The Date

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(God the whole amusement park scene was the best)

Haru woke up in the middle of the night. She turned around to find Han-seo missing. She grabbed his t-shirt and slid it on her petite frame.

She got up to find him, but stopped when she heard Han-seo and Han-seok talking outside. It's as if he knew that she was there. She hid behind the door to listen.

"I'm sorry to drop by this late. I found something alarming", said Han-seok.

"Which is?", Han-seo felt his heart beat faster.

"One of Miss Choi's 'magic crystal balls' spotted a dead man walking", Han-seok tossed a blurry photo of what looked like Min-jun, wearing a baseball cap and sunglasses to hide himself.

"That's impossible", said Han-seo.

"Are you sure, little brother?", Han-seok eyed him suspiciously.

"I saw his body. I mean, you can't fake that, right?".

"Was it really his body, Han-seo?".

"Yeah, it was! He has those scars on his chest from his accident in the military".

Han-seok sighed. "Maybe Vincenzo found a double. He's trying to scare us", Han-seo added.

Han-seok smirked and chuckled. "You're getting smarter day by day. You're working so hard lately, little brother", he said.

"I've been learning so much from you, sir".

"I'll get Miss Choi to look into it again. Get some rest. I want you energetic on Monday, ok?".

"Yes, sir", Han-seo bowed.

Han-seo watched from the CCTV to make sure Han-seok left the building. He sighed out of relief - his brother has been coming a lot lately and it worried him since Haru is staying over.

"Did he figure out?", Haru's voice startled Han-seo.

"Gosh, Haru, you scared me", Han-seo felt like his heart was going to leap out.

"Sorry", she approached him at the breakfast bar.

Han-seo pulled her close, resting his forehead in the crook of her neck. Her scent was intoxicating to him, more than the drugs he had ever taken.

"He doesn't know and I doubt he will. Don't you worry so much about it", said Han-seo.

"Come on, let's go back to bed. We got a full day ahead today", said Haru.

Han-seo let Haru pulled him back to bed. He took his shirt off and tossed it on the couch nearby.

His bed used to feel so massive when he's alone. Now, Haru occupied the other side. He didn't mind it at all and he preferred it that way.


Haru and Han-seo put on matching outfits head to toe. Both wore knitted caps and sunglasses to hide their identities. Even Cha-young and Mr Nam put on funny sunglasses to hide themselves.

The four of them followed Vincenzo and Min-seong around the amusement park. From time to time, Vincenzo would glare at them for making him do this.

Min-seong dragged Vincenzo everywhere and Team Jipuragi followed closely behind unsuspectingly. Han-seo saw the real Min-seong in person.

Haru promised to cook Vincenzo a meal if he agreed to do this. Haru felt sorry to see him trying to smile even when he felt miserable.

Another thing they learned, when they headed to the haunted section, was that Min-seong was scared of zombies. Cha-young and Haru looked at each other, an idea came to mind.

Out of the blue, Han-seo handed her a stuffed pink coloured bunny that he had won from the arcade. Cha-young threw popcorns at them.

"Seriously, you two? This is not the time for stuffed animals", Haru knew she meant no harm.

"Get 'Tae-ho" to win you one", Han-seo joked and quickly pulled Haru away to run from Cha-young.

While Vincenzo and Min-seong were on the merry go rounds, Han-seo dragged Haru into the love boat. Haru snuggled close as they entered the tunnel.

"Haru, I won't let him hurt you again", Han-seo kissed her hair.

"I know. We'll keep each other safe, ok?", she wrapped her arms around his waist.

"Can I..., can I kiss you?", he asked.

They shared a kiss as the animatronics shot up fireworks around them. That would how Han-seo felt when his lips met hers.

They all left quite late with Vincenzo sneaking off after a 'confrontation' with Min-seong, where he broke their promise of talking about work while on a date. Haru had to calm him down from killing Cha-young.

"Miss Haru, you better hope your cooking is not as bad as Toto's", said Vincenzo.

The five of them gathered at Haru's family home. Haru had Mr Nam stopped by at a convenient store to buy the ingredients for her to cook naengmyeon, her brother's favourtie dish.

Han-seo helped Haru chopped up the ingredients while the rest cooled down with soju at the table. Vincenzo got up to the wall by the tv to see the various photos of the Lees throughout the years.

Vincenzo smiled to see both Min-jun and Haru's photos. Some of them were standing straight in their formal photos while some of them goofing around. What intrigued Vincenzo was a photo of Haru and another boy at the front porch of what perhaps looked like their previous home.

Vincenzo studied the boy and made the deduction - it was a young Han-seo. From the outfit, it was perhaps the day Han-seok attacked Haru and Han-seo at the park. Han-seo was smiling as wide and bright as Haru.

Vincenzo must've been looking at the photos for a while when Cha-young called out to him. He turned to see the food had been served on the table.

As they ate, Vincenzo watched Haru and Han-seo interacted. The way he looked at her and the way she prepared extra chili oil, knowing how much he loved spicy food.

"Wait, you never told me how you two met", Cha-young spoke.

"We went to the same school. I was eating on my own and I saw him all alone. I offered him my food and that's how it all started", Haru smiled fondly at Han-seo.

"No matter how many times my brother tried to bully her, she would always come back. Haru is my only friend..., before she moved away", said Han-seo.

"Father had to be stationed near the border. I cried all night when he told me we had to move".

"I can't believe it. How did I not see who he is?", Cha-young sighed.

"Don't beat yourself. You're not the first he had fooled over the years", said Han-seo.

"When this is all over, what are you two going to do?", Mr Nam asked.

"I plan to run Babel properly and legally", said Han-seo.

"That's good. You seem to improve a lot these days", Vincenzo complimented.

"I've been reading a lot too. I really want to do good with the company", Han-seo smiled.

"What about you, Haru?", Mr Nam asked.

"After I graduated, someone promised me to take me on an adventure", Haru smiled shyly.

"Oh, please, you two", Cha-young rolled her eyes.

Vincenzo chuckled. He was glad that the idiot he had met at the gym in the beginning was slowly learning. Perhaps, he could do better than before and Vincenzo had high hopes for him.

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