The Attack

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(The Lee siblings meet up with Luca. Min-jun promises Mi-ri for a late night drink and arrive to an incident. Haru and Han-seo announce a happy news)

Han-seo was downright nervous. He had called Min-ryu and Hana yesterday to ask for their blessings.

Haru was surprised to see Han-seo during lunch. He handed her a bouquet of roses and a smaller version of her pink bunny.

"What's this?", Haru asked, sniffing the rose.

Han-seo turned to Cha-young. "Can you gather everyone? I have a great news".

They all gathered at Arno. Han-seo thanked them for their time before turning to Haru.

"There's a zipper on the bunny. Open it".

Haru turned the bunny over and unzipped its back. She found a small, red velvet box and gasped.

"Is that...?", Miss Kwak gasped.

Haru opened it to find a golden band with diamonds encircling it. It wasn't too extravagant and just as how Haru liked it.

"Grandma wanted you to have it...", Han-seo knelt down on one knee.

"Oh, boy, here comes the cheesy part", Min-jun groaned, which Vincenzo lightly jabbed him.

"Lee Haru, this may sound cheesy, but I love you. You gave me hope and love. You show me that it's ok to be afraid because that's how we can be strong. I want to spend my life with you. After all we've been through, I want to be with you and experience life with you in all its ups and downs. So..., will you marry me?", Han-seo had the biggest grin in the room.

"It's so beautiful", Joo-eun sobbed.

Jeokha and Chaesin began to chant their blessings as Haru nodded and cried when Han-seo put the ring on her finger. Haru showed off the ring to the tenants, who took turns to congratulated her.

Min-jun and Vincenzo stood next to Han-seo. Min-jun patted the younger Jang by the shoulder, just happy to see his sister happy.

"Break her heart and I'll break your neck, you punk", Min-jun warned.

"And we'll bury you in an unmarked grave", said Vincenzo.

"Yes, sir", Han-seo smiled.

"Go and celebrate, you punk", Min-jun smiled and ruffled Han-seo's hair.


The news didn't stay silent for long. Choi Myung-hee took a screenshot before going to visit Han-seok.

She brought some of Han-seok's favourite snacks before showing the news. Han-seok scoffed and leaned back in his seat.

"That sly bastard...".

"I guess they were waiting for you to go to jail before making the announcement".

"I can never bed her. There's always something that prevented me from doing so. Is this what they call miracle, Miss Choi?", Han-seok chuckled.

"I'm sorry, I should've seen this coming", she said, bowing to him.

"In any case, I'm safe here, right?".

"Yes. Prosecutor Jung and I will take care of the paper company as well as the Babel Tower".

"I can't leave for now, right?".

"No, sir".

Han-seok leaned forward. "I refuse to watch Babel Tower fall from behind bars. Get me out as soon as you can. Got it?".

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