The Fall of Babo

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(Team Jipuragi submits their lawsuit against Babel Tower. One by one, Han-seok's loyalists leave him and he gets a little surprise by our favourite brother and sister)

Haru printed out the last of the documents and handed it over to Mr Nam to be put into a folder. Finally, their lawsuit will be completed and ready to be submitted.

Haru followed her bosses to the court. She smiled at their confidence and followed them inside.


Han-seo had made sure his brother's penthouse were checked, but sadly, no bugs or unknown cameras were found. Earlier, his loyalists were lured to a cafe and some parts of the event that night was blasted out to the public.

Former Chief Prosecutor Hwang threatened that if this got out wholly, he will not stand down and make sure Han-seok goes down as well. Han-seok wondered who was the mole.

"It is likely that it was one of them", said Choi Myung-hee.

"It had to be Vincenzo", Han-seok huffed.

"But how? Could it be he used the intelligence agency director? Was that the one you met the other day?", she asked.

"No, the director was much older and the one we met was younger", said Han-seo.

"Min-jun did mentioned that he knew the director was corrupted", Han-seok scratched his head.

"If it's them, it's a pretty big blow this time", said Choi Myung-hee.

Then, she got a text, groaning when she saw it. "Hong Cha-young filed a claim for damages against Babel Group".

"That claim must be the checkmate, I suppose?", Han-seok turned to his trusted lawyer.

"So it seems", she said.

"Gosh, now I regret ever blessing your union to her", Han-seok mumbled.

What surprised Han-seok however was Haru and Min-jun in his penthouse. His guards were bounded and unconscious and Min-jun was armed with a gun this time.

"Did you really quit your job and join the mafia?", Han-seok seemed surprised.

"Sit down, Chairman Jang. We're about to have dinner", Min-jun turned back to the dining table.

Han-seok looked at the table to see it full of delicious foods Haru had made. She was even wearing the jewelry set he had given her. Both of the siblings were dressed in black, almost looking like mafias themselves.

Min-jun sat at the head of the table and said a short prayer after placing the gun at the counter top behind him. "Let's eat", he said, picking up his chopstick and began to eat.

Han-seok was weary at first, but he figured if he was going to die, Min-jun would've shot him earlier. He didn't remember the last time he had such a meal.

"I should've just forced you to marry me. Perhaps, I can eat all these everyday", Han-seok teased her.

"That would give me the great opportunity to actually poison you", Haru smirked.

"I think Mr Cassano mentioned it to me that poison with no taste and smell. What's it called again? Bella donna?", Min-jun asked.

Han-seok immediately dropped his chopsticks, wondering if his portion was poisoned. Haru and Min-jun giggled at his response.

"Poisoning you won't give us much satisfaction", said Haru.

"I'd ought to make you jump from the rooftop of your precious tower or hunt you down", said Min-jun.

"Those are great ideas", Haru pointed out.

"What do you want from me?!", Han-seok demanded.

"Your days are numbered, Mr Chairman. We just thought you want your last meal", Haru smiled.

"Don't you think you can control me just because you have the Guillotine file with you", Han-seok growled.

"What file?", Min-jun feigned a surprise.

"Don't play dumb with me!".

"Isn't this all just fun and games between us, Han-seok? Why so serious?", Min-jun chuckled.

"Wait till the tables turn, Lee Min-jun. I'll be happily dance over your dead body", Han-seok threatened.

"Be sure to play 2PM while you're at it. They're growing on me lately", Min-jun continued to eat.

"My bad", Haru giggled.

"Why are you standing? Eat up before it gets cold", said Min-jun.

"I've lost my appetite. You two can show yourself out", Han-seok went to his room.

Han-seok stripped of his clothes and wrapped his towel around his waist. Haru walked in and proceeded to approach him.

"Does Han-seo know you're here?", he asked, standing tall over him.

"Why? Are you gonna tell him?", Haru traced his chest with her finger, her eyes gave out the sultry sparkle.

"Gosh, Lee Haru. You just can't make up your mind, can you? You can't love my brother, but wanting me at the same time", Han-seok chuckled, his finger caressing her cheek.

"In your dreams", she chuckled.

Haru pushed him back and Han-seok fell to the bed. Instead of what Han-seok thought he'd be getting, Haru took off the jewelry set he gave her and tossed them to the bed.

"Find someone who suits them because it's not me, Jang Han-seok".

"You're seriously not gonna leave me like this", Han-seok scoffed.

Haru sent him a flying kiss, Hong Cha-young style, before leaving. She and Min-jun cleaned up the table for a bit and left Han-seok's food in a container before walking out.

Min-jun sent her back to Han-seo's penthouse after a short meeting with Vincenzo and Cha-young. All four of them had went to see their adversaries before the next step began.

Min-jun pulled out his phone and dialed. "It's almost time, I'll pick you up later".

Han-seok had forgotten that his guards were unconscious and sent to the hospital for treatment. He heard movement outside and jolted awake.

He went out quietly and grabbed his hockey stick. Then, four men walked out to confront him.

"Who are you?", Han-seok demanded.

"This is what you get for disrespecting your elders", said one of them.

Each one was holding a weapon and one of them, the school crest on his cap and bat looked familiar. Before Han-seok could press on, they began to relentlessly attack him.

One of them managed to tackle Han-seok to the ground and punched him repeatedly. Han-seok glanced at his attacker's eyes and somehow, they looked familiar.

He shoved the man off and ran out. His culprits chased him out onto the streets, but Han-seok managed to evade them. He waited until he was sure they were gone before limping back home, noticing a broken shard was deeply imbedded into his foot.

Choi Myung-hee helped to attend to his foot. For now, none of them could do a thing about it since Vincenzo had the upper hand.

Han-seok couldn't point fingers towards Min-jun. He would simply argued that it could've been anyone from their school with the same baseball bat and the fact that majority of their peers from that school hated him and probably wanted a chance to kill him.


Han-seok limped towards his car. Suddenly, a black car skidded in and four men came out, immediately attacking his guards.

One of the men pulled out a gun, sending Han-seok into a panic mode. He quickly got into his car and sped away, with his attackers firing at his vehicle.

Han-seok felt his heart raced. What made his blood boiled was the text he got afterwards.

"Enjoy your day..., while it lasts - MJL".

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