Post Accident

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(Haru and the rest recuperate after Yu-chan's death

A/N: this should be a slight AU as of now since both Haru and Min-jun knew the Jang brothers and I will reveal more in later chapters)


Haru helped Cha-young to gather Yu-chan's things into a box. Mr Nam was watering the plants when he decided to ask.

"Are you really closing down the law firm?".

"Yes", Cha-young nodded solemnly.

"But Haru is an intern. Can you at least extend for a while until she finishes her internship?", Mr Nam asked, worriedly.

"There's no need for that, if it troubles you, Miss Hong. I can look for another law firm elsewhere", said Haru.

That got Cha-young to think. "Haru, could you help me with the boxes to my car?".

Haru carried one box to Cha-young's car. She hugged her former boss' daughter.

"Haru, stick around. I think Mr Nam is right", said Cha-young.

"But what about Wusang?".

"They killed my father. I want them to pay for the crimes they've done", said Cha-young.

"What can I do? Please, tell me. I want to help".

"See? Not even a week after your boss died and you're here causing trouble", Min-jun interrupted.

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at work?", Haru asked.

"I took a long month off. I'm here to make sure you won't go overboard and get into trouble", said Min-jun.

"You don't have to save me all the time, y'know".

"And what? Let you end up like her old man?".

"He's right, Haru", Cha-young chimed in, "Thank you for being with me and helping with the funeral".

"Your father and ours were friends. It's the least we could do to help", said Min-jun.

"Are you really going to close down Jipuragi?", asked Haru.

"I don't think so. They did him dirty, Haru. I want them to pay", said Cha-young.

"We can help, Miss Hong", said Haru.

"Just tell us what you need", said Min-jun.

"Thank you, both of you. I'm heading off to Wusang, to hand in my resignation", said Cha-young.

"Do you want us to come along?", asked Haru.

Cha-young shook her head. "Stay here. I'll see you two tomorrow".

Min-jun sent his sister off to the office with the excuse he wanted to light a smoke. Haru smacked his arm.

"You told mama you'd quit!".

"Just one. I'm too stressed out", Min-jun pulled out a cigarette.

Haru stuck her tongue out before heading back to the office. Min-jun, on the other hand, toss the cigarette away and went to the Italian restaurant.

An pulled him in and locked the doors. He placed his finger to his lips and pointed to the sleeping chef named Toto.

"Sir, whatever is going on, we must help them", Min-jun whispered.

"I know. This is more worse than I expect it'd be", said An.

An and Min-jun sit down in the corner, swapping whatever info they had. Both were curious as to what will happen now.

"You think Vincenzo will help these people?", Min-jun asked.

"I do hope he will, based on my observation. He's unlike the Mafia we read in books and papers, Min-jun shi. We will wait and see".


Haru went to visit Vincenzo at the hospital. He hasn't woken up yet and she sighed, not knowing what to do.

"Mr Cassano, please wake up soon. We really need your help".

"Five more minutes", said Vincenzo.

"Ok, sir", Haru sniffled.

Then, she realised and eyed the lawyer. Her brother had pulled this trick many times on her.

"What the f-?", Haru was dumbfounded that she fell to this trick many times.

"Hey, mind your language", Vincenzo raised his head a bit.

"How long have you been up? Don't you know how worried we are?".

"Not long, a few hours ago I think".

Haru fiddled with her fingers. "Now that you're up, I need to tell you something. Something I told my late boss".

Vincenzo turned to her, intrigued by her words. "What is it?", he asked.

"It's about Jang Han-seo".

Vincenzo took her words in carefully. He laid back and thought on what to do next.

"Please, if there's anything I can do, I'm willing to do it. They called him a crooked lawyer when I know he's not".

"Miss Haru, you must do exactly as I ask of you, from now on. Can you do that?", said Vincenzo.

"Yes, Mr Cassano?".

"Return to Jipuragi. Don't do anything rash. Wait until I return".

"Yes, Mr Cassano".

"If you do see him again, do not be afraid. Act as if nothing had happened".

"I don't remember his brother's name, but I'm certain he's the real boss. If you don't believe me, you can go and ask him yourself".

"What makes you think I can just ask him?", Vincenzo chuckled.

"Aren't you a Mafia? Surely, you're already 10 steps ahead of the game", Haru pointed out.

"You may look like a child, but you certainly make a point".

"I may be slow, Mr Cassano, but I can observe well".

"Whatever has spoken in here, it's between us now, Miss Haru. You can't tell anyone at all. If the plan needs to work, you must know to keep the secret well".

"Don't worry, Mr Cassano. You can count on me".

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