Calm Before The Storm

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(A/N: cue in "Oh no" from tik tok.

Han-seok makes THE mistake)

Haru helped to clean the cut on Han-seo's forehead. She placed a new plaster and kissed it.

"Better?", she smiled.

Han-seo smiled. She made him breakfast before he headed off to Han-seok's place.

He brought Han-seok a glass of water and a bottle of vitamins. Han-seok raised his brow, wondering what this is.

"Oh, it's for health. Haru made me take them. She bought this for you too".

"Really? Well, that's sweet of her", Han-seok popped one and swallowed it.

"Are you really not gonna tell me where you've been?", Han-seo casually asked.

"Why? It's none of your business anyway".

"I'm just worried, sir. That's all", said Han-seo, internally cursing his own brother.

"Oh, I'm having a private dinner with Miss Choi and Mr Han tonight. Tell Haru to come along and tell her to wear the jewelry set I gave her that day. No exception, got it?", Han-seok walked out.

When he relayed the message, Haru showed it to Vincenzo and Cha-young. She suddenly got flashbacks of the night of the dinner.

"If those two are there, I don't think he'll try anything", Cha-young pointed out.

"I really don't want to go", Haru sighed.

"Maybe you can find out something while you're there", said Mr Nam.

"You mean she should wear a wire?", Min-jun raised his brow.

"No, they would be suspicious of it", said Cha-young.

"Or maybe...", Vincenzo tapped his fingers to his chin.

"Miss Haru, do you mind if I see that jewel set?", Vincenzo asked.

Haru went back to Han-seo's penthouse to retrieve the jewelry set and a dress for the night. He texted Han-seo to pick her up at Geumga later on.

When Team Jipuragi opened the box, they were amazed at the jewelry set. Haru only wore them once, during the inauguration ceremony.

"Wah, he must've wanted you to look good when you make the announcement, but that traitorous prosecutor managed to intervene on time", said Mr Nam.

"Who does he thinks she is? She's a human, not some sort of trophy", Cha-young snorted.

"I don't really wear them, aside from the inauguration ceremony. After that night, I don't think I can wear anything he gave me", Haru shuddered.

Haru suddenly felt light headed and Vincenzo quickly caught her, sitting her down on the chair. Cha-young quickly opened the window to let the air in.

"Sis, you ok?", it was Min-jun's turn to be worried.

"I'm fine. Lately, I just don't feel so good, not since that night. Plus, he made that steak way too raw for my liking".

"Mr Cassano, should she even go?", Mr Nam sounded worried too.

"We don't want him to think anything suspicious. Han-seo nearly let himself slipped", Vincenzo sighed.

"Perhaps, she should rest first before tonight, right?", said Cha-young.

Haru passed out and Min-jun and Vincenzo set her on the couch. She didn't wake up until later when it was almost time to go.

Cha-young helped Haru with some make-up. Min-jun had placed a micro recorder on one of the earrings, so they can record what was being converse during dinner.

Haru looked pale, even with makeup on. She took deep breaths and walked out to meet up with Han-seo outside.

Han-seo clutched her hand, reassuring her that he's there for her. They arrived at this fancy and private restaurant and they were led to where Han-seok was.

Choi Myung-hee and Han Seung-hyuk arrived not long after Haru and Han-seo. Haru sat next to Choi Myung-hee while Han-seo sat next to Han Seung-hyuk.

"Ah, Haru. I'd like to thank you for the vitamins you gave me today", Han-seok raised his glass to her.

Haru could only smile and nod, only drinking water while the rest drank alcohol. Han-seok noticed Haru's complexion and her refusal on the alcohol.

"Are you pregnant or what?", Han-seok asked straightforward.

"No, I just had my period", Haru frowned.

"Some women experience similar pregnancy symptoms during PMS", Choi Myung-hee chimed in.

"Perhaps you should be the one to take the vitamins", Han-seok rolled his eyes and drank.

"By the way, you're in a good mood today", Han-seo pointed out.

"Because I killed Vincenzo's mother", Han-seo popped a gummy into his mouth.

Han-seo and Haru looked at each other while Han Seung-hyuk was surprised to hear it. Haru nearly dropped her glass, suddenly feeling difficulty to breathe.

"The one he has finally reunited with after 30 years", Han-seok chuckled.

Haru turned to Choi Myung-hee, who showed no expression at all. Haru wanted to bash the glass to her head, killing this monster next to her.

"He must be devastated, don't you think so, Haru?", Han-seok made it sounded like all of this was just a game to him.

Haru wanted to cry so bad, but she was frozen on the spot. She felt as if her throat was restricted and she can't breathe. Han-seo quickly got up and rubbed Haru's back.

"Were you aware of this?", Han Seung-hyuk asked his partner, but her silence was just as good of an answer to him.

"Why? Are you scared I killed his mother?", Han-seok raised his brow.

"No, sir...", Han Seung-hyuk chuckled nervously, "...I'm just worried it might worsen the current situation. No good can come out from provoking him, sir".

"Since you two have "joined hands", you must share the same feeling, right?", said Choi Myung-hee.

"Joined hands? What are you implying?", Han Seung-hyuk frowned.

"How dare you talk so impudently?", Han-seo got up, getting irritated with this ahjumma.

"I'm not being impudent. Just stating a fact".

Han-seo turned to his brother. "Sir, that's not true. You know I've been lacking. That's why Mr Han has been helping me".

"You've been meeting each other a bit too often for "just lending a hand". I guess since Haru can't help you, that's why you two joined forces, am I right?", said Choi Myung-hee.

"Have you been watching me?", Han Seung-hyuk rose from his seat, looking angry.

"How could you keep tabs on your allies?", Han-seo pointed out.

"It's because you weren't acting like our allies. You're also sleeping with the enemy", Choi Myung-hee turned to Haru.

"Who the fuck do you think you're talking to?!", Han-seo yelled, angrily, surprising his own brother for his use of profanity.

"See? You hung around Min-jun way too often", Han-seok chuckled as he rolled his eyes.

Suddenly, a haggard and bloodied looking man came crashing their private dinner. Han-seo quickly pulled Haru to his side, holding her in his arms and shielding her, especially when the man was shot in the head by none other than Vincenzo Cassano.

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