Peace At Last

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(Min-jun and Haru visit the families of their deceased schoolmates. Vincenzo asks Han-seo to do something)

Min-jun and Haru went back to the neighbourhood they used to live. Haru had managed to contact the victims' families and set up a meeting.

There, Min-ryu and Hana were already sitting with the parents, catching up on old time sake. Min-jun and Haru bowed to them before sitting down.

"Wah, major general, your children have grown beautifully", said Mr Park.

"Congratulations, Haru. We're so happy to hear Babel Group get what they deserve", said Mr Kim.

Min-jun opened the box and gently laid out the watches on the table. "I got these back. They were my friends and I'm glad too that the real monster got what he deserves".

The mothers took their sons' watches, shedding joyful tears at the news. Mrs Kim and Mrs Park hugged Haru and Min-jun respectively.

The victims' families bowed to the Lees, even when they don't need to. They thanked them profusely, knowing the lengths that they had to go through to put Han-seok behind bars.

"Chang-min can now rest in peace, thanks to you, Min-jun", said Mr Park.

"Yeon-shin would probably scold you for endangering yourself", Mrs Kim sobbed.

Truth be told, Min-jun would give anything to have Yeon-shin jump out of his grave and started to smack him for being so reckless. He smiled at the thought, missing his best friend.

Min-jun took out a tissue and wiped his tears. "We promise you all, didn't we? You can all rest assured now".

Afterwards, Min-jun visited his friends' graves. Chang-min and Yeon-shin were buried next to each other and Min-jun poured some soju for them.

"He's got what he deserves. I told your parents already. I think it's time..., I can forgive myself", Min-jun smiled.

He stood up and gave a salute before heading back home.


Han-seo poured soju for Vincenzo and himself. Today, Han-seo brought him to try Korean style pizza.

"It must've been a relief for Min-jun. Haru told me how much he blames himself for what had happened to his friends", said Han-seo.

"He seems more cheerful too. I'm glad", said Vincenzo.

"Hyung? Are you really gonna leave Korea once everything is over?".

Vincenzo nodded. He has done what it needs to be done and it was time for him to go.

"Can't you just stay here? I can hire you as a legal advisor for Babel Group. You'll be the director".

"I'm good, thanks".

"Then, don't leave without saying goodbye, ok? At least, can you stay until I get married..., or when Ju-hyeong arrives?".

Vincenzo nearly dropped his chopsticks. "How did you--".

"Haru told me".

Vincenzo scoffed, of course she did. "Why me?", he asked.

"We're indebted to you, hyung. We don't know how else to repay you, so we want to honour you by naming our child after you", Han-seo smiled.

Vincenzo laughed. "You know, some mafia members have week-long farewell parties. Who knows? Maybe I'll stick around until then".

"Really? Wah, your party has to be that long, ok? I want you to stay here longer".

"Oh, have you heard from Jang Han-seok?".

Han-seo shook his head. "No, he's been quiet actually. He'll get what he deserves if we provide all the evidences, right?".

"We don't know that for sure yet".

"Then..., could he be released after two months?", Han-seo looked worried.

Vincenzo nodded. "Listen..., go abroad for now, just for a few months, ok? Once he's out, you'll be his first target. I know a few safe places".

Han-seo took a few sips and shook his head. "I'm good, really. When I started this, I knew I'd have to risk my life at some point. I didn't do it just for myself and besides, I made a promise to you".

"You can keep your promise later. I want you to reconsider. Think about Haru and Ju-hyeong".

Han-seo smiled, shaking his head still. "Haru will fight, so I think I'll stay and fight. I have 20 bodyguards. It won't be that easy to get to me...".

(A/N: *inserts John Cena's meme* - Are you sure about that?)

"...And more importantly, I have you. You know everything, you can keep me safe and beat up all the bad guys. Goodness, why are you so cool?", Han-seo chuckled as he was about to drink.

"Hey, hey, that's soy sauce. Don't drink that!", Vincenzo stopped him.

"No wonder it's salty. Why didn't you tell me sooner?", Han-seo pouted.

Vincenzo helped him back to the car. Mr Go thanked the consigliere for helping Han-seo and Haru.

"Mr Go, please tell him to reconsider my offer. I'm extremely worried here", said Vincenzo.

"But Mr Cassano, if the evidences are clear as the day, he should stay in prison, right?".

"He could still turn the table. Just tell him to reconsider my offer, ok?".

Back home, Mr Park and Mr Go gently set their boss on the bed. Haru thanked them and told them to go home for the day.

"Ju-hyeong~ Papa is sorry that papa is drunk~", Han-seo giggled as he placed his ear on Haru's stomach.

"Come on, papa. Let's get you to the bathtub", Haru smiled.

"Can we have some bubbles too?", Han-seo innocently asked.

After bath and putting Han-seo to bed, Haru sat next to him to continue to read. Then, she got a text from Mr Nam - those who were in the video that they provided had been released. Haru forwarded the message to Min-jun, knowing what Vincenzo might ask him to do.


Min-jun lit up his cigarette as he leaned by his car. Then, one of the staff of the restaurant, Jae-hwa, who happened to be an old friend from the military, snuck out to find Min-jun.

"Hyung! Sorry, they made a big order", Jae-hwa whispered.

"Thank you so much. By the way, how did you end up here?", Min-jun blew the smoke the other way.

"You know, it's very hard to find a job these days. I have to make ends meet. Besides, who would want to hire pilots like us?".

"Don't worry, I'll help you out for this, ok?".

"Quid pro quo, huh? Still the same hyung I know", Jae-hwa smiled.

"Make sure he stays in your sight".

"I heard he's a good prosecutor. He just got promoted".

"He's under Babel payroll. How do you think he got that promotion?".

"Did he? Wah, it's so hard to find trustworthy people these days".

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