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(Min-jun got an odd text from Haru. Han-seok tells Haru what he's about to do to her


Min-jun grabbed his jacket and bag before heading down to the carpark. He bid his co-workers good night and was about to drive home when his phone vibrated.

"🚩🚩🚩", he frowned why Haru sent him this and this made him uncomfortable.

He got out and stopped An from leaving. Min-jun showed the text to his boss.

"Choi Myung-hee went to jail and now, my sister sends me this".

"You don't think...?".

"I know it's late...".

An pulled out his phone. "Get the team ready, we may have a hostage situation".


The last thing Han-seo remembered was the gun to his head and Han-seok. The thought of Haru and Ju-hyeong ran through his head. He was willing to accept his face before Han-seok hit him.

Han-seo woke up, his head throbbed and he could feel the half dried blood on the side of his face and his hand. He turned to see Cha-young, her hands tied to her back and her legs were bound too.

"Han-seo! Hey, you ok?", Cha-young asked.

He looked around and noticed that he's now at his father's hunting villa. He tried to get up, but his head was spinning that he fell back to the ground.

Han-seok's footsteps caught their attention. He came down, swinging the gun in his hand. He took a seat nearby Cha-young.

Cha-young scoffed. "I didn't think you'd abduct me, but you did. I didn't think you'd stoop so low".

"What's the difference? All villains are the same".

"No matter how hard I think about it, you're not human".

Han-seok approached Cha-young, crouching in front of her and gently caressing her cheek. "Sunbae, don't you know how much I love you? That makes me human".

"Abducting a woman you love is not love, but a crime, you crazy asshole", Cha-young spat back.

"Sorry, sunbae...", Han-seok grasped her chin hard, "...To me, my principle comes before love".

"Your principle? Killing everyone you don't like? Torturing a woman and your brother who mean no harm to you? What a load of crap. Han-seok, someone like you shouldn't have been born at all".

"Ouch", he let her go and returned back to his seat.

"That hurts. I shouldn't be born? Isn't it harsh..., Han-seo?", Han-seok turned to his brother, who was kneeling by the pillar.

"Kill me already. Don't be stupid and call Mr Cassano", said Cha-young.

"Can't do that, sunbae. That's the reason why I abducted you", Han-seok got up to make a call.

"Hey! Don't use me to harm him. Just kill me already!"

Han-seok made a short call before hanging up. It wasn't long before Vincenzo and Haru arrived, although separately.

"Miss Haru, what are you doing here?", Vincenzo got worried.

"He's got Han-seo", Haru sobbed.

The two of them ran inside and Haru immedieatly went to Han-seo, who quickly grabbed her as Han-seok aimed the gun in his hand. Cha-young struggled to get loose and Vincenzo couldn't move when Han-seok turned the gun to him.

"Han-seo, are you ok?", Haru inspected his head.

"Are you crazy? What are you doing here?!".

"I called her", Han-seok answered, casually.

Han-seo pulled Haru behind him. "Han-seok, please. Kill me if you have to, but please, let her go", he pleaded.

"Just her?", Han-seok chuckled.

"What do you mean?", Han-seo frowned.

"Don't you mean, 'please let her and my baby go?'", Han-seok laughed.

That made them all turned white. How did Han-seok find out about the baby?

"You think I don't know about that?", Han-seok got up, still aiming his gun at Vincenzo.

Han-seok kicked his brother to the side and pulled Haru up by the hair and locked her in his arm, slowly pulling back to the chair. He smiled as they pleaded to him to let Haru go.

"A rat that's about to devour has no rules, isn't that right, Haru?", Han-seok kissed her cheek.

"Let her go, you bastard!!", Cha-young tried in vain to free herself.

"Han-seo, guess what? I'm gonna take her upstairs after this. I'm gonna rip these clothes off of her and I'm gonna enjoy it myself. I'm gonna take my time, savouring her. The more she struggles, the more I will enjoy it. Who knows? She may lose this bastard of yours...", Han-seok's lips carved up a menacing smile.

Han-seo got up, but Han-seok pressed the gun towards Haru's temple, warning him to stay back. Haru was in tears, shaking her head at Han-seo.

"...But, if this little shit is lucky, I'm gonna torture him the way I did to you, you traitorous bastard".

"Think carefully...", said Vincenzo, "...Whatever you do, you'll die".

"Even if I do, I want to see you die first", said Han-seok.

Han-seok turned to his brother, now pointing the gun at Haru's stomach. "Pick the hockey stick up", he said, head nudging at the hockey stick behind him.

"Pick it up or your baby dies", Han-seok pressed the gun harder.

Han-seo shakily picked the hockey stick up and rose from the ground. He turned to his brother, wondering why.

"Chairman Jang, beat Vincenzo Cassano to death..., and maybe, I'll let you live. Not only that, I'll give you all of Babel".

Him and Babel, not Haru. He knew whatever he will do, if Han-seok didn't die first, this will be the end of Haru and their child.

"You sick bastard! You're really mad, aren't you?!", Cha-young yelled.

Han-seok shoved Haru to the chair and slapped Cha-young hard. Haru was about to run when Han-seok fired the gun, hitting the floor next to her.

Vincenzo tried to move forward, but Han-seok quickly aimed his gun at him. He crouched to Cha-young, still aiming at Vincenzo.

"Sunbae, be quiet. If you keep talking, I'm really going to kill you".

"Do it then. Stop this ridiculous joke".

Han-seok slowly pulled the hammer, preparing to fire. Vincenzo knew he had no choice and knelt to the ground.

"Mr Cassano...", Haru sobbed.

Vincenzo turned to Han-seo. "Just do as he says...".

Han-seo turned to his brother. "Will you really let me live if I kill him?".

"Of course, you're my brother, after all".

"Mr Cassano, I'm so sorry", Han-seo turned to Vincenzo, a tear rolled down from his eye.

"It's ok, you have no other choice", Vincenzo nodded, understanding the situation.

Han-seo nodded, gripping the hockey stick. "I'll make a decision I won't regret", he said.

He moved towards Vincenzo. Slowly, he raised his arms up to strike.

"Ju-hyeong, papa is sorry, ok?", Han-seo said.

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