Paper Company

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(A/N: don't be confused with the jump. This chapter starts after Cha-young and Vincenzo left the prosecutor's office after the bloody incident.

A/N 2: I'm almost done writing this book yay! 🎉

Park Seok-do prepares a presentation for Team Jipuragi)

Vincenzo, Cha-young and Min-jun arrived back at Jipuragi. Mr Nam showed them what he had found - Jason Fund, a paper company based in Malta that had a branch in Korea.

"It's called 'Jason'?", Cha-young scoffed, "Han-seok went by Jason at Wusang".

"Since it has a branch here, that means their accounts are managed here in Korea", Min-jun concluded.

"That's all I could find. No locations, phone numbers or anything else", said Mr Nam.

"I wish we knew someone familiar with paper companies", Vincenzo sighed.

"Mr Cassano...", Mr Nam suddenly realised it, "...It's not an appealing idea, but I think we know an expert who we can consult".

Both Min-jun and Vincenzo ended up at Park Seok-do's ByeBye Balloon office not long after that. Soo-nam approached Min-jun.

"How is she?", he asked about Haru.

"She's fine...".

"I feel so bad for her", Joo-eun sighed.

"We can help her..., if you help us", said Min-jun.

"You came to the right person!", said Seok-do, "Money laundering and tax evasion are my area of expertise".

Vincenzo smirked. "You used to run a mom-and-pop store".

Soo-nam slammed his hand to the table. "My boss..., is second to none when it comes to financial crimes".

Seok-do sighed, "Is that even a compliment? Why do you think Miss Haru rejected you in the first place?".

Vincenzo smiled, knowing how much Haru meant to these people. Min-jun wondered how Haru managed to attract idiots to like her.

"Even a mom-and-pop store, we work the same way as a conglomerate", said Seok-do.

"I'm a bookkeeper, specialising in money laundering. I know my way around", Joo-eun raised her hand, smiling sheepishly.

Vincenzo nodded. "Then, you should give us a presentation at Jipuragi soon. Let me see if you'll be able to help us in any way".

Before Min-jun and Vincenzo left, Seok-do stood up. "Hold on, what's in it for me?", he asked.

"Isn't Babel your enemy too? Didn't you all almost die in a freezer recently?", said Vincenzo.

Seok-do shuddered at the horrific event. "Jeez, that brings back terrible memories. How did I forget that?".

"Let's get back at them. We can save Miss Haru too", said Joo-eun.

"I don't care if I die, so as long she's safe", said Soo-nam.

"Mr Cassano, I'll give you a presentation that'll impress you. Those Babel bastards will pay for it", Seok-do raised his thumb up.


Min-jun's new schedule was driving to the intelligence office, switched cars and drove back to Geumga Plaza. It was a hassle, but it was for a good cause.

After the lunch meeting with Prosecutor Jung and the hospital visit, Vincenzo and Cha-young arrrived with Haru for Seok-do's presentation. Soo-nam would've hugged Haru, if Min-jun didn't stand in his way, glaring daggers at him.

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