The Reveal

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(The mysterious hooded figure finally makes his appearance [kinda obvious..., is it?])

Before heading off to work, Haru pulled Mr Go aside. She peeked to make sure Han-seo was still in the room.

"Something harmless is going to happen. Whatever it is, just run", she said.

"If it's harmless, why should I run?", Mr Go frowned.

"Just run", she smiled before leaving to work.


An was going into the restaurant a little early that morning when he saw a shadow lurking. He set the bag of ingredients down and slowly stalked it towards Jipuragi.

Suddenly, he was pulled into an empty lot. The figure was wearing a familiar jacket. The minute the stranger pulled his mask down, An gasped.

"But you..., you.... I saw your body! They even talked bad about you! How could you do this to me?!", An began to sob.

Min-jun giggled. "Sorry, boss. It was necessary at the moment".

"...Who else knew?".

"Mr Cassano, Miss Hong and my family. Oh, Director Tae too, but don't worry. They don't know who you are yet".

"Director Tae..., knows?", An looked offended.

"Sorry. How about I buy you a drink?".

"A drink will not suffice for lying to your superior", An crossed his arms.

"How about...", Min-jun hooked his arm around An's shoulders while smiling mischievously, "...we go after Babel together?".

An smiled wide. "Now, you're talking".


An and Min-jun parked the small rental car out of sight, but still in clear viewing of the exit. They waited for Han-seo to come out. (A/N: in the series, An and Toto did this together)

The minute he stepped out, Min-jun moved the bomb in the toy car towards Han-seo. Mr Go saw the car and Haru's words came back to remind him what she said this morning, but how's this thing harmless?

"I think it's a bomb, sir", Mr Go gulped.

"I see, a bomb...", it took a moment for Han-seo to register what Mr Go said,

"...Why is it here? Get rid of it! You said it was a bomb!".

Everyone scrambled to save themselves while Han-seo ran for cover. The ticking made him ran faster until he was cornered at a wall.

"That's for hurting my sister", Min-jun giggled.

Han-seo graced himself for the blow, but just a small pop came out. A small white flag with a bloodied 'C' was written and he knew who was behind all this.

"Why are they doing this to me? I'm on their side", he complained softly.

Min-jun and An hid out for a while before leaving the place. Both were just as excited as school kids playing a prank on someone.


Haru was worried, of course. It won't be long before Han-seok and his minions find out who Vincenzo really was.

Vincenzo suggested that they hid elsewhere. Cha-young, of course, was against it.

"If we die, we die together!", she said.

"That's a bit...", Mr Nam got nervous.

"Things may be dangerous if they send the killers here", said Vincenzo.

"You can't pull that on me. I'm staying no matter what", Cha-young stood her ground.

"Me too! I will fight them if I must", said Haru.

"And we have this!", Cha-young hurled the rock from behind her desk, causing the other three to take a step back.

The knock on the door startled the four of them. Cha-young recognised who that voice belonged to.

"That's Prosecutor Jung!", she pointed at the door.

Mr Nam went to prepare the coffee while Haru tossed all the investigation into a box and kicked it in the storage room. She then flipped the whiteboard around just as Prosecutor Jung walked in.

Mr Nam set the coffee down while Haru sat at her desk, observing. He was upset with the system and offered his assistance.

Of course, Cha-young and Vincenzo declined. It's not him they don't trust, it's the office.

As for Haru, she could sense something was..., off about this prosecutor. He seemed too..., keen to help and it irked her so badly. Something tells her to watch out for him.


Han-seo felt his heart dropped to his stomach when Han-seok showed all the photos of the people Vincenzo had killed. He thought of Haru, who hung around that man.

"I bet he's training your little girlfriend to be like him", Han-seok chuckled.

Han-seok's informant explained what the bloodied letter C meant. Han-seo looked at his brother, who seemed unfazed by those horrendous pictures.

He now understood why Han-seok didn't want Cha-young around Vincenzo. At some point, Haru will get killed - either by his brother or by Vincenzo's action.

He went home later, but Haru was nowhere in sight. He called Mr Park to ask about Haru's whereabouts.

"Sir..., I promise her not to tell you, but she left with Mr Cassano. She didn't say anything. I tried to stop her, but you know her", Mr Park spoke, feeling extremely guilty.

"Find her. I need to know where she is!", Han-seo said, worriedly.

He paced back and forth, waiting frustratingly. He texted Haru, Cha-young and even Vincenzo, but no one replied him.

Suddenly, he got a text from an unknown number. It wasn't his brother, but the message was alarming enough for him.

"Stay put, I'll return your girlfriend before midnight". 

It was bad enough that his brother was already stressing him out, now she's doing the same. He couldn't sit still; in the end, he grabbed his keys and coat before driving to the plaza.

He arrived to see Jipuragi dark and locked. Then, he noticed the broken window glass nearby. What had happened?

"Chairman Jang?", a voice called out.

Han-seo turned to find the man who he was once in charged to demolish the plaza. Han-seo bowed and asked if he saw Haru around.

"She left 15 minutes ago with Vincenzo. Something about..., going fishing".

"Fishing? At this hour?!", Han-seo frowned.

"Yeah, now that you said it. Wow, you honestly let your girlfriend go out with a guy like him at this hour? You're not scared if he flirts with her?".

"Never mind that. Do you know where they are?".

Seok-do shook his head. "Sorry, they didn't say much".

Han-seo returned to the car, angered by the secrecy. Suddenly, the passenger's door opened and he was met with a knife and a familiar face.

"I told you to stay put".

(PS: sorry for the delay. got so much work to deal with T.T)

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