The Recovery

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(A/N: I have like one more chapter before I'm finished with this story 🎉

Han-seo returns home and takes care of Haru)

"Was there anything missing?", Han-seo asked.

"That's the thing. The alarm was triggered, but the door was locked. They somehow managed to access our mainframe and tampered with it. Nothing was taken", said Han-seok.

"Her brother is an intelligence agent, isn't he? He must be the one behind this", said Han Seung-hyuk.

"That's the problem. He was drunk as a skunk when I saw him earlier", said Choi Myung-hee.

"Gosh, he's really good", Han-seo sighed.

"Make sure the gallery director doesn't yap about what happened. Take care of her", said Han-seok.

Both of the Wusang lawyers left, leaving the brothers alone. Han-seok stood up and faced the window.

"How is she?", he asked.


"Unless you have another girlfriend, then yes, Haru", Han-seok rolled his eyes.

"...She's fine...".

"Gosh, it's really hard to do it with her. It's like every time I plan to do it, a miracle saves her, don't you agree, brother?", Han-seok chuckled.

Han-seo fought the urge to just push his brother through the window and watch him fall to his death. Not now, he thought, not now.

Han-seok approached his brother and patted his head. "Arrange the meeting with Daechang Daily, ok? And make sure you deal with the art gallery director. Do better, come on".

Han-seok left and Han-seo just wanted to scream out his frustrations. "Patience is the key, Han-seo. Just be patience", he chanted to himself.

He returned home to find Haru in the massive bathtub, scrubbing her skin. He hung his jacket and knocked on the bathroom door.

He pulled a stool and sat next to the tub. Her skin was red from all the scrubbing. Han-seo placed his hand on top of hers, stopping her from hurting her skin.

"Please go away, Han-seo. I feel gross right now. I let him..., I let him touch me. Please, just let me be", Haru sobbed.

Han-seo grabbed the cheap loofah and tossed it aside. He rolled his sleeves up and grabbed the soft washcloth. He placed some soaps and handed it to Haru.

While Haru washed herself, Han-seo took her shampoo and washed her hair, gently massaging her head. He washed the shampoo off and helped her out of the tub.

Haru sat down while Han-seo grabbed another towel to dry her hair off. Haru rest her forehead on Han-seo's stomach, sighing in relief.

"I'm sorry, Han-seo", she sniffled.

"Shhh..., stop. I'm the one that's supposed to say that. Just rest, ok?", he grabbed her hairbrush and brushed her hair.

Han-seo helped her into his shirt and shorts before tucking her under the blanket. He kissed her forehead.

"I'll be in the shower, ok? I'll be right back", he said, handing her the pink bunny.

He took a quick shower and changed into his pajamas. He slid under the blanket and held her close.

Haru woke up a few times, having nightmares. Han-seo could only hugged her and rubbed her back, trying his best to soothe her.

Haru woke up in the morning and got ready for work. Han-seo gently grasped her arm.

"Stay home, ok?".

"I can't, Han-seo. I just want to go to work".

Han-seo sighed. "You'll call me, right?".

Haru nodded. Han-seo drove her to Geumga himself before heading to the office.

Cha-young was the first to hug her, followed by Min-jun and Soo-nam. They told her what Mi-ri had planned and Haru thanked her profusely.

"You're a part of us. We must protect each other", Mi-ri smiled.

Vincenzo hugged her too. "I'm sorry. I should've done a better job".

"I couldn't fight him back, Mr Cassano. I don't know why I couldn't", Haru sniffled.

"Hey, it's ok. You're strong to even let him come close to you. Everything will be ok".

"I probably shit myself if I were you", Min-jun tried to cheer his sister up.

"If it makes you feel any better, Yeon-jin and I will be having a baby", Chul-wook chimed in.

"Really? That's great news", Haru smiled before hugging Yeon-jin.

"I think I know how to make you feel even better. Ms Oh is allowed to leave the hospital for an hour or two. I thought of taking her out before her illness gets worse", said Cha-young.

"That sounds nice, boss. I'd very much like to go".

Min-jun didn't let her out of his sight the whole day. He sat next to her at the rooftop during lunch, handing her a bowl of naengmyeon. Miss Kwak even made her some tteokbokki for her.

"I'm so sorry, sis", he sighed.

Haru shook her head. "I should be the one who's sorry. What was I thinking?".

"If father knew about this, he'd kill me".

"Don't tell them, Min-jun. I think they worried too much. I don't want to burden them anymore".

"I broke our promise".

"No, you didn't. I was safe. He didn't do much to me".

Min-jun had spotted the bruise on her neck that Haru tried to cover up with her turtleneck. He wanted nothing more than to just kill Han-seok, but he knew that won't solve anything.

"It won't be long, sis. We'll get him. It's all the assurance I can give you".

Haru nodded. "Either that..., or we all will die".

"I called our aunt and uncle in Kyoto. Father and mama aren't safe here. I want them to stay there, at least for a month or two".

"You should know father. You know he won't budge".

"He has to. At least in Kyoto, Han-seok won't be able to get to them".

"You think he can't?".

"He'd be that stupid to try. Mama's ancestor home is a fortress. Besides, it'll do them good to destress".

"We need to destress too", Haru scoffed.

"Gosh, you're right. I want to fly so bad...".


"Then, I want to crash the plane directly at his stupid face. Who does he think he is? Did you read the article before the inauguration? He thinks he's some idol, smiling and looking all cute like that", Min-jun ranted as he rolled his eyes.

"Do you like him?", Haru teased him.

"Excuse you, if I like a guy, I wouldn't pick a psychopath like him or an idiot like his brother".

"Watch it, buster. I happened to like that idiot".

"You do realise all the ones that fall for you are idiots?".

"You do realise you're an idiot too".

"Excuse me?!".

Cha-young leaned by the door, smiling happily as she watched the two sibling bickered and throwing spring onions at each other. Vincenzo joined her and chuckled when he saw Haru chasing her brother around.

"Don't tell her about the stocks", said Cha-young.

"I have another surprise for us all".

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