The Saviour

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(I love when An made his entrance like he was the coolest in the room)

Han-seo got a sudden text from his brother the next day, asking him to join him for lunch. He already got a bad feeling, but he complied and went anyway.

He cut up the cooked rare beef, just like his brother preferred and he already started to lose his appetite. Han-seok, on the other hand, was enjoying his steak.

"They caught me, little brother", said Han-seok.

"What?", Han-seo looked and sounded surprised.

"That bastard Min-jun is still alive, apparently", Han-seok chuckled.

"Wha-What do you mean? I saw his body!".

"He's clever, Han-seo. Clever and dangerous".

"But..., Haru..., she was crying for days!".

"Ah, that tiny girlfriend of yours. She's quite the actress. She should quit law and become an actress. I bet many will adore her", Han-seok shook his head.

"Perhaps, you should go into hiding, sir".

"Perhaps, maybe to father's hunting villa".

"Sir?", Han-seo gulped, trying to be brave.

"Yes?", Han-seok cut up the meat and ate another slice.

"How about you entrust me with Babel Pharmaceuticals?".

"Hmm, you want to run the company without my interference?".

"No, that's not what I meant...", Han-seo chuckled, nervously, "...I've learned a lot from you..., so, I think I can do it by myself".

Han-seok nodded. "I bet you have your own ideas too", he smirked. 

Han-seo was about to breath a sigh of relief when suddenly, Han-seok threw another fit by shoving his part of the table to the side in anger. Han-seo stepped back, watching the food his brother was going to eat scattered all over the floor.

Han-seok approached his little brother, like a monster to its captured prey. He grabbed the knife from Han-seo's plate and placed it by his little brother's neck. Han-seo begged his brother to stop as he felt the cold metal by his skin.

"Should I slit your throat, so you stop thinking?", Han-seok's eyes grew wide.

"Sir, please. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry", Han-seo kept begging.

"No. Maybe, I should die", Han-seok used his free hand to grip his brother's hand that was on his armed hand and set the knife to his own neck.

"No, sir! Please!", Han-seo begged.

"That way, Babel will be yours, right? Then, you can live happily ever after with that bitch, won't you?", Han-seok looked crazed and manic.

Han-seo fought the urge, but between him and his brother's grip, he never stood a chance. Han-seok slowly dragged the knife to dig into his skin a little and blood began to drip.

"Sir, please. I'm so sorry...", Han-seo felt he wanted to cry so bad, "...I just wanted to lessen your burden. That's all. I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!".

"My burden isn't Babel Pharmaceuticals...", said Han-seok, gripping his brother's hair next, "...It's you".

Han-seo nodded. "I-I'll ne-never ask s-something like that ag-again. I'm sorry, sir", he stuttered.

"If you ask me something like that again, I swear...", Han-seok growled, "...I'll hurt her. I mean it, Han-seo. I'll hurt her in a way I know it'll kill you".

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