The Monster Returns

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(Prosecutor Jung gets what he deserves.


Jae-hwa did as instructed. When Prosecutor Jung went outside, Jae-hwa immediately texted Min-jun.

Min-jun and Vincenzo snuck in, nodding at Jae-hwa as a thank you. Jae-hwa nodded back and locked the door that led outside.

Prosecutor Jung stubbed his cigarette and decided to head back in. His path was blocked by Vincenzo and Min-jun, who smiled seeing the prosecutor's expression.

"Time's up, prosecutor~", said Min-jun, aiming his bat at him.

Prosecutor Jung shouted for help, but sadly, his co-workers were too busy drinking. Vincenzo grabbed him by the neck, squeezing his throat until he passed out.

Min-jun dragged the prosecutor towards the secluded part of the rooftop. He pulled out a water bottle and poured it all over the prosecutor, waking the man up.

"You bastards...", Prosecutor Jung grunted.

"It's rare for me to be so generous, but you still won't accept it", said Vincenzo.

"Shut up, you mafia prick! You sure talk big for a lowlife criminal".

"For a prosecutor, you don't know the difference between lowlife and pro, do you?", Min-jun scoffed.

"You! I'll have your badge for this!".

"Don't worry, my boss knows. He gave me the green light", Min-jun smirked.

"I may be a criminal, but I'm aware of the things I did. Why not you?", said Vincenzo.

"I haven't done anything wrong. I live by the law and its principles", the prosecutor's answer made Min-jun laughed.

"See? Even he knows...", said Vincenzo, "...Since you won't acknowledge what you've done, I'll free you from your sins...".

Prosecutor Jung backed up, but he's cornered now. Min-jun pulled them man up by the tie, tightening it.

"...That which has no life and no sins...", Vincenzo continued.

"Don't worry about your wife and daughter. I'll make sure to pay my condolences about your 'suicide'", said Min-jun.

Prosecutor Jung couldn't even respond as Vincenzo and Min-jun tossed him over and he landed on his back on top of a car. Min-jun knew that killing him won't resolve things, but he felt better, knowing that a two faced like Prosecutor Jung had met his end.

Vincenzo and Min-jun exited discreetly, thanks to Jae-hwa. On their way back, Vincenzo turned to Min-jun.

"Min-jun..., I'm sorry. I never want to this for you. You're a good man and I don't want to taint your hands any further".

"You think this is my first rodeo? You think I never killed before?", Min-jun chuckled.

"You did as you were ordered before".

"Isn't it the same thing, whether it's now or back when I was serving? Gosh, don't feel so bad. I know what I signed up for".


Haru and Han-seo were having brunch at a fancy restaurant when Haru got a notification. She gasped as she saw the news.

"What?", Han-seo asked.

"Prosecutor Jung..., committed suicide", said Haru.

"You know that's not the truth", Han-seo whispered.

"I know..., but I was more hoping it was more than just jump over a building".

Han-seo chuckled and shook his head. "Ju-hyeong, what am I gonna do with your mama?".

"Hey, what's that supposed to mean?", Haru glared at him.

"Don't talk like that. Ju-hyeong might follow your morbid ways", Han-seo laughed.

"Morbid, my butt...", Haru stuck her tongue out at him.


Haru was surprised to hear the charges against Choi Myung-hee. She turned to Vincenzo, looking very concerned.

"I don't know if it's just my hormones, but I'm worried if this is a ploy to get Han-seok out".

"I already told Han-seo to go abroad, but he refuses. He said that you will want to stay and fight and he won't go if you stay", said Vincenzo.

"God, it's so cheesy", Cha-young rolled her eyes.

Haru dialed up Han-seo, who picked up after two rings. "Yeobo, what do I owe you the pleasure?", Haru can definitely see him grinning ear to ear.

"Yeobo?", Haru smiled.

"I mean, you called me jagiya hehe".

"Han-seo, Choi Myung-hee was arrested today".

"Is she?".

"I'm serious, Han-seo".

"I am too. On what charges?".

"Tax evasion, abetting murder and murder".

"Why did she suddenly get arrested?".

"I don't know, but..., I think it has something to do with Han-seok. This could be a ploy to get him out quietly".

"It's ok, yeobo. I'm fine here. I have like 20 guards".

"Jagi, you didn't tell me Mr Cassano asked you to leave the country. Why didn't you take his offer?".

"Because I know you won't leave. I know you want to fight. I can't leave you and Ju-hyeong to fight while I hide".


"I've made up my mind. He can come if he wants. I want to prove to you and Ju-hyeong that I can fight".

"I can't live if you die", Haru began to sob.

"Yeobo, it's ok. Stop worrying, it's not good for Ju-hyeong".

"If he kills you, I will kill him myself".

"I know", Han-seo bid her goodbye before heading to the next meeting.


Haru had dinner with her family since Han-seo was working late and Min-jun had to do overtime after a meeting. Hana noticed Haru wasn't eating much.

"Haru, is everything ok?".

"Choi Myung-hee was arrested today for tax evasion, abetting murder and murder", said Haru.

"That's good isn't it?", asked Min-ryu.

"I don't know if it's the hormones, but..., I think it's a ploy..., to switch place with Han-seok".

Min-ryu set his chopsticks down and hummed. "That could be it..., since that late prosecutor set everyone in the video free".

"I'm so worried...", Haru sighed.

"It's ok, that's normal. I'm sure it's nothing, ok?", Hana patted Haru's hand gently.

Haru was prepared to go back to Han-seo's when she got a text and a picture. She gasped when she saw it.

"Come alone or he dies - Han-seok".

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