The Plan

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(Min-jun and Vincenzo break into the office. Han-seo takes the risk to see Haru

A/N: I know the scene where Vincenzo ate spicy food was at night and he met up with the tenants at the plaza afterwards, but since this is going towards AU, so it's the next day

Thanks for the 50 votes guys 🥺)

Hana hummed a lullaby as she tucked Haru in. Min-jun brought her home, shaking and crying.

Outside, Min-jun poured a drink for Min-ryu and lit a cigarette for his father. Min-jun poured himself a drink and lit the cigarette that hung between his lips.

"Are you sure it's him?", Min-ryu blew the smoke.

"80% Positive", said Min-jun.

"We moved because of that incident at the park. I was assured he had been sent away".

"And now, he's back, assuming to take over the company after his old man died".

"Why am I surprised he's out and about?", Min-ryu chuckled.

"Money, father. When there's money, there's corruption", Min-jun sighed as he took another puff.

"If I tell her to back off, I'm sure your sister will explode".

"I'm sure she's more than ever want to take him down now".

"You'll watch over her then".

"You always tell me to stop coddling her", Min-jun chuckled.

"Watching over her and coddling her are two different things, you punk".

Min-jun chuckled even more. "Yes, sir. I'll watch over her".

"This time, he must go down", Min-ryu stubbed the cigarette out.


Min-jun walked to Haru's room as Hana came out. Hana hugged her oldest son and sighed.

"She's getting ready. I told her that she doesn't have to go", said Hana.

"Mama, you know Haru. You know she won't back down from this", said Min-jun.

"Min-jun, promise me you'll look after her", said Hana as she grasped his hands.

"Promise, mama. He'll have to go over my dead body if he wishes to harm her again", Min-jun gave her a soft smile.

Haru walked out, wearing her white collared shirt, black cardigan, pants and shoes. Her puffy eyes were obvious and she was still pale.

"You know you don't have to go, right?", said Min-jun.

"If I keep running, he will always win, Min-jun. I'm taking him down, once and for all", said Haru.

"Please be careful, both of you", said Hana.

When the two siblings headed downstairs, Min-ryu just came in from getting the papers. He went to his two children and stood before them.

"What do we do when we face our enemies?", he asked.

"We face them head on and strong", said Min-jun.

"We don't fear them, no matter how scary they are", said Haru.

"Rely and trust each other. They can't break you when you have that strong bond. Keep each other safe", said Min-ryu.

Min-jun and Haru saluted like soldiers and Min-ryu returned the courtesy. He hugged them both, praying that all goes well.

Vincenzo texted Min-jun last night. His instruction was to not reveal anything to Cha-young. Haru read the text and nodded.

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