A War Is Coming

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Chapter Sixty-Seven

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Chapter Sixty-Seven

The fly back to L.A. wasn't bad like Nicole thought it would be, the team stayed stationed away from the city and away from all cameras.

Over looking the city she called home, it had been a different feeling.

The calm before the storm.

Nicole pulled the handkerchief of Deckard out her pocket, looking it over. A sad gaze over taking her eyes as she felt the nerves in her stomach turn. While she tried her best to get him to stop, he wouldn't, not even for her, and she knew why. Other than his stubbornness, Deckard was loyal to the words of family, just like her father. A hidden promise he made to someone, and whoever they were, he was willing to see it through to the end.

Loyal to those he loved.

He had so many chances to kill her, he could have given her to Jakande and have him send her to whoever his boss was. Yet still he protected her with no hesitation.

Dom made it clear that his decision to take down Deckard would end one way or another. As much as she wanted to argue with him, what more could she argue? Deckard wanted her family dead and she couldn't be the one to get him to stop. Though it hurt to imagine, maybe there was only one road out, but l apart of her prayed one of them would show the other mercy and choose to change the course. Not for her sake but for the sake of ending a never ending cycle of revenge.

Nicole knew one thing for sure, if Dom died trying to take down Deckard or Jakande....she wouldn't miss when she pulled her trigger against anyone involved. There would be no need for someone to end the cycle--she would be the one to do it personally.

Just like Deckard, her loyalty for her family ran very deep and hurting them, is something no one could come back from.

Ramsey walked over to where Nicole sat on the rocks.

"Brian and everyone is waiting for you,"

"I'm coming," Nicole tells her.

"Are you okay?"

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 𝐎𝐟 𝐍𝐢𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐞 𝐓𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐨Where stories live. Discover now