The Trap

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(The intelligence agency united! Han-seo helped Vincenzo with the Interpol)

Director Tae arrived in Jipuragi, finally meeting Vincenzo Cassano and Haru. He was surprised to know that they had access to the file all along.

"I apologise if my brother causes such trouble the other day", said Haru.

"Hey, what trouble?!", Min-jun shoved her a bit.

Director Tae handed the footage and they replayed the scene. Both Min-jun and Haru gave each other a high five.

"Wait, is this the boy Han-seo you've been mentioning, Min-jun?", Director Tae asked.

"You're right, he's soon to be Min-jun's brother in law", Vincenzo chuckled, causing Min-jun to groan.

"Hey, quit whining. If this goes through, your sister won't have to work another day in her life", said Director Tae.

"Thanks to all of you, I might be taking up a bigger position", said Director Tae again.

"Actually, I didn't do much. He deserves more credit", Vincenzo pointed out towards the upper level, where Mr Cho came down from his hiding.

Haru and Min-jun learned that Mr Cho was once an agent under Director Tae. An was surprised and thought that Mr Cho was somewhat looked familiar.

"You should catch up with your colleagues", said Cha-young.

"Which year did you join?", Mr Cho teasingly smacked An's cheek.

"An had joined before you started actually", said Director Tae.

Mr Cho immediately took his hand off and stood up straight. Min-jun and Haru giggled at their interaction.

"But Min-jun here started after you did", said Director Tae again.

Min-jun and Mr Cho bowed to each other and shook hands. "Finally, we can now meet officially", said Min-jun.

"Yes, I look forward to us working together", said Mr Cho.


Han-seo had anticipated this, yet he managed to look surprised when Representative Kim told Han-seok to lay low for a while until the new administration transitioned in. Han-seo and Han Seung-hyuk went to drink afterwards, to celebrate their success.

That's where he learned that Han Seung-hyuk set a trap out for Vincenzo - by tipping off the Interpol through the Cassano family in Italy. Han-seo entertained him until he left to go home.

Han-seo went to his car and called Vincenzo to warn him about what Han Seung-hyuk had in store for him. Of course, Vincenzo was already a few steps ahead.


When Interpol stormed in the ice rink, Han-seo and Vincenzo were pointing guns at each other. Han-seo would be lying if he was not scared at the loaded gun that was pointed at him and the ones around him.

Han-seo's hand shook when he pulled the trigger and Vincenzo fell to the ground. It was an act, obviously, but he had to give it to Mr Nam - the man's special effect skills were amazing.

When one of the Italians approached Vincenzo, he used that opportunity to take the man hostage and control the situation at hand. He brokered a deal with the Interpol by giving up Paolo in exchange for his freedom.

For Han-seo, however, he asked Vincenzo to shoot him to make it looked real. This was the last time Han-seo would trust Min-jun's words that a bullet graze didn't hurt as much as getting it pierced through. He should've just listened to Vincenzo.

Han-seok and Choi Myung-hee had a hard time believing Han-seo, who's now in the hospital to be treated. Seeing that Han Seung-hyuk had tipped the Interpol off, so why would Han-seo go all the trouble to lure Vincenzo out himself?

"Vincenzo is a mafia. Unless he gets a death sentence in Italy, he'll come back to kill us", said Han-seo.

"So, there were Vincenzo's men at the ice rink?", asked Han-seok.

Han-seo nodded. "He hid five of his men there. That sly bastard...".

"Then it means he had fooled us completely, doesn't it?", Han-seok scoffed.

"As frustrating as it is, it seems so", said Han-seo.

"How was he aware that the Interpol was coming to get him? Seeing that he hid his men there in preparation", Han-seok wondered.

"It had to be Min-jun, who else would have the knowledge to know when Interpol is coming over?", Han-seo said, as he had practiced earlier.

"Did he hire Min-jun as a mafia now?", Han-seok chuckled.

"You're probably right. I mean, he's been hanging around Vincenzo a lot lately. Sometimes, I wonder if he ever goes to work", said Han-seo.

Han Seung-hyuk can sense, as much as Choi Myung-hee did, that Han-seo was hiding something, but they let him slide for now. Haru waited until Han-seok and those two lawyers left the VIP Ward before heading into Han-seo's room.

"I hate your brother", Han-seo pouted.

"Can I make it up to you with two delicious bentos?", Haru set the food at the dining table in the ward.

"Wah, you're really spoiling me. Are you trying to make me fat?", Han-seo looked so happy.

"Grandma gave me specific instruction to make sure you're well fed, get enough sleep and destress when you need it", Haru kissed him.

Haru watched him happily digging in, but Han-seo frowned to see her not eating as well. He set his chopsticks down and took her hand.

"What's wrong? If you tell me I need to be well fed, then you should be too. Vincenzo will kill me if I don't take care of you".

"I'm fine, Han-seo. Maybe it's the hormones, but I'm fine. I'll eat later at Jipuragi, ok?".

"You sure?".

Haru nodded. "Don't worry so much, ok? Just rest".

"Oh, can you not stay at my place if I'm here? I don't want Han-seok to barging in if you're there on your own".

"I'll be staying with Cha-young and since she has a spare room, Min-jun will be there too", Haru smiled.

She gave him a goodbye kiss and told him to finish up the food. Han-seo recalled the incident at the ice rink and chuckled to himself.

On her way to Jipuragi, she stopped by to ByeBye Balloon with a box of pastries for them. Joo-eun, however, saw the changed of expression in Haru and handed Haru the wastebasket on time, just as Haru wretched out.

"Miss Haru, are you ok?", Seok-do asked.

"We should call a doctor", said Soo-nam, who was helping to rub Haru's back.

"No, it's ok...", Haru shook her head and thanked Joo-eun for the wastebasket and the tissues she just handed, "...It's nothing really. I'll be fine".

"Are you sure? You look really pale lately", said Joo-eun.

"It's just the stress. I will be fine when Han-seok goes to jail soon".

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