The Deal

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(Haru brokers her own deal with Han-seok. Han-seo must accept it, even though he knows she doesn't want to do it)

While Choi Myung-hee took Han-seo home after his little stunt at the nightclub, Haru was preparing to meet with the devil. The very same that haunted her whole life.

Haru wore her hair down, to cover the earpiece set by Min-jun and An. She texted Han-seok to meet her at the cafe across Geumga Plaza.

She texted to Han-seo, apologizing for what she's about to do. Soo-nam, Seok-do and Chul-wook, along with Mr Tak disguised themselves as customers to blend in and make sure Haru is safe.

"Sis, relax. We're all here, ok?", Min-jun spoke through the comm.

"You still love me, right? Even after what I'm about to do?", she asked, her voice wavering.

"Hey, hey! We talked about this. You're my sister no matter what. Nothing will change no matter what. You're strong..., stronger than I am. We can get through this".

"Miss Haru, we're all here for you, ok?", Vincenzo spoke as he, Cha-young, An and Min-jun hid upstairs.

Haru took deep breaths and composed herself. She spotted Han-seok arriving, wearing a light coloured hoodie and tracks.

He sat down in front of her, smiling as if nothing had happened. "So, you've made up your mind?".

"I'm willing to do whatever it takes to keep my family safe..., but with conditions of my own".

"You'll be a great lawyer one day and Wusang will be grateful to have you", Han-seok chuckled.

Haru slid the documents to him. Han-seok read the revised documents and chuckled.

"Are you sure you don't want to work at Wusang? Their pay is quite good".

"Jipuragi is my home. If you let me work at Wusang, the first thing I'll do is to burn the place to the ground, with those two lapdogs of yours", Haru spoke.

Han-seok read further and his eyes grew darker. "Who changed number four?", he asked.

"You want me? You have to earn it..., Mr Chairman", said Haru.

"You think I can't force my way to you?".

"Oh, I will expect you to do that and that will give me a bigger window to kill you".

"Did sunbae write these up?".

"She rewrote number four only, for both of our benefits and so we don't kill each other".

He took another look and one got his attention. "If you're to be my pretend girlfriend, you can't be seen living at my brother's place".

"Take it or leave it. Besides, either that..., or be prepared to see your precious company fall sooner than you think. That's from your sunbae".

Han-seok laughed and leaned back in his chair. Of course Cha-young did it, otherwise she would've killed him herself.

Han-seok pulled out a card. "I've booked an appointment. I want you to be there on time".

Haru took the card and frowned. "I have to accompany you to your suit try-ons? What are you, six year old?".

"We'll be seen in public as a couple. You have to be there with me whenever we're out and about. Besides, you need a dress for the inauguration".

"How generous of you...", she scoffed, crossing her arms together.

"Dear, don't be like that", Han-seok brushed his leg against hers and Haru tried her best to not flinch.

Soo-nam wanted nothing more than to bash Han-seok's brain out, but Seok-do pulled him back, reminding him what's at stakes. Haru, on the other hand, could only smile.

"Don't you think your sunbae will be jealous?", Haru asked.

"You let me worry about her. All you need to do is take care of your image, you're to be my public girlfriend".


Haru got into the car and Mr Park closed the door. He got into the driver's seat and started the car.

"Miss, is this the right thing to do?", he asked.

"For the plan to work? Yes, Mr Park. I hate it, but I have no other option", Haru looked down at her phone at the selfie she took with Han-seo at the amusement park.

"Does Mr Jang know about it?".

"He will soon enough", Haru sighed.

Haru arrived at this fancy and private building. She was ushered in and found Han-seok was browsing through dresses for her.

"Honey, there you are!", for a moment, Haru saw Jang Joon-woo, not Jang Han-seok.

Han-seok took her by the arm, gently this time. He showed her many dresses and he mentioned he loved satin ones.

"You should try these", Han-seok had already hand-picked her dresses for her.

Haru looked at them. Most were red of all shades and quite modest. It's probably to match what he'll wear on the inauguration day.

"Go ahead, I want to see them on you", Han-seok sat down and poured the champagne.

Haru tried each one and Han-seok gave his review. His favourite was the body fit satin dress that reached to her knees and it was as deep as the wine on his hand.

"You should wear that", Han-seok eyed her top to bottom.

"Perhaps, but I like that one", she pointed out to the lilac one by the window.

Han-seok got up and went to the mannequin. The dress was almost similar to the one Haru was wearing at the moment, but it was more loose and had a slight plunge on the back. He asked the store assistant to get Haru's size.

While Haru was trying on, Han-seok entered the dressing room. Haru didn't even bothered as she was busy trying to zip the dress.

Han-seok helped her with the zip, letting his skin brushed against hers. He smirked, feeling her shuddered under his touch.

"Relax, we have a deal, remember?".

"I'm not doing it for your own amusement", she smacked his hand away.

Han-seok looked into the mirror to see her emotionless face as she looked at the dress. He scoffed and placed his hand at the back of her neck, slowly gripping it tighter and pulling her closer to him.

"Remember, your family are not the only ones at stakes. If you want my brother to live, you do as I say, got it?".

Haru turned to meet him eye to eye. Their face was inches away, given the close proximity between them. Han-seok looked down and his eyes widen, seeing the dress had shown some of her cleavages.

"Guess you're not that meek after all", he chuckled at why she chose this dress.

Han-seok closed down the gap to kiss her, but Haru shoved him out of the dressing room and shut the door. She rest her forehead on the door, her heart beat fast. She had to be strong..., for everyone.


Han-seo sat down, processing everything Vincenzo is telling him. He only noticed the texts when he woke up the day after.

"She's doing this for you, Han-seo", said Vincenzo.

"Why did you let her? I rather die by his hands than letting him putting his hands on her", Han-seo desperately wanted to drink more, but Vincenzo stopped him.

"I know this may seems a bit of a stretched, but trust me. I promise you, she will be safe".

"It will hurt, Han-seo...", Cha-young sighed, "...But when we take him down, we will be free from him".

Either that, Han-seo thought, or death for them all.

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