The Aftermath

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(Han-seok finally receives a good news

A/N: it's a bit fast, I know, but bear with me. I never meant this to go AU, but I will try my best to make it enjoyable)

Han-seo saw the blood. Haru's cries haunted his sleep that night. Seeing Min-jun laying at the sidewalk in the pool of his own blood haunted him.

An and Chul-wook were walking back from the convenient store with some ingredients for tomorrow and some beers respectively, when they saw Min-jun getting ran over. Chul Wook ran in to inform Jipuragi and the other tenants while An secretly sent a team to chase the truck before going to Min-jun.

Haru was distraught and Han-seo and Cha-young had to hold her back as paramedics tended to him. Vincenzo went with Min-jun to the hospital and he had called his parents to inform them what had happened.

The last time Min-ryu felt this angry was when Haru was attacked. He knew who did it. He wanted to kill Jang Han-seok so badly.

Hana and Haru hugged and cried all the while waiting for Min-jun to come out of the operation room. Min-ryu spotted Han-seo, whom Mr Nam had to gently pull towards the retired major general.

Han-seo bowed before Min-ryu. He felt ashamed since this was his brother's doing and he could do nothing to stop it.

"Your brother has gone too far", Min-ryu's voice was calm, despite him wanting to explode so badly.

"I am sorry, major general", Han-seo bowed before the older man.

"Sorry? If he dies, your sorry can't bring my son back. Is this the country I've fought for? To protect imbeciles like that bastard brother of yours?!", Min-ryu could feel the hot tears about to stream down his cheeks.

"Dear, that's enough! This won't help Min-jun!", Hana tried to reason with her husband.

"Your wife is right", Vincenzo chimed in.

"Major general, we will get to the bottom of this and we will punish them", said Cha-young.

Min-ryu held his hands together to Han-seo. "I nearly lost Haru once. If you love her, please do something about it. I don't have any money to my name, but my children are my treasure. When you have children, you will understand. I'm begging you. Do you think this will end?".

Han-seo placed his hands over Min-ryu's. He nodded, understood what the older man was asking of him.

That hit Vincenzo hard too, reminding him of his own birth mother. He placed his hand on top of Min-ryu and Han-seo's.

"We will get them, won't we, Han-seo?", Vincenzo turned to Han-seo.

"What can I do?", he asked before turning to Haru.

"Listen to me and listen carefully", said Vincenzo.


Han-seo arrived at the office and met up with Han-seok, Choi Myung-hee and Han Seung-hyuk. He learned that it was one of Choi Myung-hee's 'magic crystal balls' that hit Min-jun last night, but Han-seok needed confirmation, as if he knew that Han-seo was there that night.

"Well, little brother?", Han-seok waited.

"He's dead. The doctor said he lost too much blood and his old injuries contributed to his death", Han-seo spoke, almost robotic like.

"And her?", Han-seok smiled.

"She was angry at me. She doesn't want to see me again".

Han-seok laughed and clapped his hands. "Oh well, her lost. Don't worry, lil bro. There'll be plenty of other fishes in the sea".

"Yes, sir", Han-seo bowed.

It was just as he suspected. This was his punishment for not wanting to bed her. There was no way Han-seok will ever let him be happy.

Han-seok watched the news and the 'accident' was all over the place. He even clapped when a reporter held the camera at Min-jun's bereaved parents.

With Daechang Daily by his side, he made sure to tarnish Min-jun's reputation as well. He even saved all the articles written about how crooked of an intelligent agent he was and the fact that he coped with his accident pain with drugs like cocaine.

"I can't beat someone who was trained to kill?", Han-seok chuckled, "Look who's dead now, you bastard".

He turned to the envelope on his desk. "Now, Vincenzo. It's your turn".


The tenants of Geumga Plaza shut down for a day. An sent a report to Direcctor Tae of the accident. Even though neither of them liked it, it had to be done.

"It's a pity", said Miss Kwak, "He was so young. He was always helpful and such a good son. I pity his parents".

"I was going to ask him out", said Seo Mi-ri, the piano teacher.

"He's always in my restaurant. He appreciates my cooking", Toto sobbed.

"He was a frequent at our temple, offering prayer for his family and our case against Babel", said Chaesin.

"They even tarnished his name", An gripped his apron.

"Gosh, this has gone too far!", said Mr Tak.

"How's Miss Haru doing?", Larry asked.

"She's taking the week off", said Mr Nam.

"If it were up to me, I'd beat the shit out of them!", said Chul-wook.

"Yeah, go and do that. You'll end up like him", Yeon-jin sobbed.

At Jipuragi, Cha-young sighed as she read the articles at Daechang Daily. On the social media, Min-jun's name had been tarnished by the corrupted newspaper and even though some of his military friends tried to defend him, there wasn't much they could do.

Cha-young looked at the empty table. The Pororo pen stood tall out of the rest. Haru had loved the pen so much.

"She'll be fine", Vincenzo chimed in.

"With all this happening, how is she fine?", Cha-young glared at him.

"You lost your father to the same people and yet, here you are, fighting them. Miss Haru is much like you and she will want to fight. She is, after all, her father's daughter".

"You know so much about them, do you?", Cha-young scoffed.

"You can see him in Min-jun and Haru. The past couple weeks with them, I can tell. Min-jun was more like him, but make no mistake, with him gone, his fire is now in Haru and let's hope, it's enough to burn Babel to the ground".

"You really think your plan is going to work?", Cha-young finished her beer.

"Finché c'è vita c'è speranza".


"When there is life, there is hope".

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