The Mafia Way

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(Haru is exposed to Vincenzo's methods)

Haru headed off early by taking the bus to work. She had to reassure her worrisome mother that she'll call her as soon as she arrived in office, which was the first thing she did when she got to Jipuragi.

Vincenzo arrived as Haru and Mr Nam were sorting documents on Babel for him. He asked Yu-chan and Haru to come along with him.

"Why me?", Haru asked.

"You're an intern, aren't you? We're going on a fieldtrip", Vincenzo smiled.

Haru gathered her things and followed those two to Vincenzo's SUV. It was an expensive car and she complimented him on his taste.

"Miss Haru, do you mind if I ask why you want to become a lawyer?", Vincenzo asked.

"I want justice to be served, Mr Cassano. I see many cases all my life of people who were mistreated and wrongly convicted or those who are guilty, but they never seem to stay in jail for the time they should be serving. I know, people like me, may not change the entire system, but I can still try. My mother is worried, but my father seemed to give his consent of me being a lawyer", said Haru.

"Haru is the youngest. Her mother and brother are often worried about her", said Yu-chan.

"Your father, Miss Haru?", Vincenzo asked again.

"He worries, but he doesn't really show much of it. He was a decorated major general. He looks stone cold, but I know he loves us very much", Haru smiled.

When they arrived, Vincenzo told Haru to jot down what she will be observing today. "Trust me, it'll help you when you're a fully fledge lawyer".

Haru took out her notebook and her Pororo pen as she followed them in. Vincenzo did most of the talking and Haru jotted down the important things he said.

Vincenzo only need to flash the indictment envelope for them to be permitted to see Mr Na Deok-jin of the Investment and Development team. The receptionist quickly rang the person in charged and sent the trio up.

"Miss Haru, whatever you see, please don't be afraid. These things are quite normal if you're in Italy", said Vincenzo.

"I-I'm not afraid, Mr Cassano", said Haru, flustered.

"You look too innocent for this job, but I can see your spirit", said Vincenzo as he opened the door for Haru and Yu-chan.

Mr Na demanded to see the indictment. The envelope was empty, which prompted Yu-chan to be worried while Haru snorted as she tried her best not to laugh while taking down notes.

"We paid you enough. Why..., why are you so clingy?", said Mr Na.

"We're not clingy! We just want to correct what's wrong", said Yu-chan.

"Sure. Then, feel free to sue or report me", said Mr Na, who's not scared at all.

"I thought I'd do the same as you did", Vincenzo rose from his seat.

He turned to Haru and winked. He walked towards Mr Na.

"We'll kidnap your family and force you to cancel the contract", he said.

Mr Na shook his head as he chuckled. "Are you a die-hard fan of The Godfather? Are you mimicking the Mafia since you're from Italy?!".

Mr Na got up to confront Vincenzo, who kicked him back to his chair. Yu-chan flinched at Vincenzo's action while Haru was intrigued.

Vincenzo turned Mr Na to face him, gripping his shoulder hard. "I'm glad you asked. If we were in Italy, you would've become fertilizer for the vineyards...", Vincenzo gripped the man's shoulder tight.

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