The Agents

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(Next, let's introduce the outgoing Lee Min-jun and his boss, our favourite team leader, An Gi-seok [ he had such a very cute 🥺 face when the director scolded him for wanting to investigate Vincenzo in the first place ] )

Lee Min-jun arrived early as always. He greeted everyone with a smile and sat at his desk.

If anyone asked how they would described Min-jun, they'd describe him as an outgoing and cheerful person, despite sometimes, he'd complained on the painful injury on his chest.

Lee Min-jun was a decorated pilot. One day, a technician made a slight mistake that caused a minor blow and some shrapnels were embedded into Min-jun's chest.

The surgery was a success, but with the cost of Min-jun to be honorably discharged. There were times Min-jun missed to be behind the pilot seat, but he had to face the reality with a smile.

His superior recommended him and Min-jun was taken into the intelligence agency. Everyone loved his smile, even during a long and hard day, Min-jun would still be smiling.

Lee Min-jun had loved his little sister ever since the day he had met her at the hospital. The five year old boy saw his sister in his mother's arms and his heart was stolen.

Min-jun promised his mother that he'd always look after Haru in school. Her first day, he found her with her lunch box on the ground as a group of girls, older than Haru, had pushed her to the ground and she had dropped the lunchbox.

Min-jun chased the girls away and helped his sister up. They shared lunch that day. He even warned anyone who dared to push his sister around.

Even when he graduated first, he warned all the boys and girls who dared to hurt his sister. He even drove all the boys who had a crush on Haru, fearing they'd break his beloved sister's heart.

Their father, Min-ryu never understood why Min-jun was being overly protective on Haru. He even told him off to let Haru explore the world on her own.

"But, father...".

"No, Min-jun. You can't coddle her all the time. She will never learn to defend herself and will always rely on you. She must learn to be independent. When we're gone, if you keep coddling her, you really think she can survive this world? If you love your sister, you must let her go".

Min-jun sighed as he remembered his father's words. He loved Haru and just wanted to protect her. He knew how cruel the world was and he was afraid for her.

As Min-jun resumed his work, a paper was tossed to his head. He looked around to see all of his co-workers were focusing on their laptop.

Min-jun picked up the paper and opened it. It was in his team leader, An Gi-seok's handwriting.

"Come to the meeting room now and be discreet".

Min-jun frowned. An Gi-seok was a brilliant team leader, in his opinion. A bit odd, but brilliant nonetheless.

Min-jun grabbed his mug and headed to meeting room. As soon as he opened the door, An Gi-seok pulled him in and locked the door.

"What the hell, boss?", Min-jun was surprised.

"We have a mission", An passed the tablet to Min-jun.

Min-jun read the information given to him. He frowned as he read it.

"Consigliere? What's he doing here?".

"I theorised he has come here to hide. He's the next in line as the successor of the Mafia family called Cassano. We must find out what he's doing here".

"You just said he's in hiding. I doubt he'd be doing anything to make himself known".

"Still, we must find out what he's up to".

"Did the director authorise this?", Min-jun set the tablet down.


Min-jun sighed. "We're gonna have to fork it out, are we?".

"Yes, unfortunately", said An, looking all solemn.

"Alright, I'm on it", said Min-jun.

"Oh, don't forget. We still have that meeting later. This mission must not leave this room".

"Yes, sir".

During meeting, Min-jun looked at the time and knew he'll be late. He was getting sleepier, even after two cups of coffee today. He sent a text to Haru, telling her he'd be late.

"Go to the café in front of the plaza and wait for me there. I shouldn't be long. I'm in desperate need of coffee. Could you buy me one later? I'll text you when I'm on my way", he sent the text before trying his best to focus during the meeting.

Min-jun gathered his things and hopped into his car. He drove all the way to the café, but when he went in, Haru wasn't there.

Panic set in quick. He went to the counter and asked the barista, describing his sister to the worker there.

"Oh, she ordered this for you and then, she went out. She was calling out to someone, but I don't remember the name", said the barista as he handed the hot Americano to Min-jun.

Min-jun thanked the barista and went out, only to nearly bump into Haru head on. He sighed, relieved she was fine.

"I told you to stay put!", said Min-jun, angrily.

"Sorry, I thought I saw someone", Haru looked sad.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be mad. I'm just worried", Min-jun softened up.

"Wait, let me get my things", said Haru before she went in to pick up her stuff.

Haru was quiet during the ride home. Min-jun kept looking at her, who was scrolling through her phone.

"The barista said you saw someone. Who was it?", Min-jun broke the silence.

"Do you remember Han-seo? The little brother of that boy who killed his classmates?", Haru asked.

"Yeah, I think so. Why? Was that who you saw?".

"I know I'm not supposed to talk about the case...".


"Jipuragi is fighting with Babel. He owns Babel".

"And?", Min-jun frowned.

"But he's the younger brother. What happened to the psycho?".

"Probably his father came to his senses and toss him into a loony bin, but that still doesn't explain why you ran after him".

"I saw him. I ran out to catch up with him, but he kinda ran when he saw me. He doesn't look like the CEO of Babel. He looked..., scared".

"You think it's just a façade? Did you tell your boss?".

Haru shrugged. "Maybe tomorrow".

They arrived home. The house was dimly lit; their parents must be asleep already since it's already late.

"Stop thinking about it. Get some rest", said Min-jun.

Haru nodded and went to bed. Min-jun went to his room and continued his research on the Italian consigliere that just landed in Incheon a few hours ago.

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