The Prank

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(A/N: we passed 600 votes and I just can't wait to show you guys this chapter, my most favourite episode ever 😂

The title is self explanatory and if you guys still want hint, it's a movie called Carrie)

Haru went back to Vincenzo's place and didn't even bothered to cover up the visible bruise on her cheek and her split lip. Cha-young could only hug her, trying her best not to cry.

"It's ok, boss. I'm numb to the pain", said Haru.

"How can you say it's ok? This is not ok, Haru!", said Cha-young.

"I'm sorry, Miss Haru. I should've seen it coming", said Vincenzo.

"It's nothing, really. I've told you before. I won't give up until I'm dead", Haru smiled reassuringly.

Min-jun saw the bruise and split lip and he wished he was there to split that psycho's head open and bashed his brains out. Haru made him promise to not tell their parents about it.

"Min-jun, remember what I told you about how the mafias greet new opposition leaders?", Vincenzo whispered, making sure Cha-young and Haru didn't hear them.

"Are we really going to do that?", Min-jun smirked.

"Can you acquire it?".

"Pfftt, piece of cake", Min-jun smirked before heading off to get the next step ready.


Haru looked at the new watch that Han-seo received from her 'boyfriend', the newly inaugurated CEO of Babel Group. She shuddered, remembering their younger years when Han-seok committed murder and took his victims watches as trophies.

"He will be angry if you're not there", said Han-seo, wearing that watch.

"Well, I have exams to study. At this rate, I might as well drop out", Haru sighed as she sunk back onto the bed.

Han-seo kissed her forehead and frowned. "You're burning up", he sat next to her.

"I'll be fine. You should go. You know he hates it if you're late".

"I can't just leave you like this".

"I'm fine, really. You should go, don't keep him waiting", she smiled.

Han-seo tucked Haru in before walking out. Just a few hours, he thought to himself.


Min-jun walked into Nanyak Temple and only Jeokha was there. He bowed before the monk and Buddha before sitting down facing the monk.

"I sense trouble in you", Jeokha smiled.

"Why do I feel such hatred towards this man? I understand we must forgive and forget in order to move on..., but I can't. Not when it comes to Jang Han-seok".

"He has left a deep scar, not just in your sister, but to you and your family as well. It is not uncommon for such things to happen".

"What I'm about to do, I could be condemn to hell. Then again, justice must be served...", Min-jun sighed, "...Am I a good person? Am I a good human being for wanting to hurt someone who has hurt my family for so many years?".

"There's always time, Lee Min-jun, to repent for your mistakes. You are a good son, a good brother and a good friend. Know that, in your heart, your intentions are pure..., even if it is mean towards him. Only evil can punish another evil".

Min-jun nodded and bowed to Jeokha and Buddha. He said a short prayer, hoping tonight would be a success.

With the help of Vincenzo and Chul-wook, Min-jun managed to set up everything discreetly. Vincenzo went to get popcorns while Chul-wook went to secure the sound system room. All they need to do now was wait.

Min-ryu opened the door for Hana, who was dressed in a beautiful tomesode with black background and pink sakura motif at the hem. As for Min-ryu, he broke out his formal military attire and placed his ranks full on display.

"You look so handsome. Gosh, I remembered when I first met you", Hana giggled as they sat down in the middle section.

"Ah, yes. That day was splendid, wasn't it?", Min-ryu chuckled.

"You pulled my sleeve like a child and I almost fell face forward, you asshole", Hana eyed him.

"How else do you think I could get your attention?", Min-ryu winked.

Before entering the auditorium, Han-seok looked around and Haru was nowhere to be found. He went to his brother to ask where she was.

"She's down fever. I thought of taking her to the hospital tomorrow", said Han-seo.

"Fever? She was fine yesterday", Han-seok scoffed.

"She has a lot of reports to do. She's just tired".

Han-seok nodded and sent his brother off. Han-seo wondered if his brother was actually worried for Haru or worried for his image?

Han-seo entered and gave a short speech before he welcomed his brother to the stage. Han-seok gave his speech on Babel Motors. Team Jipuragi was in position and on cue, Chul-wook played the live footage.

Min-jun and An hooked a camera to where Team Leader Nam met up with Mr Park, the Vision Team leader. They were talking about their illegal activities, thus exposing Jang Han-seok was the one who let the orders out.

"It's been so long since we went to the movies", Min-ryu chuckled.

"It's been so long since I pulled out a prank, but Mr Cassano said he has a surprise. Oh, I can't wait for it!", Hana giggled excitedly.

"They mentioned his name, make it stop", Han-seo whispered to the security team.

Han-seo scrambled to try and get the footage down, but deep inside, he was more than happy this had happened. How he wished he would celebrate, but that would expose his façade. Celebrations can hold back, he just wanted to enjoy the moment.

"Han-seo, hurry", Han-seok was getting annoyed.

Then, Han-seok noticed, at the top level seats, there were Vincenzo and Cha-young, who waved at him. Vincenzo raised one arm to look at his watch while his other hand pointed to the crowd.

Han-seok turned to the crowd for a moment and found Haru and Min-jun's parents amongst it. Hana waved at him, like a mother to her child while Min-ryu merely pointing his finger up.

Before Han-seok could look up, blood was poured onto him, straight from that movie Carrie. He looked at his hands and tried to wipe his eye areas. He looked up at the source and Min-jun was waving at him.

"That's for my sister, you asshole!", Min-jun laughed.

This time, Han-seo smile grew wider and he let out a short laugh before snapping back to reality. He ordered the security to calm things down and get his brother out of there.

Han-seok turned to where the light was focusing on - Vincenzo and Cha-young. The consigliere threw his popcorn and yelled bravo, as if he was enjoying an opera. Han-seok could only glare at them.

"Happy anniversary, my love", Min-ryu turned to his wife, speaking in Japanese.

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