The Visit

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(Haru and Cha-young visit Ms Oh. Cha-young's house is broken into and she takes refuge)

Han-seo woke up alone in bed. Panic set in for a moment before he heard the shower.

Haru had stayed frequently as of late. Han-seo was afraid her parents won't let her since it's quite dangerous because Han-seok can drop by anytime unannounced, but Haru told him to not be afraid of his brother.

Haru walked out and got dressed. She wore black suit jacket and slacks, with her white stripped collar shirt.

Haru turned to the bed and frowned. "Why are you still in bed? Shouldn't you be at work?".

"I don't feel like going to work", Han-seo pouted as he grabbed her pillow and hugged close to him.

Haru pulled the blanket off and tried her best to pull him out of bed, even though he's twice her weight and didn't even budge at all. Han-seo chuckled at her efforts to get him out of bed.

"Alright, alright, I'm up", he continued to chuckle.

"I made breakfast. Be sure to eat them before you head off to work", she gave him a kiss before picking up her things to head to work.

Despite not wanting it, Han-seo got her a car and a chauffer to drive her around. Haru felt embarrassed to take anything from him, but Han-seo insisted.

Haru picked up Cha-young and both headed to the hospital. Cha-young made the decision to continue her father's case regarding Ms Oh and she wanted to visit her whenever she could.

"Wah, this is awesome. You're so lucky, Haru", Cha-young studied the expensive interior of the car.

"I keep telling no, but he insisted", Haru blushed.

"Oh, come on. Fake or not, you're the CEO's girlfriend. You really think he'd let you take the bus to work?", Cha-young chuckled.

Vincenzo had moved Ms Oh to a room of her own. Haru had guessed, but decided to keep it to herself.

"You must be Miss Haru. Mr Hong mentioned you all the time", said Ms Oh as Haru helped her up.

Cha-young spoke of what had happened with Min-seong. Ms Oh breathed a sigh of relief.

"I'm glad to hear that. They deserved it. Thank you so much, both of you", said Ms Oh.

"It was all Mr Cassano", said Cha-young.

"We just chipped in a little", Haru smiled.

"Thanks to both of you, things are turning out so much better for me", said Ms Oh.

"And it's generous of Mr Cassano to pay for this room too", said Cha-young.

Ms Oh hummed. "I feel so horrible. I feel so ashamed to stay here any longer".

Haru shook her head. "Don't be. He wants what's best for you", she smiled.

"I've heard of your brother. I'm so sorry it happened. I'm sure he's a good man and a good son", Ms Oh grasped Haru's hand.

"It's alright. Us who truly know him will remember him by his memories", Haru smiled.

"You've such a beautiful smile, dear", Ms Oh complimented.

Then, the door opened and a team of doctor entered. Both Haru and Cha-young greeted the doctor with courtesy bows.

"How are you feeling, Ms Oh?", the lead doctor asked.

"Good", Ms Oh nodded.

"I heard you didn't want to be medicated overnight", he said.

"Well...", Ms Oh explained, "...I feel nauseous when I have them. I've managed fine without them".

"Then, do as you want and--", the doctor was interrupted as Vincenzo made his appearance.

"How could you say that?", Vincenzo didn't seem pleased when he heard it.

"Is this a resort? She shouldn't be doing as she wants", Vincenzo nagged.

For a cold and calculative consigliere, Haru found it sweet and caring of him towards Ms Oh. Both Cha-young and Haru were stiffling their giggles to see Vincenzo nagging at the doctors regarding Ms Oh's conditions. Even Ms Oh tried to stop him, but she didn't dare.

Cha-young tried to hold Vincenzo back from his naggings when it got a little bit too far, who then walked away out of anger. Both Cha-young and Haru apologized to the doctors for Vincenzo's sudden outburst.

"Please understand, he has a lot on his mind lately", Cha-young turned to Ms Oh.

"That was quite scary..., but strangely enough, it felt comforting".

"Haru, can you keep her company while I find Mr Cassano?", Cha-young asked.

"Sure thing, boss", Haru smiled.


Han-seo dialed up his brother just as he entered office after his meetings. He can imagine the incoming outburst from Han-seok.

"Sir, I had meetings with the presidents of Dongil and Taesan Banks this morning. Both will not invest in Babel", said Han-seo.

"Even when Shinkwang is investing in Babel?", Han-seok wondered.

"It's because of what Hong Cha-young said to the reporters that night at the event. They lost faith in Babel...", said Han-seo,

"...I warned you about this. If we got rid of Vincenzo and Hong Cha-young-"

"Shut it!", Han-seok yelled.

"I'm saying this because I'm on your side!".

"Don't you raise your voice at me", Han-seok threatened, "You're scaring me".

Han-seo rolled his eyes, thankfully it's just a phone call. "I'm sorry, sir", he softened up his tone.

"I'll tell you what, I'll set up a meeting with the Namdongbu office tonight. Don't be late", said Han-seok.

"Yes, sir", Han-seo replied before his brother hung up on him.

Han-seo plopped on the chair as he sighed. "Why is he hesitating now?", he mumbled, "Gosh, I was going to ask Haru out tonight. It's as if he knows...".

Han-seo sent a text to Haru, "Hey, about dinner, I'm really sorry. Han-seok wants me to meet up with the prosecutors tonight. Don't stay and wait up for me, ok?".

"Ok. Be sure to eat well. Don't worry about me, ok? :)", she replied.


Haru set her phone down, but Ms Oh noticed her smile while she was eating. Ms Oh set her utensils down.

"He must be someone special for you to be smiling like that", said Ms Oh.

Haru blushed. "He is..., I've known him since I was in school".

"Are you planning to marry him?", Ms Oh poked at her.

"...If he will have me, then yes...", Haru said, shyly.

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