The Arrest

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(Team Jipuragi vs Team Babel as Prosecutor Jung arrests Han-seok after the bloody scene)

Mr Park gently woke Haru up and told her what happened. He even showed the video that went viral and Haru's eyes grew wider.

"They did that?!".

"Yes, miss. I don't like sending you over there, but I've been given orders".

Haru packed an overnighter, but she left her bunny for Han-seo as compensation. She arrived at Han-seok's place, which was much more lavish than Han-seo's, but to her, it wasn't home.

She decided to cook something for him, in hopes it will cool down his anger. He will surely interrogated her and she has already stepped down from official Jipuragi's fight against Babel.


"Why did you bring them in? You should lock up these punks! They poured pig's blood over him! This is assault!", Han Seung-hyuk pointed to Cha-young, Vincenzo and Min-jun.

"It's not assault. It's a prank...", Cha-young smiled, ignoring Han Seung-hyuk, "...I just pulled a little prank on my beloved friend".

She turned to Han-seok. "Between you and me, a prank like this is no biggie, isn't that right, Han-seok?".

"A 'prank'?! That's just nonsense!", Choi Myung-hee said.

"Charge them now", Choi Myung-hee turned to Prosecutor Jung.

Han-seok turned to Min-jun, who was just smirking. A smirk he was dying to rip off his face.

"Come on, Han-seok. As if we didn't do this when we were in school", said Min-jun.

"The video that played on the screen is obviously fabricated. Anyone can see that. I mean, he's good at doing stuff like this", Han-seo chimed in, pointing at Min-jun.

"Shouldn't you have verified the video before arresting him?", Choi Myung-hee questioned Prosecutor Jung.

"Right! If it's been acquired through illegal manner, I'll raise an issue right away!", said Han Seung-hyuk.

"Even without the video, the Vision Team's documents are good enough as evidences", Prosecutor Jung finally spoke, raising the hard drive he had acquired from Vincenzo.

"Anyway...", Choi Myung-hee sat back down, "...What evidences that the attorney for the union leader's family brought? Do you have any?".

Vincenzo pulled out a thumb drive. "Here's the testimony from the man who ran over the union leader..., under the influence".

He played it - the man admitting it and he said the reason was that he heard of the old case of a lawyer meeting the same end and the lawyer was Hong Yu-chan. The man was afraid to die in prison.

"In addition to anti-union activities, all of you will be charged with aiding and abetting murder", said Prosecutor Jung.

"What?", Han Seung-hyuk looked shocked.

"Me too?!", Han-seo shook his head.

"He said it was Mr Seo...", Choi Myung-hee pointed out "...Do whatever you want. We have nothing else to say".

"They say silence is golden, but a villain's silence is a warehouse of sins", Vincenzo locked eyes with Han-seok.

"That's a good phrase", Min-jun complimented.

"Shut up, you Mafia bastard!", Han-seo slammed his hand on the desk, startling Han Seung-hyuk

(A/N: Han Seung-hyuk needed a break 😂 he can't stop jumping at people slamming hands on the table)

"Watch your mouth!", Cha-young slammed harder, "You rude brat. How old are you?!".

"I was born in 1993! How old are YOU?!".

"Sit back down! I was born in the Year of Snake!", Cha-young tossed her jacket back like Michael Jackson.

Han-seo blinked before sitting down, as if his brain was computing. Min-jun pinched the bridge of his nose, wondering how his sister ever fell in love with this idiot.

"An Italian mafia scumbag and a wannabe James Bond..., are pretending to be heroes for justice. How ridiculous...", said Han-seok.

Both Vincenzo and Min-jun chuckled at his remarks. Min-jun wiped the genuine tears that came out of his eyes.

"A hero for justice, my ass...", said Vincenzo, "...I'm just a scumbag who cleans up scum. I can never stand scums that stink more than me".

"Besides...", Min-jun spoke, "...No hard feelings, eh Han-seok? I mean..., you had your men hit me with a truck and I helped with this prank. It's always fun and games between the two of us".

Cha-young leaned forward in her seat towards Prosecutor Jung. "May we leave now?", she asked.

Prosecutor Jung nodded. Vincenzo and Min-jun got up and made way for Cha-young to walk ahead.

Han-seok glared at his old schoolmate. Unfazed by it, Min-jun replied by giving him a casual salute before leaving.

The trio left with smiles and laughter, but for Min-jun it was only brief. He feared the repercussion that his sister might face later on if Han-seok is released later on. He prayed silently for her to be safe.

This wasn't the main goal for Team Jipuragi. Their main goal was to secure evidence of Han-seok's paper company, which was also Prosecutor Jung's second target. Tonight was merely a decoy to divert their attention.

This case, Han-seok will probably ask his brother to take the fall, but the sentence will be brief. For Cha-young, she wanted to force Babel to fully recognize their union and if this went according to plan, it will be the end of Han-seok.

Just as they predicted, Han-seo admitted to all the crimes, insisting that Han-seok was innocent. He figured that this would calm his brother down and he won't turn his anger towards Haru tonight.

"Vice Chairman Jang...", Han-seok called out to his brother, "...Why don't you calm down a little?".

"No, I'm fine. Ask me anything and I will answer them as thoroughly as I can", Han-seo bowed.

Before Prosecutor Jung could respond, Chief Prosecutor Hwang came into the room, saving Team Babel from their crimes. Despite protesting, Prosecutor Jung couldn't help but to let them go..., for now.

Han-seok went home. To his surprise, he found Haru in his kitchen, heating something up at the stove.

"I made some soup if you're interested", she said, sensing his presence.

"Han-seo said you're not feeling well".

"I took some meds. I can't afford to get sick now with reports piling up...", Haru turned to him, "...Go shower first. I'll make sure the soup is warm when you come out".

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