The Puppet

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(Let's introduce our favourite boi who deserve everything in the world 🥺)

Han-seo woke up, sweating. He sighed - another nightmare. He turned to see it was too early in the morning, but he got up nonetheless.

He took out the little trinket from under his pillow. It was a bracelet with her initials on it. She told him it would ward off the nightmare. He chuckled, sighing wondering why he kept it after all these years.

He remembered her when he first went to that school. Everyone's eyes were on him as the son of a mistress, but she..., she saw him as a friend.

She first came to him, offering her food. He was hesitant at first, but she was the only one who would befriend him.

There were times that his older brother would taunt the girl who tried to befriend him. Han-seo wanted to fight back, but he was too scared of his brother.

He remembered the girl's brother would come to the rescue every time Han-seo's older brother tried to bully her. He was the only one to not be afraid of Han-seo's crazy brother.

Han-seo remembered her smile. She would greet him every morning with it. She was the only thing that kept him going, even when she had to move to a different school one day.

He remembered her giving him her bracelet that had her initials on it. She even snuck her phone number into his pocket, but Han-seo had to throw it away, in fear of his older brother discovering it.

"Don't worry, we'll see each other again", that was the last time he saw her smile and he had used that every time the torment blew onto him.

He sat at the breakfast bar, twirling the bracelet around. He smiled, remembering her and all the things they did together.

It was the only thing he had kept away from..., him. Han-seo often feared his older brother taking away the only thing that kept him living in this life. Perhaps, in fear of his own life, he had became his brother's puppet.

He never wanted to be where he is right now. He dreamed to be away from his older brother and this life. He wanted a life of his own - to live in peace and happiness.

Han-seo got ready for the day. He put on one of his best suits and used the gel to slick his hair back.

He looked through the report as he ate breakfast and he stopped. He looked at the lawyers who represented the plaintiff that's suing his company.

"Shit...", he thought as he looked closer, "...Is that her?".

Her name was stated there, clear as the day. He groaned, frustratingly. Why did it had to be her, out of all the people in the world?

On cue, his phone rang. The dreaded name was shown on the screen as Han-seo shakily swiped to answer it.

"Yes, sir", he greeted his older brother.

"Did you get the report? Do you see the lawyers?".

"Yes, I did".

"Isn't that her, little brother? The little girl that was your friend?", his older brother chuckled.

"...I'm not sure, sir. Perhaps, it's the same name", said Han-seo.

"I'm sure it's her, Han-seo. I did a background check".

Han-seo groaned internally. Of course he did a background check on every of his enemies.

"You're not going soft on her now, are you?", Han-seo could feel the threat even through the speaker phone.

"No, sir", he said.

"Good, don't let me down, little brother".

The call was hung up. Out of anger, Han-seo threw the bowl to the wall. He wanted to break down so bad. Why Haru? Why her out of all the people in the world?

He resumed the day as any other day for him. He even met the lawyer that was in charge of the lawsuit, whom he thought was a bit forward for just running to him like that.

One of the researchers that was staying in his villa went missing. He already knew that it will not be music to his brother's ears.

Han-seo went to the ice rink as instructed by his brother later in the day. His brother was suited up properly while he was still wearing his office attire as he stood in the middle of the rink.

"It's my fault. I should've kept an eye on the researchers, but I failed. I'll take care of it as soon as...".

The puck hit him directly on the gut, silencing him. Han-seo regained his posture and apologized once again, this time on the delay of the Babel Tower construction.

"There were issues with the building owner. I'll also take care of-".

This time, the puck hit his chest, causing him to fall on his knees on the cold rink. His older brother skated closer.

"I promise I'll do better. Please, give me a chance", Han-seo begged.

His brother didn't say a word as he raised his stick and hit Han-seo's back several time continuously.

Han-seo could do nothing, but to just withstand the blows his brother gave. His mind kept bringing him back to alcohol and drugs, but he had made a promise.

"Get lost", his brother skated away.

At his home, he looked at the newly formed bruises on his torso and back. He carefully dressed himself in his turtleneck and wore his jacket.

"Sir? Where are you going? You just got here", said one of his assistants, who was holding the first aid kit.

"I'm heading out, Mr Go. I won't be long", said Han-seo.

"But sir, your bruises...".

"You can look after them when I come home. I just..., I just need a walk".

"Yes, sir. I'll send a team with you right away", Mr Go bowed before leaving.

Han-seo had walked so far with his mind wandering off that he didn't realised he had arrived in front of Geumga Plaza. He thought of the little girl, who was the only friend he had.

"Haru..., why must it be you?", he mumbled.

Han-seo looked around and spotted the café across the street. The sudden need for caffeine overtook him and he crossed the street.

Then, he saw her. She was not the same, physically, since the last time he had seen her..., and she had saw him.

He froze as she got up and went to the counter before heading to the door. Her eyes bore worriedness over him and his heart kept telling him to go to her.

"Han-seo?", her voice was smooth as silk.

She made the first move to come closer, but then, the thought of his brother came to mind. No, he can't let him get to her and he knew, one of his staffs would surely report back to his brother if they see her with him.

He broke into sprint, getting away from her. Her voice was loud at first as she chased him for a bit, but her voice grew fader and he hid in an alleyway, peering to make sure she's gone.

He sighed in relief. His phone rang, as one of the security members were worried why he took off so suddenly.

"I can't let him get to her. I can't...", he repeated it to himself over and over again, even as if he got home and went to bed.

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