The Sting

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(One of my favourite episodes 😆

God I'm bored at work)

Han-seo got out of shower and when he went to the kitchen to get a drink, he was surprised to find Han-seok there. This guy never seemed to leave Han-seo alone.

"You're up early. Any plans?", Han-seok asked, albeit too casual for Han-seo's comfort.

"N-No, I..., I just did some workout", said Han-seo.

Han-seo's eyes briefly went to the cardigan that was quite hidden under his cushion and the shoes peeking slightly under the same couch. No doubt Mr Go had to shove them somewhere when Han-seok made his sudden appearance.

"Wh-Why are you here?", Han-seo asked.

"I can't visit my little brother on the weekends?", Han-seok raised his brow.

"N-No, that's not what I mean".

"I just thought I dropped by to see how you're doing. You must've been quite heartbroken. Anyway, I need to go over some things later with Wusang".

"Oh, ok. Have a good day, sir", Han-seo bowed.

Han-seok looked at his little brother up and down. "You look like you're in good shape. Keep it up. I'll let you know when we make the next move", he said before leaving.

When Han-seok left, Han-seo breathed a sigh of relief. He back tracked to his room to see the bed empty - thank God Haru was still in the shower.

"Gosh, that asshole. What's he thinking of coming here?", Han-seo mumbled.

Mr Go came and told Han-seo that his brother had left the building. Han-seo nodded before drinking his water.

"Thank you, Mr Go, for hiding her stuff".

"I didn't expect him to come over here unannounced. Why did you bring her here, sir?", Mr Go asked.

"She's all alone at home. I can't leave her alone and unprotected".

"I will double the securities then, sir".

"Thank you, Mr Go".

Mr Go left just as Haru walked out all dressed. She had worn her pants from last night and found his shirt laying about.

"Do you mind if I borrow this?", she asked.

"No, you can wear it. You can wear my whole wardrobe if you want", Han-seo said, shyly.

"I heard your brother earlier. I'm sorry for asking to stay here", said Haru.

"It's ok, I didn't expect him to come unannounced. Thankfully, Mr Go hid your cardigan and shoes before Han-seok came in".

"You should get dressed..., or we'll be late", Haru averted her eyes.

Han-seo looked down and he was only wearing his towel. He excused himself and went to get dressed.

Han-seo walked out to find Haru making him some breakfast before their little sting operation. Han-seo handed her his sweater to be worn when they go out later.

Han-seo drove to the equestrian club and met up with Vincenzo and Cha-young there. Mr Nam was absent since he had a date.

Cha-young disguised herself as one of the staff while Han-seo and Haru rode horses nearby. Since Min-seong recognized what Han-seo looked like, Han-seo donned a knitted cap and glasses to disguise himself.

"This is actually quite fun", said Han-seo as he rode his horse.

"My mama actually learned horseback riding when she was a young girl in Japan. I guessed, after having us, she devoted her time to be a mother more than her passion for horses", Haru sighed.

"We should teach our children someday", said Han-seo, making Haru blushed.

Haru and Han-seo, including Cha-young, monitored Vincenzo as he interacted with Min-seong. Haru and Han-seo watched Min-seong took a whiff of Vincenzo's jacket.

"Gosh, he creeps me out", said Han-seo, shuddering.

Cha-young dropped the carrot she was holding as she watched Vincenzo riding the horse. Haru giggled seeing her boss gawking at the consigliere.

When Haru and Han-seo went to return the horses to their stables, they found Cha-young in the arms of Vincenzo. Both looked at each other, wondering if it's ok to interrupt.

"We should just put the horses and wait for them at the car", Han-seo whispered.

"Agreed, let's be quiet", Haru nodded.

Han-seo held Haru's hand as they walked back to the car. He opened the door for her before going in himself.

"What do you think will happen next?", asked Han-seo.

"Let's hope he falls for Mr Cassano and with that, we can stop the funding for Babel", said Haru.

"Han-seok will find a way to screw us over".

"Don't worry, Mr Cassano always has a plan".

Haru pulled the mirror on the visor down so she can put some balm on her lips. Han-seo stared at her lips, gulping at the idea that just came across his head.

Haru noticed his stare and turned to him. She closed in the distance and was about to kiss him when Cha-young knocked on the window, startling them.

"They're meeting at the clubhouse tonight. Get dressed..., and you can kiss each other later!", Cha-young then took off with Vincenzo.

"Gosh, that woman. Why did she ruin the moment?", Han-seo grumbled.

Haru stopped his grumbling by pulling him by the collar to kiss him. Haru let him go and giggled to see him red like a tomato.

"Better?", she asked.

"Y-Yeah. Let's get going", said Han-seo as he started the engine.

That night, Haru sat with Han-seo while Cha-young sat with Mr Nam at the bar. Haru gave an earpiece to Vincenzo and told him they will be listening at the bar.

Min-jun had brought home some of his work equipments and Haru found them in his room. They listened as Vincenzo tried his best to seduce Min-seong.

Han-seo ordered champagne and some strawberries for him and Haru and told Cha-young and Mr Nam to order whatever they want. They sat not far from Vincenzo and Min-seong.

Min-seong took the bait and had fallen head over heels for "Tae-ho". He even confessed to Vincenzo how his father had died, which resulted in his mother had sent the housekeeper to jail, who was only trying to defend herself from Min-seong's father.

Vincenzo asked him out this weekend. Both Cha-young and Haru looked at each other, knowing how Ms Oh was imprisoned had pissed Vincenzo off.

"Tae-ho, where should we go then?", Min-seong's question can be heard through the receiver with Cha-young and Haru.

"I know the best place", Vincenzo smiled.

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