Nicole's 8th Birthday

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Chapter Six- Nicole's 8th Birthday

A couple of weeks had passed since they had moved in their new home in Mexico. It wasn't home to Nicole but it was as close to it as she was going to get and she almost started growing accustom to being there.

Nicole walks down the steps, rubbing her eyes, still feeling tired from waking up in the morning.

She wore a denim shorts, a black tank top  and a pair of flip flops. Instead of her hair being straightened, she left it in it's natural poodle curled way and just had it brushed back into a low pony tail.

Nicole walks in the kitchen with a yawn.

"Happy birthday!" Letty shouts, jumping out.

"Ahhhhhh!" Nicole screams, falling back out of shock with a hand over her chest wide eyed.

Letty chuckles. "Not the reaction I wanted." 

Dom laughs coming from behind her. "I told you it was the one you were going to get.

Nicole breathes heavily, still in shock. "Happy birthday or death day?" She gets up and brushes herself off. "Mommy, this is why surprise party's was never brought up."

"Should have gave you one anyway." Dom says as he picks her up with one arm. "You get taller over night?"

Nicole pouts. "No fair, you know I'm still short."

Dom rumbles a soft chuckle as he smiles at her. "Happy birthday, Nicky."

"Thanks daddy." Nicole smiles, she felt her hair being ruffled and playfully glares over at Letty. "Really mom?"

Letty kisses her cheek. "Happy birthday midget."

"Thank you, do I get my gifts now?" Nicole looks between them.

"Later little child, later." Dom puts her down. "Now you give your mother a hand here while I go out and get a couple of more things for later."

"Okay!" She smiles, going into the dinning room. "Oooh a cake!"

Letty leans back to look in the other room. "Don't you even think about it." Her hair was out and tucked behind her ears.

Dom looks back at Letty amused. "You two be good while I'm gone."

"Yes sir." Letty smirks, she heads into the room Nicole. "Nicole Toretto! Didn't I say don't think about it, get down!"

"Yes mam!"

Dom shakes his head with a smile at them and leaves out.

In town...

Dom was out running errands and getting more things for Nicole for later. His daughter was finally eight years old, eight years ago the best thing that ever happened to him came into the world. He loved his daughter and promised as long as he was alive that he would protect her, even if it meant leaving her to do so.

Dom walked out one of the stores and ran into one of his friends he had met. "Han,"

He looks back and gives him a smile. "Dom, what's up." Han gives him a bro hug.

Han Seoul, was a tourist guy but did secret work when it involved money. He took jobs but was a chilled and laid back guy.

"You're out here early." He pulls back. "Special occasion?"

"Nicole's eighth birthday, so it is a special occasion." Dom nods. "You told me last night you had something to tell me too."

"She's eight already?" Han asks. "You having a party for her?"

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 𝐎𝐟 𝐍𝐢𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐞 𝐓𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐨Where stories live. Discover now