The Reunion

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(Han-seo bumps into Haru and warns her)

Haru nearly bumped into Yu-chan as she arrived to office. She saw how angry her boss was and went in to ask what had happened.

"14 Babel researchers died in an explosion last night", Mr Nam sighed.

"It's never going to end, isn't it, Mr Nam?", Haru also sighed as she set her things on her desk.

"People like them will always be around, Haru. When there's money, there's power and the corruption that comes with those who abuse the power given".

"We will never win then. It's like hydra", said Haru.

"Hydra?", Mr Nam frowned.

"It's a mystical being from Greece. My mama used to tell me stories about them. Hydra is like a snake with many heads and if you cut off one head, two more will grow back. It's the same like these people. We can take down one, but two more will take their place".

"Well, they are snakes themselves", Mr Nam drank his coffee.

Haru resumed her work until lunch. She went to the café across the street to buy her lunch.

She told Yu-chan of who Jang Han-seo was. She wondered what he'll do with such information. She wondered..., what will be Han-seo's endgame?

She contemplated of sharing this with Vincenzo, but she figured a man like him must've known things like that and will always be 10 steps ahead. She sighed as she took the last bite of her sandwich.

"Jang Han-seo..., what are you doing?", Haru mumbled to herself.

She wondered why he would collude with the very man who had tormented and tortured him all his life. She also wondered how Han-seo's older brother became what he was.

"Where is he? Jang..., gosh, I can't remember his name", Haru grumbled as she bit the straw of her drink.


Han-seo loosened his tie and took a large gulp of his drink. He should've seen it coming when he watched the news.

He changed into a hoodie and slipped on his running shoes. He raised the hoodie up, covering his head and face as he went out running.

He ran fast, trying to tune out the stress and the torment. He wished that he could just run away from all these.

He stopped his run, panting as he tried to catch his breath. He looked up and frowned - why did he kept coming back to Geumga Plaza?

He looked and found her at the bus stop, casually swinging her legs as she sat there on her own. She was smiling as she watched the sky, looking at the stars.

He contemplated whether or not if he should approached her. What if someone saw them together? No, he can't let that happened, but....

Han-seo took baby steps to approach her. Will he hate her, knowing that he's the face of Babel, the very company she's fighting against..., or will she greet him like an old friend?


Haru turned to the other side of the street when she felt a pair of eyes on her. Her gaze landed on a hooded figure that was Jang Han-seo.

She slowly stood up, wondering if he would run like last time. The two stood there, at the opposite of the street from each other for a moment before Han-seo moved towards her.

When he was in front of her, she placed her hand on his cheek. For a moment, he felt safe and peace.

"What are you doing here?", she asked, her eyes teared up.

"I was..., running...", he said.

"It's what you should be doing now. Why are you still with him?", she asked.

"And you! Why are you on the case?!".

Haru frowned. "I work for Hong Yu-chan. Of course I'm on the case!".

"Why? He knows, Haru. It won't be long before...", the thought of her dead crossed his mind.

"Before what? Before I end up dead like the people I represent? Fine, if that's how it's supposed to be. People like me will not stop! We will not stop until it's right!", said Haru.

Haru grabbed her bag to walk away, but Han-seo caught her by her wrist. He quickly pulled her in his arms and he dragged her under the bus stop for cover.

"Haru, please! Stay away, I don't want you to get hurt", Han-seo pleaded.

"No! You can't tell me what to do!".

"Haru! I don't want you to die!".

The slap came unexpected. He was quite used to being slapped, but this..., this hurt more than the usual ones he received.

"Tell that to the people that your company has killed", Haru walked away.

Han-seo stood there, frozen on the spot. They didn't die by his hands, but he was involved in it and her words hurt him..., more than HIS words.

Haru spotted Min-jun's car approaching and ran towards it. Min-jun hit the brakes and the car stopped.

Haru got in, telling him to drive fast. Min-jun hit the accelerator and they left Geumga Plaza.

Haru was in tears and that got Min-jun pissed off, but she refused to say anything. When they got home, Haru got a call from Cha-young.

"Hello?", Haru sniffled.

"Why are you crying?", Cha-young sounded as if she had been crying too.

"It's nothing, just met an old friend. What can I do for you, Miss Hong?".

"My father..., there was a truck", Cha-young sobbed.

Min-jun was startled when Haru suddenly burst into tears. Their parents quickly headed outside when they heard her cried.

"Haru, what happened? Min-jun, what's going on?", Hana asked.

"Mr Hong..., there was a truck. He's dead!", Haru hugged her mother.

Min-jun drove them to the hospital that night. They found Cha-young by her father's body and Haru was quick to be by her side.

Min-ryu bowed before Yu-chan's body. "You were a great friend and a lawyer. I wish we have more time to talk. Rest now, friend".

Min-jun's father was quite recluse. He had very little friends. In fact, Min-jun didn't know most of his father's friends.

Min-jun approached the body and bowed. "Don't worry, sir. I'll watch over them now".

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