Sins Of The Past

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Chapter Sixty-Six

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Chapter Sixty-Six

Nicole eyes flutter open, her body still feeling tired and limp from whatever she inhaled. No doubt to her of Deckard being the one who had caught her off guard.

Eyes squinting at the dim light, she moves her head to look around. Dark walls of the warehouse closed in around her. The last time she had been in one, she worked with Owen. Now here she is trying to survive his brother.

Moving her hands over the cold stone floor, Nicole felt all those memories she suppressed come back to her slowly. The times she would lay on floors similar to these when the emotions were to much for her to handle. Crying and wishing Letty remembered enough for them to leave, or that Dom would find her. Those hopes that died every day the longer she stayed with Owen.

Tears building in her eyes , she feels them slide down her cheeks.

No matter the healing, the pain would never disappear.

Looking up, she sees a table setup in the middle of the floor.

Eyes scanning the area. Nicole didn't see any signs of people there, an exit sat a few feet away in between the scattered cargo and machines.

Not wasting another second, Nicole shot up from the floor and took a run for the door.

The feeling of something heavy following, she looks down to see what, just as something yanked her down to smack hard on the floor.

A scream of pain as she held her ankle, grunting through the rest--she squeezes it, hard.

Looking up, Nicole saw the chain cuffed around her ankle and not just a random one, the person made sure it was the one still sore from the party.

"Ugh!" Nicole cried out. Pulling her knees to her chest, she lays her head on her knees with a cry.

"I don't know what made you think it would be that easy." Deckard calmly walked out. Seething on the floor, Nicole glares at him. "That is the angriest look I ever seen you give me." Nicole looked back to see what she had been chained to.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 𝐎𝐟 𝐍𝐢𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐞 𝐓𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐨Where stories live. Discover now