The Last Dance

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(A/N: I didn't realised we've passed the 1000 vote milestone 🎉

The police set out to hunt Vincenzo. Time to end the cat and mouse game once and for all


Thankfully, Min-jun was wearing a mask, so his face was hidden. Apparently, one of the guards reported Choi Myung-hee's abduction and now, the police put out an APB on both Vincenzo and Han-seok.

Mi-ri managed to wipe out the footage before the police got their hands on them. That way, Choi Myung-hee's disappearance won't be pinned down on Min-jun or Mr Cho.

Min-jun had brought some tools down for Vincenzo. He laid it out in the abandoned warehouse Min-jun had acquired from one of his military friends.

"You can go now", said Vincenzo.

"Do we have to go over this again?".

"Min-jun, you've done so much".

"I want to see this through the end. Please, Mr Cassano".

Vincenzo sighed. "I need you to hook up this to the pipes", he said.

Both got to work. Min-jun pulled out a bag of popcorn he had bought earlier to munch while waiting for Choi Myung-hee to wake up. He even offered some to Vincenzo.

Choi Myung-hee eventually woke up. She tried to get up and felt excruciating pain on her feet.

She turned to see Min-jun and Vincenzo walking towards her. Vincenzo flickered his lighter while Min-jun was busy munching away.

"Want some popcorn, ahjumma?", Min-jun offered.

"Don't bother standing up. It'll only add to the pain", said Vincenzo.

"Kill me already. Stop messing around", she said.

"You mess around with my family. You went so low to bribe a nurse at the hospital to know what my sister was doing, did you?", Min-jun scoffed, shoving the last popcorn in his mouth.

Vincenzo looked up, followed by Choi Myung-hee and Min-jun. "What are you going to do to me now?", she asked.

"I told you. I won't let you die comfortably", said Vincenzo.

"What difference does it make if you kill me? Think about it. Will it bring peace to the world? Or will it leave a meaningful message?", she said,

"...It makes no difference whatsoever. Like you said, I'm just a scumbag who was killed by another scumbag. No matter how cleverly you kill me, you both are a scumbag like me all the same".

"Not at all...", said Vincenzo.

"I'd love to hear how", she chuckled.

"...It may not bring world peace, but it just makes this world one less scumbag", Min-jun continued.

"I am Vaisravana, who leads yakshas and rakshasas", Vincenzo spoke.

"What are you talking about? Are you joking?", she asked, laughing afterwards.

"She lost it, Mr Cassano", said Min-jun.

"It seems our conversation is making her less afraid of death", said Vincenzo.

Min-jun stepped back with Vincenzo, who turned the faucet on, spraying all over Choi Myung-hee. Then, she realised it wasn't water.

Vincenzo played the gramophone and approached her. "You'll feel an intense pain from beginning to end", he said.

"Don't you think you're going to far?!", she yelled,

"This isn't right! Didn't you say you never harm women and children?!".

"To me, you're not a woman, but a monster driven by desires".

Min-jun chuckled, seeing her desperately pleading Vincenzo to just shoot her. Min-jun stepped up next to Vincenzo.

"Look at you..., desperate. You want mercy? Where's your mercy when you kill all those innocent people?! Where's your mercy when you illegally obtained info and told that bastard about my sister's child?!", Min-jun vented out his anger.

"Come, Min-jun. It's time", Vincenzo turned around.

"No, wait. I'm sorry. Get back here! Vincenzo!", she yelled.

Vincenzo tossed back his lighter, lighting the place and Choi Myung-hee on fire. Min-jun turned briefly to see her dancing one last time as the flames engulfed her entire body.

An informed them on Han-seok's whereabout. He had sent a team ahead and Vincenzo asked him to warn them that Han-seok was armed and dangerous. An urged them to be fast since the police had set out an APB on Vincenzo.

"You know the fastest way to get there?", Vincenzo asked.

"Who do you think I am?", Min-jun smirked, starting the car.

The team An had sent was Mr Tak, Seok-do, Larry and Chul-wook. They drove to the docks as they followed the GPS signal.

Spotting him, Seok-do pressed the gas pedal and barely hitting Han-seok. They stepped down to confront the monster.

"Look at you guys! Why are you so down?", Mr Tak smiled.

"This isn't right for a chairman of a conglomerate. How embarrassing", Larry remarked.

"Alright, let's get this party started!", Seok-do sounded motivated.

Han-seok stood watch as his men fought the tenants from Geumga Plaza. Not wasting time, Han-seok quickly went to his car, but Chul-wook grabbed him in a head-lock, stopping him from escaping.

Han-seok tried to shove him off, but it's as if it had no effect on Chul-wook, who only tightened his hold on Han-seok. Han-seok rummaged his pocket and found a knife, stabbing Chul-wook in the leg.

Chul-wook released his hold and Han-seok held the knife to his throat, stopping the tenants from fighting.

"Stop it, you bastard! That's enough! Let him go!", Mr Tak was concerned.

Han-seok raised his arm and stabbed Chul-wook in the chest before pushing him away. Mr Tak, Larry and Seok-do rushed over to help Chul-wook, but Han-seok held them back by pulling out his gun at them.

Bang! A bullet hit Han-seok in the leg. Han-seok fell to the ground and dropped his gun. They turned to see Vincenzo and Min-jun had arrived.

Mr Tak kicked the gun away and the three quickly rushed to Chul-wook. While Vincenzo tended to them, Min-jun sprinted forward and tackled Han-seok to the ground.

"Where do you think you're going, you shithead?", Min-jun punched Han-seok repeatedly.

"This is Haru! For Chang-min! For Yeon-shin! For those you've ever wronged in your life, you bastard!!".

Han-seok fought back, but Vincenzo shot him in the other leg. Min-jun was on top of him once more, grabbing him by the collar and punching him until he passed out. Min-jun let him go, feeling most of the anger finally dissipating from him.

Seok-do used his past nursing skills to help Chul-wook's injuries. Min-jun and Mr Tak quickly dragged the unconscious Han-seok to Vincenzo's car before helping Chul-wook into Seok-do's car.

The sirens could be heard from the distance. Vincenzo thanked them for everything before Seok-do pushed him to go as the police was approaching.

Min-jun drove fast, managing to evade the police on time. The tenants, on the other hand, rushed to the hospital to get treatment for Chul-wook.

Vincenzo updated Mr Nam on the situation, so Cha-young can be updated as well, even what happened to Chul-wook. Mr Nam, in return, informed Vincenzo and Min-jun the situation at the hospital.

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