The Hacker

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(A/N: in the drama, Mi-ri revealed herself after Team Jipuragi caught the tenants meeting up with the gold expert.

Seo Mi-ri, the piano teacher, reveals herself)

Vincenzo went up to the rooftop to find Min-jun staring at a pack of cigarette. Vincenzo went to him and sat next to Min-jun, who handed the consigliere a cup of espresso.

"You sounded off", said Vincenzo.

"After I sent Haru back to Han-seo's, I went to grab a bite. Guess who I met up with?".

"I'm not surprised since you told me he had your entire family followed".

"You know what he said to me? He said that we could've been friends. He said how lucky I was to have loving parents unlike him".

"Your point is?".

"He looks..., remourseful. I didn't believe him...".


"Haru spoke to me about the night she stayed with Han-seok. She made him the soup I learned when I went on a tour. She said he became oddly quiet after he ate most of it...", Min-jun scoffed.

"...Then, in bed, he asked her if he could be different if he had parents like us. Of course, Haru lectured him. She expected him to..., but he was silent afterwards. In the morning, he even let her returned to Han-seo since they never made official public announcement as a couple because Prosecutor Jung interrupted his inauguration".

"Make no mistake. That could just be the calm before the storm", Vincenzo flickered his lighter.

"Should I tell Miss Hong about it?".

"You can, but I doubt she cared about it. To her, Jang Joon-woo is dead and Jang Han-seok had killed him".

"I really wish he was just a stupid intern with a cute face", Min-jun sighed as he took out one cigarette.

"Ah, Min-jun, you never told me that how you knew where the gold was", Vincenzo sipped his coffee.

Min-jun lit his cigarette and blew. He tried his best to stop; perhaps after Babel is defeated.

"About that...", he scratched his head.


As Min-jun did his work, the door creaked. Min-jun got up and he was startled when Seo Mi-ri appeared before him.

"Gosh, you scared me!".

Mi-ri pushed him in and shut the door. She took the opportunity to speak to him since Vincenzo, Cha-young and Mr Nam were out.

"I need your help".

Min-jun pulled a chair for her. He made the instant coffees and handed her a mug.

"I'm not sure what I can help, but I'll try my best", Min-jun blew his drink.

"I know you're looking for the Guillotine file", her words nearly made him spat his drink out.


"I know you're looking for it. I overheard you were talking about it the other day".

That got him nervous. Min-jun was not sure how far she knew about what they were talking about.

"It's ok. I won't tell anyone about it".

"Why are you helping me?".

"Isn't it obvious?", she smirked and wiggled her brows.

"It's too dangerous, Miss Seo".

"I designed the underground bunker that housed Wang's gold. I can get it out for you with this building intact".

"You have to tell Mr Cassano".

"Why can't you do it?", she frowned.

"It's better he hears from you".


"Did she say how she knew?", Vincenzo asked.

"She said she was the one who designed the bunker and its security system", this time, Vincenzo nearly spat his coffee.

"Look, I don't give two shits about the gold. I just want my sister back and I want that asshole to pay for what he has done".

Vincenzo sighed. "Get her then".

Mi-ri entered Jipuragi and locked the doors. She sat down and explained who she was and what was her previous job was to them.

"Hold on, how come everyone around here are talented?", Cha-young looked impressed.

"How are you still alive? All the people involved were-", Vincenzo frowned.

"I worked behind the scene, so my identity wasn't exposed, but when I heard that all the workers involved had died, I ran away just in case. Fortunately, Wang's men didn't manage to find me".

"How did you know the location of the room then?", Vincenzo questioned her.

"I made the system, so I made sure I could track it".

Vincenzo sighed and unbuttoned his jacket. How many more really knew about that room?

"And why are you telling us this?", Vincenzo asked.

Mi-ri leaned forward and the rest followed, so they can whisper. "Let's get the gold out..., together", Mi-ri said.

"You can't open it since Wang is dead and if Babel takes this building, it's over. Plus, if you make one mistake, the whole building will collapse", she continued.

"Can you really open it?", Mr Nam asked.

"I can open it with the building intact".

Cha-young snapped her fingers. "Since it's come to this, let's let her join our group".

"I can open it if the monks aren't there. All I need is one minute", said Mi-ri.

Vincenzo loosened his tie. "Miss Seo, even if you do open it, it'll take a while to get everything out".

"There's that much?", Mi-ri wasn't aware of the amount.

Vincenzo nodded. "Just wait a little longer..., and make sure to keep this a secret, ok?".

"I've kept my mouth shut for the past two years. Don't worry", Mi-ri assured them.

"All of my worries are gone!", Cha-young said in relief and hugged Mi-ri.

"We'll be counting on you, Miss Seo".

"Miss Seo, you're our savious. I mean it", said Mr Nam.

"Hold on..., you're not doing this to get to Min-jun's good side, are you?", Cha-young eyed her suspiciously.

Min-jun responded by pulling his turtleneck collar up to the bottom of his eyes, covering his blushed face. Cha-young groaned, not wanting to deal with another couple around.

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