The Interruption

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(Haru is nearly caught by Han-seok, only to be saved by Han-seo's excuses

A/N: WARNING - MINOR SMUT. Children, skip this chapter)

Of course, Choi Myung-hee came up with a backup plan. Even when Min-seong was detoured into a room full of zombies, courtesy of the Geumga Plaza tenants, the plan to get Shinkwang Bank to not fund Babel was a failure.

However, that didn't deter any of the Team Jipuragi. For now, they have to withdraw.

As the Jang brothers walked away, Han-seo took the opportunity to ask,

"Why do you keep going easy on them? We can just get rid of them".

"I never went easy on them", Han-seok smirked.

"Pardon?", Han-seo frowned.

"I never went easy on them...", Han-seok repeated, "...They got us because they're smart".

"Then..., then, shouldn't we have gotten rid of them sooner?".

"I'm surprised to hear that from you, little brother. Anyway, why would I get rid of such good partners so soon?".


"They are my sparring partners, who make me stronger...", said Han-seok, "...The day I get rid of Vincenzo will be the day I've defeated him".

"Y-Yes, sir".

"If I get rid of them so soon, you will hate me, right? Your girlfriend is still with them. I don't want my little brother to be sad, do I?", Han-seok patted Han-seo's shoulder.

"Y-Yes, sir", Han-seo bowed to him.

Han-seo arrived home and immediately was engulfed with a delicious scent. Mr Go informed him that Haru had arrived earlier through the emergency entrance with a bag of groceries.

"Sir, if you don't mind me saying, when it's safe, I honestly think you should make her an honest woman. I believe she'll keep you in check", Mr Go smiled.

"That is the plan, Mr Go. I just need to get rid of him", said Han-seo before bidding Mr Go goodnight.

Haru turned to him and smiled. "Why don't you shower first? This should be done by the time you're done showering", she said.

Han-seo showered and changed into his comfy clothes. He returned to the kitchen to find Haru plating a bowl of noodles.

"I made you spicy noodles with some beef", she set the bowl on the breakfast bar.

Han-seo pulled her in his arms, gently setting a trail of kisses from her shoulder to her ear. Haru giggled as she poked him.

"Hey, dinner first", she continued to giggle.

"Thank you, for always being so caring about me", he smiled.

"If I don't love you, I wouldn't be here, would I?".

Han-seo spoke of what happened at the event. "Miss Choi is very calculative. We have to be very careful", he said.

"I know that. I met her once. She's quite scary. I honestly thought she looked like someone's mother", she said.

"Gosh, that Hong Cha-young. How do you deal with her every day?".

"The same way you deal with your brother, except she's not as crazy as he is", Haru giggled.

Haru was going to wash the dishes when Han-seo made the bold move by picking her up to bed. He set her down and admired her beauty.

Han-seo's phone began to ring, but he simply shut it off. Haru giggled to see him tossing his phone to the couch.

"You know, I hate whenever you came to mind, I became all mushy and giddy inside", he said while gently pulling his shirt off of her.

"Well, I hate that I'm always worried about you", she rose up to kiss him.

Han-seo took her arms and kissed her scars. Haru pulled him back to her face, so she can kiss him again.

"Are we really doing this?", he whispered.

"Why?", she asked, biting her lips.

"I'm scared your brother might pop around and kill me", he chuckled.

"Don't worry, he won't. I'm here to keep you safe", she kissed him once more.

Haru helped him out of his clothes before Han-seo's lips latched themselves to her neck. Haru wrapped her arms around his neck, relishing the feeling of his lips on her skin.

Suddenly, Mr Go knocked rapidly on the door, interrupting them both. "Sir, quick! Your brother is on his way up!", he yelled.

Han-seo took Haru and hid her under his bed. He tossed all of her clothes in the laundry basket, under all of his dirty clothes. He even tossed her shoes way behind his long coats.

Han-seo composed himself and put his clothes back on. He walked out the same time Han-seok arrived.

"Why aren't you answering your phone?!", Han-seok demanded.

"Something was wrong with the battery. It kept dying", Han-seo looked at his brother straight in the eye.

Han-seok huffed before setting some folders on the breakfast counter. Then, he noticed the bowls in the sink.

"Hey, when's the last time you did your dishes?".

"Oh, that? I had two different noodles earlier. I was so angry with Vincenzo that I had to have two servings".

Han-seok blinked, trying to process the answer given. "You're still sweating. You really need to stop eating those spicy food".

Han-seo took the folders on the counter. "What's this?", he asked.

"Some documents that need your signature..., Mr Chairman", said Han-seok.

Han-seo took the pen and sign whatever his brother wanted him to sign. "Is this urgent?", Han-seo asked.

"Are you questioning me now?", Han-seok raised his brow.

"No, sir. It must've been urgent for you want it to be done immediately at this hour", said Han-seo.

Han-seok nodded. "Yeah, it's urgent. It can't be wait and I need Miss Choi to get it done as soon as possible".

"Oh, ok", Han-seo nodded.

"Are you ok, Han-seo? Why are you sweating so much?", Han-seok frowned.

"Oh, no, I'm fine, sir...", said Han-seo, "...It's just the food".

Han-seok didn't seem to believe it, but he shrugged the thought off. "Enough of those spicy food. I need you ship shape tomorrow..., and get a new phone that works!", he said.

"Yes, sir", Han-seo bowed before seeing his brother off.

When Han-seok's car left the building, Han-seo felt as if he was about to collapse. That was a close call.

He returned and helped Haru out from under the bed. He hugged her, feeling relieved that she wasn't caught.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry", he said while kissing her.

"It's ok, we made through. He doesn't know", she smiled.

Haru pulled him back to bed. Han-seo wrapped his arms around her; having her close made him feel at peace and let him sleep soundly that night.

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