrow to Owen. "I'm not a baby sitter but he seems to thinks we will get along enough."

"And if we don't?"

"I know a good hotel to put you in if you become to troublesome."

"You are not locking me away."

"That," Deckard brows raise. "depends on you."

Nicole pleading eyes go to Owen. "I get it, okay? I'll get better, I promise. I won't mess up out there anymore."

Owen eyes cast down briefly. "I wish I could believe those words, Nicole." His blue eyes flickered back to her. "I just don't look to take any chance with you. You don't need to die out there from messed up emotions."

"Now you care about me dying? You didn't give a crap when you pulled me into all of this! Now you want to play the 'care' card. Save your stupid little act for somebody else."

"Not much for manners is she?" Deckard head tilts.

"Screw you," She hissed.

"I guess that answers my question." He nods.

Owen sighs. "Nicole, this is what needs to happen. Lets not make this harder than it needs to be."

"I don't even have my stuff."

"Vegh made sure to pack it all like I asked her."

"I rather you left me with no clothes then have her touch my things."

"Too late. Get in the car." Owen nods down the bridge. "I have a plane to catch and my brother is ready to leave."
Nicole opens her mouth to speak. "If you want to make this hard, I can give you other reasons of why you should leave." Sealing her lips shut, Nicole shuffles back. "Please remember what brought you to me." Deckard eyes go from Owen, to the girl who now looked at his brother with fear in her eyes. "Go get in the car. When my brother thinks you are better enough in the mind, you can come back home."

Nicole walks over to Owen—the fear in her eyes changing to a cold glare. "This, will never be my home." her voice laced with venom. "If she isn't alive when I come back...."

Owen blinks amused. "What would you do?"

"You know what I heard my father say one day? To be careful of what you create in the world....you never know when it might become your own enemy." Nicole says to Owen's falling smile. "My mother better be here when I come back."

"She will be."

Nicole backs away with a glare that spoke her silent promise if she were to come back to Letty being gone.

Walking to Deckard she stops in front of him. He moves to the side and motions to the car. Rolling her eyes; she continues down the bridge.

"And don't even think about trying to run, I have the keys." Nicole stops in her tracks with a mumbled threat before she walks off. "Little sneak." Deckard mumbles.

Owen approaches him. "Keep her as long as need be. I don't want her back until she has some grip on reality and suicide off her mind."

Deckard watches Nicole. "You were the one who believed a kid being here is a good idea. She shouldn't be in any of this."

"We didn't ask to be in what we were either, brother." Owen says, his eyes flickered to him. "Nicole has a lot of potential in the world we live. It shouldn't be wasted."

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 𝐎𝐟 𝐍𝐢𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐞 𝐓𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐨Where stories live. Discover now