The Victims

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(What Han-seo's action could later cause more tension in his relationship with Haru)

Cha-young's phone pinged and she went to her laptop to check her info. "You're right, Mr Cassano. Evil does recover quickly".

Haru read about the large investment Babel received. RDU-90 will hit the market at this rate.

"My father worked so hard to stop it! Mr Lee Min-jun even...", Cha-young sighed, frustratingly.

Mr Man's phone vibrated. He took it out and unlocked the phone.

"I guess the victims' families are going on that trip today", he said.

Haru smiled at the picture. At least, there were smiles during times like this.

"We probably shouldn't tell them about the tabloids, right?", Mr Nam asked.

"Let's not. Look how happy they are", said Haru.

"We'll tell them when they get back", Vincenzo added.

"Why isn't your boyfriend stopping any of this?", asked Mr Nam.

"That'll raise suspicion and he will be killed", said Cha-young.

Suddenly, Cha-young got a called from Prosecutor Jung. She answered and put on loudspeaker for everyone to listen.

"I think Director Gil is going with Babel...", said Prosecutor Jung, "...He started to deny the charges one by one".

"To be honest, we were expecting this", said Cha-young.

"Speaking of which..., does your offer to launch a sting operation still stands?", the prosecutor sighed.

"Yes, our specialty is to design operations that leave no traces".

"Let's do it tonight. I'm going against my principles for this".

"Of course, we'll call you as soon as we've made the preparations", Cha-young smiled before hanging up.

"Thank God", Haru felt relieved.

"Here's our plan. A, we'll pretend to be hitmen from Babel. Although we know who Jang Han-seok is, but the prosecutors don't. We have to get him to confess", Cha-young suggested.

"Plan B - punch him in the face and get his confession", Mr Nam gave his suggestion.

"Let's go with Plan A", said Vincenzo,

"Miss Haru, are you up for this task?".

"Yes, Mr Cassano", Haru nodded.


Team Jipuragi arrived stealthily to Director Gil's hideout. The gate was opened, prompting them to feel uneasy.

"Didn't Mr Jung say that there would be cops in plain clothes?", Mr Nam looked around.

"Right, it's past our go time", said Cha-young as she checked the time.

"Let's go to the entrance", Vincenzo walked ahead.

"Haru, stay close to us", Mr Nam walked next followed by the ladies.

Min-ryu, upon knowing about this operation, handed Haru his military knife as a protection. He figured Vincenzo would be armed, but he won't take anymore chances.

The door was opened. There was a figure on the floor and when Vincenzo lit up the room with his camera flashlight, the figure was a dead police officer.

Both Mr Nam and Cha-young was startled, but Haru was less affected. It reminded her the night she found her brother on the sidewalk.

"Mr Nam, take Haru outside", Vincenzo ordered.

"No! We keep looking for Director Gil", Haru stood her ground.

"Ok, but hold my hand. I'm scared", said Mr Nam.

The police officers were dead and they found Director Gil's body in his bedroom, with a pair of scissors stuck in his chest. Then, Cha-young got a text that made her froze on the spot.

"Mr Cassano, come quick!", Haru called out.

Cha-young couldn't utter a word, merely showing Vincenzo the text. Haru peered from his shoulder to read it.

"I'm sorry, Miss Hong. All of us couldn't handle the sadness of losing our families and the anger we felt today. So, we're going to do something very foolish. I hope you can be very understanding".

Vincenzo took out his phone. "Find out where the victims' families went. Track their car".

He turned to Mr Nam and Haru. "Call the prosecutor. Wait for him here".

"Are they...?", Haru didn't need to finish her sentence; she already knew the answer.

"Call him, now!".

Mr Nam quickly called Prosecutor Jung and explained what had happened. While waiting for backup to arrive, Haru called Han-seo.


Han-seo gripped the revolver and aimed, pretending his brother was in front of him. He set the gun back down in its casing and answered his phone.

"Haru, where are you? Is everything ok?".

"...No...", Haru sobbed.

"Tell me where you are, I'm coming!".

"No!-", she stopped him, "I just need to hear your voice right now. I'll be home later, ok?".

"Haru, are you sure you're ok?".

"I'm fine, Han-seo. I'll see you later, ok?".

When Haru eventually got to his place, he engulfed her in his arms, letting her cry. She told him about the text and Han-seo already knew the fate of those poor people.

Han-seo felt guilty, knowing one of Choi Myung-hee's "magic crystal balls" found the text logs during the incident at the warehouse. He knew Han-seok would hold this above his head and threaten to tell Haru like last time. (A/N: in the series it was Han-seo who showed Han-seok the text logs)

Han-seo helped her to change and into bed. He set a glass of water and her pink bunny while she slept.

"Han-seo...", she called out to him.


"You know nothing about this, do you?", she looked at him dead in the eyes.


Haru didn't say anything and slept. Han-seo wasn't surprised to see her gone bright and early.

"She said she has urgent matters at the office", Mr Go explained.

"It's ok. She has enough on her plate. I'm letting her have her space".

"Sir, perhaps you should tell her the truth".

"Without her trying to kill me more than my brother would? If you have any ideas, I'm all ears".

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