Pillow Talk

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(Intimate moment between Haru and Han-seo

PS: because he mentioned his grandma in the series, I can't help but to write a bit about her)

Han-seok frowned when he saw the leave request form. Han-seo is taking the whole week off? Out of nowhere?

He walked into Han-seo's office, who was busy reading textbooks. He swore that his brother and Haru were like twins now - nose deep in books all the time.

Han-seok knocked and Han-seo set his book down. He bowed to his brother and welcomed him in.

"You're taking the whole week off? Why?".

"I thought of going back to see my grandmother".

"You'll be taking Haru then?".

Han-seo gulped. "Y-yes, sir".

Han-seok nodded. "Fine, she's marrying into the family anyway. Have fun", he patted his brother's back.

Haru was more than excited to be going to Han-seo's hometown in Jeju (don't ask me why I pick Jeju 😅). Her mother and Cha-young had helped her pack.

"Remember your manners, Haru. Don't speak about the case or Han-seok", said Hana.

"Forget about the case while you're there. Consider it a short getaway trip to ease your mind", said Cha-young. She bid them goodbye and took off with Han-seo.

"My mother used to bring me here when I was really young".

The entire island was beautiful. She could see the beautiful flowers as they drove towards his grandmother's house.

His grandmother, Park Yu-ri was tending to her garden when Han-seo and Haru arrived. She set her tools down and greeted her grandson.

"Gosh, look at those eye bags. You've been working too hard again", she smiled and patted his cheek.

"It's nothing, grandma...", Han-seo smiled, "...I want you to meet someone".

"Why didn't you call sooner? I would've dressed better".

"Grandma, this is Haru. Haru, meet my grandmother", Han-seo introduced them both.

"Oh, is this the Haru that you always told me about? My goodness, she's so pretty", Haru blushed at the comment.

"Please to meet you, Mrs Park", Haru bowed.

"Gosh, drop the formalities, dear. Just call me grandma. Come, come, you two must be tired", she welcomed them in.

Haru insisted she helped in the kitchen with Han-seo. They made lunch and set it on the dining table outside.

"What do you do for a living, Haru?", Yu-ri asked.

"I'm a law intern".

"Ah, that's good. I'm grateful you love my grandson. He's not that very smart like...", Yu-ri wanted to say Han-seok, but she stopped herself.

"But Han-seo seems to get better in his job. He's been working very diligently".

"Haru~", Han-seo blushed.

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